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单词 statute
释义 statute nounadjective | verb + statute | statute + verb | statute + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤legal法规▸➤federal, parliamentary, state联邦法;议会法;州法律▸➤criminal刑法verb + statute➤enact, pass颁布/通过法令▸➤comply with, violate遵守/违反法规➤uphold维护法规◆the court upheld a federal statute.法庭维护了联邦法令。➤interpret解释法规◆the supreme court interpreted the statute in light of its recent rulings.最高法院根据其最近的裁决对该法规进行了解读。➤amend修正法规statute + verb➤bar sth, prohibit sth法规禁止⋯➤authorize sth, provide for sth法规批准⋯/规定⋯◆the statute provided for a maximum sentence of 53 months.该法令规定最高刑罚为 53 个月的监禁。➤impose, require法规强制/要求statute + noun➤law成文法◆the obligations of the employer in common and statute law普通法和成文法中的雇主义务➤book法令全书◆this archaic law remained on the statute books until last year.这项陈旧的法规去年才从法令全书中删除。preposition➤by statute依据法律规定◆local authorities are required by statute to provide care homes for the elderly.法律规定地方政府须为老年人设立养老院。➤under (a/the) statute在法规下◆a trading company formed under statute依法成立的贸易公司phrases➤statute of limitations (law法律) 诉讼时效法规◆the judge threw out the case because the statute of limitations had expired.因超过诉讼时效,法官拒绝审理此案。 statute /stætʃuːt/ noun1. [countable, uncountable] a law that is passed by a parliament, council, etc. and formally written down 法令;法规;成文法◆the duties of company directors are laid down by statute. 公司董事的职责由法律作出规定。2. [countable] a formal rule of an organization or institution 规则;章程;条例◆shareholders rejected a proposed change in the company statutes. 股东否决了修改公司规章的建议。☞ statutestatute /stætʃuːt/ [countable] a law that has been passed by a parliament, council, etc. and formally written down; a formal rule of an organization or institution成文法;法令;章程;条例◆penalties are laid down in the statute.法规中有关于惩罚措施的规定。◆corporal punishment was banned by statute in 1987.1987 年通过的法令明文禁止体罚。◆it is not yet on the statute book (= it has not yet become law).成文法中还没有这方面的规定。◆under the statutes of the university they had no power to dismiss him.按大学的规章制度,他们无权开除他。statute/ˈstætʃu:t ||; ˈstætʃυt/noun [c] (formal 正式) a law or a rule 法规;法令;条例 statutesee ⇨ law 1 stat·ute /`stætʃt; ˈstætʃuːt/n [c]formal a law or rule 【正式】 法令; 法规; 成文法




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