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单词 strip
释义 strip noun¹ 1long, narrow piece条状物adjective | strip + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤long长条▸➤narrow, thin, tiny窄条;细条;小条▸➤thick, wide粗条;宽条◆cut the meat into thick strips.把肉切成粗条。➤plastic塑料条➤magnetic磁条◆a card with a magnetic strip on the back背面有磁条的卡➤chicken (especially name) 鸡柳◆grilled chicken strips烤鸡柳➤test测试条◆the kit contains five test strips.套装内有 5 个测试条。➤rumble (bre) (路面的)齿纹震动带◆the road has speed bumps, crash barriers and rumble strips.这条路上有减速带、防撞护栏和齿纹震动带。➤coastal狭长的海岸▸➤landing简易跑道◆this aircraft requires a good-sized landing strip.这架飞机需要相当宽的降落跑道。strip + noun➤steak (name) 纽约客牛排preposition➤in strips以小条◆the wallpaper can then be torn off in strips.随后墙纸就可以一条一条地撕下来。➤strip of一窄条⋯◆a narrow strip of leather窄窄的一条皮革phrases➤cut sth into strips, tear sth into strips将⋯切成条状/撕成条状strip noun² 2taking clothes off脱衣strip + noun➤bar, club, joint (especially name) 脱衣舞酒吧/俱乐部/夜总会➤show脱衣舞表演➤poker脱衣扑克➤search光身搜查strip verb¹ 1take off your/sb's clothes脱下衣服preposition | phrases preposition➤off脱掉衣服◆we stripped off and went for a swim.我们脱了衣服去游泳。➤(down) to脱到⋯程度◆office workers stripped down to their shirtsleeves in the heatwave.热浪中,办公室职员脱得只剩下衬衣。phrases➤strip (sb) naked(将某人)扒光◆he was stripped naked and left alone in a cell.他被扒光衣服单独关进了一间小牢房。➤strip to the waist脱光上衣◆he stripped to the waist and began to dig.他脱光上衣开始挖起来。strip verb² 2take sth away拿走adverb | preposition | phrases adverb➤completely完全去除▸➤away, off, out拿开;拿掉;清除◆strip out any damaged wiring.清除所有损坏的配线。preposition➤from从⋯剥除◆the bark is stripped from the trees by hand.树皮是用手撕下来的。➤of剥夺◆the president had been completely stripped of power.总统的权力已完全被剥夺了。➤off揭下◆we stripped all the paint off the walls.我们把油漆全部从墙上刮下来。phrases➤strip sth bare掠走⋯里的一切财物◆the room had been stripped bare by the thieves.房间被盗贼洗劫一空。 strip /strɪp/ verb [transitive] (-pp-) strip sth from sb/sth | strip sb/sth of sth to remove sth from sth/sb 除去;剥去◆they were found guilty of stripping millions of dollars of assets from the company. 他们被发现犯有侵吞公司数百万元资产的罪行。◆three of the company's directors were stripped of their posts after the scandal. 公司的三名董事在那个丑闻之后被解职。  ➡  asset-stripping (finance 金融) to remove the right to interest payments from a bond so that they can be sold separately from the bond 拆卸(债券);将息票从债券上分离◆ a 10-year bond paying interest every 6 months could be stripped into 21 stripped bonds—one for each interest period plus the principal. 一张 10 年期每 6 个月付息一次的债券可以拆分为 21 张剥离债券 ── 每个利息期各一张外加本金一张。 ●strip sth awayto remove anything that is not necessary 揭去;清除◆they are looking at ways of stripping away unnecessary regulation in the pensions industry. 他们正在想办法废除养老金行业不必要的规章制度。●strip down ●strip sth downto remove parts from sth in order to make it smaller, simpler, etc. 精简◆many companies are stripping down to the essentials. 许多公司精简到了最小规模。◆we have stripped down the sales process to help cut costs. 我们精简了销售流程以帮助降低成本。●strip sth downto separate a machine, etc. into parts so that they can be cleaned or repaired 拆开,拆卸(机器等)◆the used computers are stripped down, cleaned, reassembled and sold. 旧电脑被拆开、清洁、重新组装然后出售。●strip sth out (of sth) remove or not include sth 剔除;不包括◆when south america is stripped out of the overall total, the sales figures are in fact quite good. 当南美从总数中被剔除后,事实上销售业绩非常好。 (bre) to take parts out of a machine so that they can be cleaned or repaired 拆卸 strip /strɪp/ noun [countable] (name) a street that has many shops/stores, restaurants, etc. along it 商业街◆sunset strip 日落大道 (finance 金融) the right to interest payments on a bond (the coupon) that is sold as a separate investment (债券)息票 magnetic strip ☞ strip☞ strip strip nounstrip ♦︎ ribbon ♦︎ band ♦︎ stripe ♦︎ sashthese are all words for a long narrow piece of sth, especially paper, fabric or other material.这些词均表示纸或织物等的条、带。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a strip / ribbon / band of sth◆a broad strip / ribbon / band / stripe◆a wide strip / ribbon / band / sash◆a narrow strip / ribbon / band / stripe◆a thin strip / ribbon / band◆a red / blue / yellow, etc. band / ribbon / stripe / sash◆a horizontal / vertical strip / band / stripe◆to wear a ribbon / band / sash■ strip [countable] a long narrow piece of sth, especially paper, fabric or metal(尤指纸、织物或金属的)条,带◆cut a strip of paper 12cm wide.剪一张宽 12 厘米的纸条。◆cut the meat into strips.把肉切成条。■ ribbon [uncountable, countable] a narrow strip of fabric, used to tie things or for decoration(用于捆绑或装饰的)带子,丝带◆her present was tied with yellow ribbon.她的礼物上系着黄丝带。◆she was wearing two blue silk ribbons in her hair.她的头发上系着两根蓝色丝带。ⓘ a ribbon of sth is something that is long and narrow in shape. * ribbon of sth 指狭长的东西◆the road was a ribbon of moonlight.这条路在月光下如同一条缎带。■ band [countable] a thin flat strip or circle of any material that is put around things; a strip of colour or material on sth that is different from what is around it带;箍;条纹;条饰◆she always ties her hair back in a band.她总是用一根带子把头发扎到后面。◆all babies in the hospital have name bands on their wrists.医院里所有新生儿手腕上都套着写有名字的手箍。◆the bundle was held together with a rubber band.那捆东西用橡皮筋捆扎着。◆she wore a simple band of gold (= gold ring) on her finger.她戴着一枚净面的金戒指。◆the plate was white with a blue band around the edge.那个盘子白色带蓝边。■ stripe [countable] a long narrow line of colour that is a different colour from the areas next to it条纹;线条◆he was wearing a grey shirt with white stripes.他穿着一件灰地白条的衬衫。◆why does the zebra have black and white stripes?为什么斑马会有黑白条纹呢?▸ striped (bre also , informal stripy) adjective◆a blue and white striped jacket蓝白条夹克■ sash [countable] a long strip of fabric worn around the waist or over one shoulder, especially as part of a uniform(尤指制服上的)腰带,肩带,饰带◆he withdrew his sword from inside his sash.他从腰间抽出一把剑。◆she wore a white dress with a blue sash.她穿了一件有蓝腰带的白色连衣裙。strip [countable] a long narrow piece of sth, especially paper, fabric or metal(尤指纸、织物或金属的)条,带◆cut a strip of paper 12cm wide.剪一张宽 12 厘米的纸条。◆cut the meat into strips.把肉切成条。strip(-pp-) [transitive] to remove a layer from sth, especially so that it is completely bare除去,剥去(一层);(尤指)剥光◆strip off all the existing paint.把现有的油漆全部剥掉。◆deer had stripped the tree of its bark.鹿啃掉了树皮。◆after the guests had gone, i stripped all the beds (= removed all the sheets in order to wash them).客人走后,我把被罩床单全都撤了下来。strip(-pp-) [intransitive, transitive] to take off all or most of your clothes脱光衣服;脱掉大部份衣服◆i stripped and washed myself all over.我脱掉衣服,把全身都洗了。◆we stripped off and ran down to the water.我们脱掉衣服,跑进水里。◆she stripped down to her underwear.她脱得只剩下内衣。◆he stood there stripped to the waist (= the upper part of his body was bare).他脱光了上身站在那里。◆he was stripped naked and left in a cell.他被扒得一丝不挂,关在一间牢房里。strip¹/strɪp ||; strɪp/noun [c] a long narrow piece of sth 狭长的一片;一条: ◇a strip of paper 一张纸条 strip²/strɪp ||; strɪp/verb (stripping;stripped) 1. [i,t] strip (sth) (off) to take off your clothes; to take off sb else's clothes 脱衣服: ◇the doctor asked him to strip to the waist. 医生请他把衣服脱到腰部。◇i was stripped and searched at the airport by two customs officers. 我在机场被两个海关人员脱衣检查。 2. [t] strip sb/sth (of sth) to take sth away from sb/sth 取走;褫夺: ◇they stripped the house of all its furniture. 他们将房子内的家具都搬走了。 3. [t] strip sth (off) to remove sth that is covering a surface 除去或剥去表层: ◇to strip the paint off a door 除去门上的油漆◇to strip wallpaper 剥去墙纸 stripsee ⇨ clothes 4,10,11 ⇨ piece 4 ⇨ remove 3☞ strip¹☞ strip²




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