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单词 arbitration
释义 arbitration nounadjective | verb + arbitration | arbitration + noun adjective➤binding有约束力的仲裁◆both sides have agreed that the arbitration will be binding.双方都赞同仲裁具有约束力。➤independent, international独立/国际仲裁➤salary (especially name) 薪资仲裁verb + arbitration➤agree to, go to, submit to (especially bre) 同意进行/诉诸/提交仲裁◆both parties agreed to independent arbitration.双方都同意进行独立仲裁。◆the matter will go to arbitration.这件事将诉诸仲裁。➤refer sth to, submit sth to, take sth to把⋯诉诸/把⋯提交/把⋯付诸仲裁➤offer sb (especially name) 给予某人仲裁▸➤determine sth by, settle sth by (both bre) 通过仲裁决定⋯/解决⋯◆the matter will be settled by arbitration.这件事将通过仲裁解决。arbitration + noun➤procedure, process, scheme, service, system仲裁程序/过程/方案/服务/制度➤case仲裁案例➤hearing仲裁听证会➤panel仲裁小组➤award仲裁裁决◆he had won an arbitration award against the company.仲裁裁决认定他状告公司获胜。arbitration /ɑːbɪtreɪʃn; name ɑːrb-/ noun [uncountable] (law 法律) the official process of settling a legal disagreement by sb who is not involved rather than by a court 仲裁;公断◆both sides in the dispute have agreed to go to arbitration. 争执双方已同意提交仲裁解决。◆they called for arbitration to resolve the strike. 他们要求仲裁解决罢工。  ➡  mediation ⨁ an arbitration board / hearing / panel / system仲裁委员会/聆讯/小组/制度 ☞ arbitrationarbitrationnoun [uncountable] ◆both sides in the dispute have agreed to go to arbitration.争执双方已同意提请仲裁。arbitrationnoun [uncountable] ◆both sides in the dispute have agreed to go to arbitration.争执双方已同意提请仲裁。arbitrationsee ⇨ judge 4 ar·bi·tra·tion /ˏɑrbə`treʃən; ˌɑːbɪˈtreɪʃən/n [u]the process in which someone tries to help two people or groups to agree 仲裁; 公断




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