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单词 oppressive
释义 oppressive /əpresɪv/ (of people in positions of power) treating some people in a cruel and unfair way and not giving them the same freedoms and rights as other people(掌权者)压迫的,压制的,高压统治的◆the refugees were fleeing from oppressive social and political conditions.难民从压制的社会和政治环境中逃离。oppressive/əˈpresɪv ||; əˈprɛsɪv/adj1. allowing no freedom; controlling by force 压迫性的;暴虐的 2. (used especially about heat or the atmosphere) causing you to feel very uncomfortable (尤指热的程度或空气)难以忍受的,闷热的 oppressivesee ⇨ control/not control 4 ⇨ government 4 ⇨ hot 3 op·pres·sive /ə`prɛsɪv; əˈpresɪv/adj 1. cruel and unfair 暴虐的,残酷的; 不公平的:◇an oppressive military government 暴虐的军政府 2. making you feel uncomfortable 使人不舒服的; 难受的:◇oppressive heat 令人难以忍受的炎热




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