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单词 pace
释义 pace noun¹ 1one step一步verb + pace | preposition verb + pace➤take, walk迈步◆take two paces forward.向前走两步。➤step back向后退◆step back three paces.向后退三步。preposition➤pace behind在后面一步◆two bodyguards remained a couple of paces behind the president.两个保镖一直跟在总统身后两三步处。➤pace from离⋯一步◆i stopped a few paces from the edge of the cliff.我在离悬崖边还有几步远的地方停了下来。pace noun² 2speed速度adjective | verb + pace | pace + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤blistering, breakneck, breathtaking, brisk, cracking, fast, frantic, frenetic, frenzied, furious, good, great, hectic, lightning, lively, rapid极快的速度;危险的高速;惊人的速度;轻快的节奏;疯狂的速度;忙碌的节奏;闪电般的速度;飞快的速度▸➤gentle, glacial, leisurely, relaxed, slow, unhurried, walking徐缓的步伐;极慢的速度;悠闲的速度;缓慢的速度;不慌不忙的步调;步行的速度◆the slow pace of economic reform缓慢的经济改革步伐➤even, measured, moderate, steady平稳的/中等的/适中的速度verb + pace➤gather, increase, quicken加快步伐;加快速度◆the project had a slow start, but is now gathering pace.这个项目开始时进展缓慢,但现在正逐步加快速度。◆thinking that she was being followed, she quickened her pace.感到被人跟踪,她加快了脚步。➤slacken, slow down放慢脚步;减慢速度▸➤dictate, set指定速度;领跑◆brown set the pace in the first mile.布朗在开始的 1 英里领跑。➤keep, keep up, maintain跟上步伐;保持速度◆the younger children struggled to keep pace with the older ones.小一点儿的孩子努力跟上大一点儿的孩子。◆she kept up a pace of ten miles an hour.她将速度保持在每小时 10 英里。➤stand (bre) 能跟上节奏◆you shouldn't have such a job if you can't stand the pace.如果你受不了这种紧张的节奏,就不应该做这样的工作。pace + verb➤increase步伐加快▸➤slow速度放慢preposition➤at a... pace以⋯速度◆they set off at a blistering pace.他们一起跑就跑得飞快。➤pace of⋯的速度◆the pace of change means that equipment has to be constantly replaced.这种变化速度意味着设备非得经常更新不可。◆the pace of life is much slower on the islands.岛上的生活节奏慢得多。phrases➤at sb's own pace以某人自己的节奏◆the students work at their own pace.这些学生以适合自己的进度学习。➤at a snail's pace以蜗牛般的步子◆i set off at a snail's pace to conserve my energy for later in the race.比赛开始时我的速度很慢,目的是为比赛后半程保持体力。➤a change of pace节奏的改变◆i try to get away at weekends for a change of pace.周末的时候我总是尽可能外出度假,以变换一下生活节奏。➤a turn of pace (bre) 节奏的变换◆he's a skilful player with a good turn of pace.他是一位懂得变换节奏、技术娴熟的选手。pace verbadverb | verb + pace | preposition | phrases adverb➤slowly慢慢踱步▸➤anxiously, nervously, restlessly焦虑地踱步;紧张地踱步;不安地走来走去◆she paced restlessly up and down.她不安地走来走去。➤about, around, back and forth, round, to and fro, up and down走来走去;来回踱步◆he paced slowly back and forth.他慢慢地来回踱步。verb + pace➤begin to开始踱步preposition➤about, around, round (especially bre) 在各处走来走去phrases➤begin pacing开始踱步◆she began pacing around the room.她开始在房间里踱来踱去。 pace /peɪs/ noun [countable, uncountable] the speed at which sth happens or is done 速度;步速◆the slow pace of change 缓慢的变化◆retail sales rose in january at their fastest pace in two years. 一月份零售额以两年来最快的速度上升。◆how long will our workers keep up this pace? 这个速度我们的工人能维持多久?◆the pace of job losses is slowing now. 失业的情况现在正在缓和。◆the economy grew at a respectable 3.1 per cent pace. 经济增长了 3.1%,速度相当可观。  ➡  rate ⨁ a brisk / fast / rapid / record pace轻快的步伐;快速的步伐;飞快的速度;创纪录的速度 ⨁ a moderate / slow / sluggish / steady pace不紧不慢的/缓慢的/迟缓的/稳定的速度 ⨁ to increase / step up the pace (of sth)加快(某物的)速度 ⨁ to change / slow the pace (of sth)改变/降低(某物的)速度 ●keep pace (with sth)to happen, develop, or act at the same speed as sth else 并驾齐驱◆the company has not kept pace with its rivals. 这家公司无法与其对手匹敌。●put sb/sth through their/its pacesto give sb/sth a number of tasks to perform so that you can judge what they/it can do 考查某人的本领;考查某物的性能;考验某人(或某物)是否合用◆the new system has been put through its paces. 新系统已经过测试。●set the paceto do sth at a particular speed or to a particular standard so that other people are then forced to copy it if they want to be successful 领先;起领头作用◆his company has continued to set the pace with new technology and designs. 他的公司在新技术和设计方面一直领先。◆they became the footsie's best performer and set the pace for the rest of the sector. 它们成为《金融时报》 100 指数中表现最佳的企业并在本行业中领先。 pace /peɪs/ verb [transitive] pace yourself to work at the speed or level of activity that suits you best, so that you can continue without getting too tired 调整自己的工作节奏◆she'll have to learn to pace herself in this job. 她必须学会适应这项工作的节奏。☞ pace☞ pacepace [singular, uncountable] the speed at which sb/sth walks, runs or moves; the speed at which sth happens; the fact of sth happening or changing quickly(行走、移动或事情发生的)速度;快速变动;快节奏◆we set off at a leisurely pace.我们以悠闲的步子出发。◆traffic was reduced to walking pace.车流的速度降低到如步行一般缓慢。◆i prefer the more relaxed pace of life in the country.我喜欢乡间较为悠闲的生活节奏。◆he gave up his job in advertising because he couldn't stand the pace (= things happened and changed too fast for him) 他辞去了广告业的工作,因为他承受不了那种快节奏。◆the novel lacks pace (= it develops too slowly).这部小说节奏太缓慢。pace [countable] one step that you take when walking or running; the distance that you cover when you do this(走或跑时)迈出的一步;一步(的距离);步幅◆she took two paces forward.她向前迈了两步。◆jean followed a few paces behind.琼在后面几步远的地方跟着。 ➡ see also pace → walk verb 1 pace [intransitive, transitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition通常与副词或介词连用) to walk up and down in an area a lot of times, taking regular steps, especially because you are feeling nervous or angry(尤指因紧张或愤怒)来回踱步,走来走去◆she paced up and down outside the interview room.她在面试室外面踱来踱去。◆he was pacing the room like a caged animal.他像关在笼子里的动物一样在房间里走来走去。 ➡ see also pace → step noun pace¹/peɪs ||; pes/noun1. [u] [sing] pace (of sth) the speed at which you walk, run, etc or at which sth happens 速度;步调;步伐: ◇to run at a steady / gentle pace 以稳定╱不疾不徐的速度跑步◇i can't stand the pace of life in london. 我受不了伦敦那种生活节奏。◇students are encouraged to work at their own pace (= as fast or as slowly as they like). 学生被鼓励按照自己的步调来学习。 2. [c] the distance that you move when you take one step 一步;步幅: ◇take two paces forward and then stop. 向前走两步然后停下来。 keep pace (with sb/sth) to move or do sth at the same speed as sb/sth else; to change as quickly as sth else is changing 与…并驾齐驱;跟得上(某人或某事物): ◇wages are not keeping pace with inflation. 工资增长跟不上通货膨胀。 set the pace to move or do sth at the speed that others must follow 定步调;树立榜样;带头: ◇pinto set the pace for the first three miles. 平托在最初的三英里跑在前面。 pace²/peɪs ||; pes/verb [i,t] to walk up and down in the same area many times, especially because you are nervous or angry 来回踱步(尤指因为紧张或生气) pacesee ⇨ speed 1 ⇨ walk 2,16     • • •• ⇨ at a snail's pace• ⇨ keep pace with• ⇨ quicken your pace☞ pace¹☞ pace²




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