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单词 opening¹
释义 o·pen·ing¹ /`opənɪŋ; ˈəʊpənɪŋ/n [c] 1. when a new business, building etc starts to be available for people to use [公司的]开张; [建筑物的]启用; 开放:◇the opening of the new art gallery 新画廊的开张 2. the beginning of something 开始:◇a speech at the opening of the conference 会议开幕致辞 3. a job or opportunity that is available [职位的]空缺; 机会,机遇:◇are there any openings for gardeners? 有园林工人的空缺吗? 4. [c] a hole or space in something 孔,洞; 空隙:◇an opening in the fence 篱笆上的缺口




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