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单词 publicize
释义 publicize (bre also publicise) verbadverb | verb + publicize | phrases adverb➤well很好地宣传▸➤widely广泛宣传verb + publicize➤help (to)有助于宣传phrases➤little publicized几乎未得到宣传➤highly publicized, much publicized广受关注◆her highly publicized affair with a leading politician她与一位政界头面人物广为人知的风流韵事 publicize , publicise /pʌblɪsaɪz/ verb [transitive] to make sth known to the public; to advertise sth 宣传;推广;传播◆we use a range of promotional products to publicize the brand. 我们通过一系列的促销产品来宣传这个品牌。◆a highly/much/widely publicized event 一项受到高度/大力/广泛宣传的活动☞ publicizepublicize (bre also publicise) /pʌblɪsaɪz/ [transitive] to make sth known to the public宣传;宣扬;传播◆they flew to europe to publicize the plight of the refugees.他们飞往欧洲报道难民的惨状。◆in a much publicized speech (= that has received a lot of attention on television, in newspapers, etc.) she condemned the government for its inactivity.在一个受到广泛关注的演讲中,她指责政府不作为。note 辨析 advertise or publicize?people usually advertise jobs or events in print, in a newspaper, on public notices or on the internet. people publicize events or information by talking about them a lot in public or holding special events, which then get reported on television, in newspapers and on the internet. * advertise 通常指在报纸、公告牌或互联网上刊登征聘广告或宣传活动。publicize 指反复公开谈论或举办特别活动,电视、报纸和互联网等媒体随后会对其报道。publicize/ˈpʌblɪsaɪz ||; ˈpʌblɪˌsaɪz/(also -ise) verb [t] to attract people's attention to sth 宣传: ◇the event has been well publicized and should attract a lot of people. 那活动已广为宣传,应该可以吸引不少人。 publicizesee ⇨ advertising 1 ⇨ tell 4 pub·li·cize /(also 又作 -ise bre 【英】) /`pʌblɪˏsaɪz; ˈpʌblɪsaɪz//v [t]to tell people about a new film, book etc, or about something that is planned to happen, in newspapers, on television etc 宣传,推广:◇well/highly publicized (=when something is mentioned a lot in newspapers, on television etc) 广受关注的: camilla's highly publicized relationship with prince charles 卡米拉与查理斯王子被广泛报道的关系




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