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单词 pull up
释义 pull upphrasal verb(of a vehicle or its driver) to stop(车辆或司机)停车,停止◆he pulled up at the traffic lights.他在红绿灯处停了车。 pull up (to cause a car, etc) to stop (使汽车等)停下来pull upsee ⇨ stop 11 pull upphr v 1. [i] if a car pulls up, it stops [车辆]停下:◇a red buick pulled up at the lights. 一辆红色别克车在红绿灯处停了下来。 2. pull up a chair to get a chair and sit down near someone 拉过一把椅子[坐到某人身边] 3. [t pull sth ↔ up] to pull plants out of the ground [从地里]拔出[植物]




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