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单词 shelf
释义 shelf nounadjective | verb + shelf | shelf + verb | shelf + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤high, low高架子;低架子▸➤deep进深大的架子▸➤bottom, middle, top底层/中层/顶层架子◆he took a book down from the top shelf.他从架子最上层拿下了一本书。➤bare, empty空架子▸➤open开放式架子▸➤dusty布满灰尘的架子▸➤glass, metal, wooden玻璃搁板;金属架子;木架子➤book (usually bookshelf) , cd, dvd, video书架;光碟架;数字影碟架;录像带架➤bathroom, kitchen, library, shop, store, supermarket浴室搁架;厨房搁板;图书馆书架;商店货架;超市货架◆the supermarket shelves were bare.超市货架空空如也。➤closet (especially name) 壁橱搁板verb + shelf➤have有搁板◆the cabinet has three shelves.贮藏柜有 3 层搁板。➤build, put up搭起搁板◆she soon learned how to put up her own shelves.她很快就学会了自己搭架子。➤arrange sth on, display sth on, put sth (back) on, replace sth on, return sth to, stack sth on把⋯摆到搁板上;在架子上展示⋯;把⋯放(回)到架子上;把⋯堆放在搁板上◆i put the box back on the shelf.我把盒子放回到搁板上。➤restock, stack, stock (name) 补充货架;在货架上摆货◆he has a job stacking / stocking shelves.他的工作是摆货上架。➤fill, line, pack摆满架子;排列在架子上;码到架子上◆the shelves were packed with dolls of every shape and size.架子上摆满了形状各异、大小不一的娃娃。◆hundreds of books lined the shelves.数百本书排列在书架上。➤clear清理架子◆i've cleared a shelf in the bedroom for you.我在卧室给你腾空了一个搁板。➤get sth (down) from, get sth (down) off, pick sth from, pick sth off, remove sth from, take sth (down) from, take sth (down) off把⋯从搁板上取下;把⋯从架子上撤下◆they immediately removed the product from their shelves.他们立即将这种产品下架。➤fit on, fit onto, go on, remain on, sit on摆到货架上;上架;留在货架上◆souvenirs filled the shelves.架上摆满了纪念品。◆her diaries just sat on the shelf for years (= nobody looked at them).她的日记在架子上搁了多年。➤browse, scan, scour, search在架子上扫视;在架子上搜寻;在货架上寻找◆she scanned the shelves of the library for new books.她在图书馆书架上寻找新书。➤reach把手伸向架子◆i can't reach the top shelf.我够不着顶层的搁板。➤reach for伸手够架子◆she reached for the shelf next to the bed.她伸手去够床边的架子。shelf + verb➤be full of sth, contain sth, hold sth架上全是⋯;架上放着⋯➤line架子排列◆shelves lined the walls behind the long counter.架子排列在长柜枱后的墙边。shelf + noun➤space搁架上的空间▸➤life保存期◆the medicine has a shelf life of six months.这种药的保存期是 6 个月。preposition➤off a/the shelf从架子上掉下◆i knocked it off the shelf by accident.我不小心把它从架子上碰了下来。➤on a/the shelf在架子上◆the books on the shelves架上的书➤shelf of一架子的⋯◆a shelf of books on economics一架子的经济学书籍phrases➤be filled with shelves, be lined with shelves满是/排列着架子◆the walls of her study were lined with shelves.她的书房四壁都是书架。➤a place on your shelves架上的一个位置◆the book deserves a place on everyone's shelves.这本书值得每个人读一读。➤hit the shelves (figurative) 上架◆their new cd hits the shelves in may.他们的新唱盘 5 月份上架出售。➤fly off the shelves (both figurative) 畅销◆the dvd is flying off the shelves.这张数字影碟很畅销。 shelf /ʃelf/ noun [countable] (plural shelves /ʃelvz/) a flat board, made of wood, metal, glass, etc. fixed to the wall or forming part of a piece of furniture for things to be placed on (固定在墙上或家具的)架子,搁板◆the book i wanted was on the top shelf. 我要的那本书在书架的最上面一层。◆supermarket shelves 超市货架◆stores with well-stocked shelves 货架上商品陈列整齐的商店◆she got a job stacking (= filling) shelves at the local supermarket. 她得到了一份在当地超市货品上架的工作。⨁ a high / low shelf高层/低层货架 ⨁ the bottom / middle / top shelf底层/中层/顶层货架 ⨁ to fill / refill / restock / stock the shelves填装/补充/装满货架 ●fly/leap/walk off the shelvesto sell extremely well 畅销◆dvd players are flying off the shelves. 数字影碟机十分畅销。●off the shelfthat can be bought immediately and does not have to be specially designed or ordered 现货供应◆we buy some software off the shelf and develop some ourselves. 我们购买一些现成的软件,也开发一些我们自己的软件。◆off-the-shelf software packages 非订制软件包  ➡  off-the-peg at peg off-the-shelf ☞ shelfshelf/ʃelf ||; ʃɛlf/noun [c] (plural shelves /ʃelvz ||; ʃɛlvz/) a long flat piece of wood, glass, etc that is fixed to a wall or in a cupboard, used for putting things on (墙上或橱柜内的)架子,搁板: ◇i put up a shelf in the kitchen. 我在厨房内搭了一个架子。◇i reached up and took down the book from the top shelf. 我伸手去把书架顶层的那本书拿下来。◇a bookshelf 书架 ☞picture on page c7 见c7页插图 shelf /ʃɛlf; ʃelf/n [c], plural shelves /ʃɛlvz; ʃelvz/a long flat board fixed to a wall or in a cupboard, that you use for storing things on [墙上或橱柜里的]搁板,搁架:◇two shelves for books 放书用的两层搁板 ☞ shelf




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