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单词 plunge¹
释义 plunge¹ /plʌndʒ; plʌndʒ/v 1. [i] to fall downwards, especially into water 掉落[尤指掉进水中]:◇the van plunged into the river. 小货车猛地冲进河里。 2. [t] to push something into another thing using a lot of force 将[某物]猛地插进[另一物]:◇he plunged the knife into the man's chest. 他将刀子猛插进那男子的胸部。 3. [i] to suddenly become lower in value [价格]突然下跌,暴跌:◇the price of gas plunged to 99 cents a gallon. 汽油的价格骤跌至一加仑 99 美分。plunge sb/sth into sthto cause someone or something to be in a bad, difficult or dangerous situation 使陷入:◇america was suddenly plunged into war. 美国突然陷入了战争。




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