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单词 gnaw
释义 gnaw /nɔː/ [transitive, intransitive] to keep biting sth or chewing it hard, so that it gradually disappears咬;啃;啮◆the dog was gnawing a bone.那只狗在啃骨头。◆rats had gnawed through the cable.老鼠把电缆咬断了。gnaw/nɔ: ||; nɔ/verb1. [i,t] gnaw (away) (at/on) sth to bite a bone, etc many times with your back teeth 啃(骨头) 2. [i] gnaw (away) at sb to make sb feel worried or frightened over a long period of time 使长期感到担心或害怕: ◇fear of the future gnawed away at her all the time. 她一直为前途问题担心不已。 gnawsee ⇨ bite 4 gnaw /nɔ; nɔː/v [i,t]to keep biting something 啃,咬:◇the animal began to gnaw at the ropes holding her. 那动物开始咬那条束缚着它的绳索。gnaw at sbif a feeling or thought gnaws at you, it makes you feel worried or anxious [情感或思想]困扰,折磨[某人]:◇guilt had been gnawing at me all day. 罪疚感整天困扰着我。




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