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单词 probation
释义 probation nounverb + probation | probation + noun | preposition verb + probation➤give sb, place sb on, put sb on, sentence sb to判处某人缓刑◆he was placed on probation for two years.他被判缓刑两年。◆she was sentenced to a year's probation.她被判处缓刑一年。➤get, receive得到/获得缓刑◆she received probation upon completing a drug rehab course.完成戒毒疗程后,她得到了缓刑。➤release sb on判缓刑而释放某人➤violate违反缓刑◆he was sentenced to eight months in jail for violating his probation.他因违反缓刑条例而被判 8 个月的监禁。probation + noun➤order (especially bre) 缓刑令◆he was under a probation order for attacking a photographer.他因为袭击一名摄影师而被处以缓刑。➤officer监护官▸➤department, office, service (bre) 缓刑监督局/办事处/机构➤hostel (bre) 缓刑犯收容所➤period试用期◆once your probation period is successfully completed, you will be offered a contract.一旦你的试用期圆满结束,就可以签合同。➤supervision缓刑监督◆the effectiveness of regular probation supervision正规缓刑监督的有效性➤violation违犯缓刑条例preposition➤on probation服缓刑;在试用期中◆the judge put her on probation for a year.法官判她服缓刑一年。◆he joined the company on six months' probation.他进入了这家公司,有 6 个月的试用期。 probation /prəbeɪʃn; name proʊ-/ noun [uncountable] (hr 人力资源) a time of training and testing when you start a new job to see if you are suitable for the work 试用期;见习期◆a period of probation 试用期2.a period of time during which a person or a company that has not been doing well must improve (为表现不佳的个人或公司而设的)留用期,考察期◆he said that management was on probation and some people may be dismissed. 他说正在对管理层留职察看,某些人可能会被解雇。 ▸ probationary /prəbeɪʃnri; name proʊbeɪʃəneri/ adjective◆a probationary period 试用期 ▸ probationer noun [countable] ☞ probationprobation/prəˈbeɪʃn; us prəʊ- ||; proˈbeʃən/noun[u] 1. a system that allows sb who has committed a crime not to go to prison if he/she goes to see to an official (a probation officer) regularly for a fixed period of time 缓刑制(犯罪后被准许不坐牢,但须定期去见缓刑监督官): ◇jamie is on probation for two years. 杰米被判缓刑两年。 2. a period of time at the start of a new job when you are tested to see if you are suitable 试用期: ◇a three-month probation period 三个月的试用期 pro·ba·tion /pro`beʃən; prəˈbeɪʃən/n [u] 1. a system of keeping an official check on criminals, helping them to behave well instead of sending them to prison 缓刑(制):◇on probation he's on probation for theft. 他因偷窃被判缓刑,还在缓刑期内。 2. a period of time when someone starts a new job in which they can show whether or not they are suitable for that job [做新工作的一段]试用期,见习期




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