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单词 summer
释义 summer nounadjective | summer + noun adjective➤last, this past (especially name) 去年夏天;刚刚过去的夏天▸➤the following, next, this, this coming接下来的夏天;明年夏天;今年夏天;即将到来的夏天▸➤early, late初夏;夏末▸➤high盛夏◆seville is scorching in high summer.塞维尔的盛夏酷热难当。➤good, hot, scorching宜人的/炎热的/酷热的夏天➤cool凉爽的夏天▸➤dry, wet干燥的/多雨的夏天➤humid潮湿的夏天▸➤indian小阳春;迟来的成功◆we had an indian summer that year.那年我们遇到了一个小阳春。◆she seems to be enjoying an indian summer of popularity. (figurative) 她似乎是大器晚成。➤long漫长的夏天summer + noun➤heat, temperature, weather暑热;夏日的温度;夏日天气▸➤sun, sunlight, sunshine夏日的阳光▸➤rain, rains夏雨▸➤breeze, wind夏日的微风;夏天的风▸➤sky夏日天空▸➤solstice夏至▸➤camp, course, school夏令营;暑期课程;暑期学校▸➤term (especially bre) 夏季学期◆there are two new courses being run in the summer term.夏季学期将开设两门新课。➤break, holiday, recess, vacation (name) 夏休;暑假◆i went home for the summer holidays.我回家过的暑假。◆i returned home for summer vacation.暑假我回家了。➤season (especially name) 夏季➤job暑期工作➤time (bre) 夏令时◆the extra light brought by british summer time英国夏令时带来的额外的日光➤home, house避暑别墅▸➤garden夏日花园▸➤flower夏日花朵▸➤clothes, clothing, dress夏装;夏裙▸➤collection, exhibition, festival, programme/program, stock, tour夏季时装发布会;夏季展览会;暑期节目;夏季轮演;夏季巡演◆he began his acting career in summer stock.他的演艺生涯从剧团的夏季轮演开始。➤blockbuster, film, movie (especially name) 暑期大片;暑期档影片▸➤olympics, sports夏季奥运会/运动会  ➡ note at season (for more collocates) summer/ˈsʌmə(r) ||; ˈsʌmɚ/noun [c,u] one of the four seasons of the year, after spring and before autumn. summer is the warmest season of the year 夏天;夏季: ◇is it very hot here in summer ? 这儿夏天很热吗?◇a summer's day 夏日 ☞picture at season 见season插图 ➔summery adj summery weather 夏季的天气◇a summery dress 夏装 sum·mer /`sʌmə; ˈsʌmə/n [c,u]the season between spring and autumn, when the weather is hottest 夏天,夏季:◇are you going away this summer? 你今年夏天去度假吗? ☞ summer




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