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单词 opposed
释义 opposed adjective¹ 1opposed to disagreeing strongly with sth强烈反对verbs | adverb verbs➤be强烈反对▸➤remain仍然反对adverb➤adamantly, bitterly, deeply, fiercely, firmly, fundamentally, implacably, resolutely, strongly, vehemently, very, very much, vigorously, violently坚决反对;强烈反对;竭力反对▸➤absolutely, completely, directly, totally, utterly, wholly (especially bre) 绝对反对;完全不同意;断然反对;彻底反对▸➤largely在很大程度上反对▸➤actively, openly, publicly积极反对;公开反对◆the party most openly opposed to military rule最公开地反对军事统治的政党➤personally (especially name) 个人反对opposed adjective² 2very different from sth相反verbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be, seem, stand相反;好像对立;保持相反▸➤remain仍然相反adverb➤completely, diametrically, directly, entirely, fundamentally, utterly (especially bre) 完全相反;截然不同;根本上相反;大相迳庭◆our views are diametrically opposed on this issue.在这个问题上,我们的观点截然不同。➤mutually彼此相左◆the two sets of values seemed mutually opposed.这两套价值观好像彼此相左。preposition➤to与⋯相反◆his actions seemed directly opposed to the values of the company.他的所作所为似乎完全背离了公司的行为准则。opposedadjective [not usually before noun] disagreeing strongly with sth and trying to stop or prevent it强烈反对;阻挠◆they are totally opposed to abortion.他们坚决反对堕胎。opp in favour of sth → in favour (of sb/sth)  ➡ see also opposition → opposition opposed [not usually before noun] (rather formal) (of ideas or opinions) very different from sth(看法或意见)截然不同◆our views are diametrically opposed on this issue.在这个问题上,我们的观点大相迳庭。opposed/əˈpəʊzd ||; əˈpozd/adj opposed to sth disagreeing with a plan, action, etc; believing that sth is wrong 反对(计划、行动等)的;认为…是错误的: ◇she has always been strongly opposed to experiments on animals. 她一向都极力反对用动物来做实验。 as opposed to (used to emphasize the difference between two things) rather than; and not (用于强调两个事物之间的差别)而不是: ◇your work will be judged by quality, as opposed to quantity. 衡量你的工作是以质量而不是以数量为标准。 opposed• ⇨ be against/be opposed to• ⇨ diametrically opposed op·posed /ə`pozd; əˈpəʊzd/adj 1. be opposed to to believe that something is wrong and should not be allowed 反对:◇most people are opposed to the death penalty. 大部分人反对死刑。 2. as opposed to used to compare two different things or amounts 与…对比,而不是:◇the discount price is £25, as opposed to the usual price of £50. 折扣价是 25 英镑,而原价是 50 英镑。 ☞ opposed




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