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单词 shave
释义 shave nounadjective | verb + shave adjective➤clean, close, smooth修面修得干净◆you can get a really close, smooth shave with this new razor.用这种新型剃须刀能把脸刮得干干净净。➤quick快速刮脸➤wet (bre) 湿刮◆an old-fashioned barber who does wet shaves手工刮脸的老派理发师verb + shave➤need需要修面◆he badly needed a shave.他真该刮脸了。➤get, have刮脸;修面◆he had a bath and a quick shave first.他先洗了个澡,并飞快地刮了脸。➤give sb给某人修面shave [transitive, intransitive] to cut hair from the skin, especially the face, using a razor (= a special instrument that cuts close to the skin) 剃(须发);(尤指)刮脸◆he has completely shaved his head.他剃了一个光头。◆i cut myself (= made myself bleed) when i was shaving.我刮胡子时把脸划破了。▸ shave noun [countable, usually singular] ◆i need a shave.我需要刮胡子了。shavenoun [countable, usually singular] ◆i need a shave.我需要刮胡子了。shavenoun [countable, usually singular] ◆i need a shave.我需要刮胡子了。shave¹/ʃeɪv ||; ʃev/verb [i,t] shave (sth) (off) to remove hair from the face or another part of the body with an extremely sharp piece of metal (a razor) (用剃刀)剃,刮(胡子、毛发等): ◇i cut myself shaving this morning. 今天早上我刮胡子的时候割伤了自己。◇when did you shave off your moustache? 你是什么时候把八字胡子剃掉的? [t] ◇to shave your legs 刮掉腿上的毛 shave sth off (sth) to cut a very small amount from sth 刨下,削掉(薄薄的一层): ◇we'll have to shave a bit off the door to make it close properly. 我们要把门刨掉一些,使它能关好。 shave²/ʃeɪv ||; ʃev/noun [c] [usu.sing] the action of shaving 剃;刮: ◇to have a shave 刮胡子◇i need a shave. 我需要刮刮胡子。 a close shave/thing→close³shavesee ⇨ cut 5     • • •• ⇨ close shave☞ shave¹☞ shave²




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