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单词 frank
释义 frank adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition | phrases verbs➤be坦率adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极为/相当/非常坦率▸➤remarkably襟怀坦白▸➤absolutely, perfectly, quite绝对/非常/颇为直率◆let me be perfectly frank with you.让我完全坦白地跟你说吧。➤disarmingly, refreshingly (especially bre) 坦率得让人放心/让人感到耳目一新◆she surveyed sophie from top to toe in a disarmingly frank way.她以让人放心的坦率目光把索菲从头到脚打量了一番。➤brutally无情地直率◆she was brutally frank in her assessment of our chances.她丝毫不顾及我们的感受,直言不讳地指出我们没什么机会。➤surprisingly出人意料地坦率preposition➤about坦言⋯◆macmillan was quite frank about his concerns.麦克米伦十分坦率地说出了他的担心。➤with对(某人)坦率◆to be frank with you, i don't really think you have a chance.坦白对你说,我认为你没有机会。phrases➤full and frank坦白直率◆a full and frank exchange of views十分坦诚地交换意见➤to be frank (with you)...坦白地(对你)说◆to be frank, i don't care who wins.坦白说,我不在乎谁获胜。 frank /fræŋk/ verb [transitive] (often be franked) to stamp a mark on an envelope, etc. to show that the cost of posting it has been paid or does not need to be paid (在信封上)盖邮资已付印记,盖免费邮资印记◆a franked envelope 盖有“邮资已付”邮戳的信封◆a franking machine 邮戳机;自助邮资盖印机☞ frankfrank (often approving) honest in what you say, sometimes in a way that other people might not like坦率的,直率的(有时可能不讨人喜欢)◆a full and frank discussion一次全面而坦诚的讨论◆a frank admission of guilt坦率承认问心有愧◆he was very frank about his relationship with the actress.他毫不隐讳自己和那个女演员的关系。▸ frankly adverb◆he spoke frankly about the ordeal.他如实讲述了所受的苦难。◆quite frankly, i'm not surprised you failed.老实说,我对你的失败并不感到意外。▸ frankness noun [uncountable] ◆they outlined their aims with disarming frankness.他们坦诚地简述了他们的宗旨。frank/fræŋk ||; fræŋk/adj showing your thoughts and feelings clearly; saying what you mean 坦诚的;坦率的: ◇to be perfectly frank with you, i don't think you'll pass your driving test. 老实告诉你,我想这次驾驶考试你通不过。 ➔frankly adv ◇please tell me frankly what you think about my idea. 你对我的想法有什么意见,不妨跟我直说。 ➔frankness noun [u] franksee ⇨ honest 2     • • •• ⇨ to be frank/frankly frank /fræŋk; fræŋk/adj 1. speaking in an honest and direct way, and not trying to hide the truth or your true feelings 坦诚的,直率的:◇a frank exchange of opinions 坦诚的意见交换◇i'll be perfectly frank with you — he may not recover. 我坦白告诉你 — 他可能恢复不了健康。 2. to be frank spoken used when you are saying what you really think 【口】 坦白地说:◇to be frank, i don't think it will work. 老实说,我觉得这行不通。




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