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单词 optimistic
释义 optimistic adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤appear, be, feel, look, seem, sound显得乐观;乐观;感觉乐观;看上去乐观;好像乐观;听起来乐观▸➤become变得乐观▸➤remain, stay仍然乐观adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/颇为/非常乐观▸➤highly极其乐观◆he remained highly optimistic that an agreement could be reached.他仍然很乐观地认为能够达成协议。➤excessively, hopelessly, incredibly, overly, unduly, wildly过分地乐观;乐观得荒唐;乐观得难以置信;没有道理地乐观;极其乐观◆these estimates were wildly optimistic.这些估计都过于乐观。➤a little, slightly, etc.有点儿/稍微乐观▸➤reasonably乐观得有道理▸➤generally总体上乐观◆a generally optimistic view of the future对未来基本乐观的态度➤cautiously, guardedly, quietly (especially name) 谨慎乐观◆i don't want to exaggerate our chances, but i'm cautiously optimistic.我不想夸大我们的机会,但我持谨慎的乐观态度。preposition➤about对⋯乐观◆he's very optimistic about his chances.他对自己的成功机会非常乐观。☞ optimism optimistic adjectiveoptimistic ♦︎ hopeful ♦︎ positive ♦︎ bullish ♦︎ upbeat ♦︎ expectantthese words all describe sb feeling that sth will probably or certainly happen in the way that they want or expect.这些词均表示乐观的、满怀希望的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆optimistic / hopeful / positive / bullish / upbeat about sth◆optimistic / hopeful that...◆an optimistic / a positive / a bullish / an upbeat / an expectant mood◆an optimistic / a positive / a bullish / an upbeat note◆an optimistic / a hopeful / a positive / a bullish view◆an optimistic / a positive / a bullish attitude / outlook◆an optimistic / a bullish prediction / forecast◆to feel optimistic / hopeful / positive / bullish◆to remain optimistic / hopeful / positive / bullish / upbeat■ optimistic expecting good things to happen or sth to be successful乐观的;抱乐观看法的◆she's not very optimistic about the outcome of the talks.她对会谈的结果不太乐观。◆they are cautiously optimistic that the reforms will take place.他们对改革能否实行表示审慎的乐观。◆i think you are being a little over-optimistic.我看你有点过于乐观了。opp pessimistic → negative  ➡ see also optimism → hope noun 1 ▸ optimistically adverb◆he spoke optimistically about better relations between the two countries.他乐观地谈到两国关系将会变得更好。■ hopeful [not usually before noun] believing that sth you want will probably happen抱有希望;满怀希望◆i feel hopeful that we'll find a suitable house very soon.我对很快找到合适的房子抱有希望。◆he is not very hopeful about the outcome of the interview.他对面试的结果不抱很大希望。 opp hopeless → desperate  ➡ see also hopeful → promising , hope → hope noun 1 ■ positive thinking about what is good in a situation; confident and hopeful about the future积极乐观的;自信的;对未来有信心的◆she tried to be more positive about her new job.她力求更积极地对待新工作。◆on the positive side, profits have increased.从好的方面看,利润增加了。opp negative → negative ■ bullish /bʊlɪʃ/ (especially business尤用于商业) confident and hopeful about the future对未来有信心的;积极乐观的◆fraser was in (a) bullish mood about the future of his company.弗雷泽对他公司的未来充满信心。■ upbeat /ʌpbiːt/ (rather informal, especially business尤用于商业) positive and enthusiastic; making you feel that the future will be good乐观的;快乐的;积极向上的◆the tone of the speech was upbeat.这次讲话的基调颇为乐观。◆the presentation ended on an upbeat note.展示会在乐观的气氛中结束。 opp downbeat → negative ■ expectant (especially written) hoping for sth, especially sth good and exciting期待的;预期的;期望的◆a sudden roar came from the expectant crowd.期待的人群突然欢声雷动。◆an expectant hush came over the room.房间内一片安静,人们屏息以待。ⓘ expectant is mainly used to talk about a crowd, people's faces, a look or the hush or silence of people waiting for sth exciting to happen. people are usually expectant about sth that they think is going to happen soon, rather than later in the future. * expectant 主要用以描述 crowd、face、look ;或修饰 hush 或 silence,指人们静静地等待令人兴奋的事情发生。expectant 通常指人期待某事即将发生而非在较远的将来才发生。  ➡ see also expectancy → hope noun 1 ▸ expectantly adverb◆she looked at him expectantly.她满怀期望地看着他。optimisticexpecting good things to happen or sth to be successful乐观的;抱乐观看法的◆she's not very optimistic about the outcome of the talks.她对会谈的结果不太乐观。◆they are cautiously optimistic that the reforms will take place.他们对改革能否实行表示审慎的乐观。◆i think you are being a little over-optimistic.我看你有点过于乐观了。opp pessimistic → negative  ➡ see also optimism → hope noun 1 ▸ optimistically adverb◆he spoke optimistically about better relations between the two countries.他乐观地谈到两国关系将会变得更好。optimistic/ˌɒptɪˈmɪstɪk ||; ˌɑptəˈmɪstɪk/adj optimistic (about sth/that...) expecting good things to happen or sth to be successful; showing this feeling 乐观的;抱乐观态度的: ◇i've applied for the job but i'm not very optimistic that i'll get it. 我申请了那份工作,但对于被录用与否并不太乐观。 [opp] pessimistic 反义词为pessimistic➔optimistically /-kli ||; -klɪ/ adv [opp] pessimistically 反义词为pessimisticallyoptimisticsee ⇨ expect 5 ⇨ hope 1 op·ti·mis·tic /ˏɑptə`mɪstɪk; ˌɒptɪˈmɪstɪk◄/adjbelieving that good things will happen in the future 乐观的:◇+ about tom's optimistic about finding a job. 汤姆对找工作抱乐观的态度。 ☞ optimistic




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