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单词 reunion
释义 reunion nounadjective | verb + reunion | reunion + verb | reunion + noun | preposition adjective➤emotional, tearful, touching令人激动的/热泪盈眶的/感人的团聚◆it was an emotional reunion after 25 years apart.分别 25 年后,这场团聚令人激动。➤happy, joyful, joyous幸福的团聚;快乐的聚会▸➤alumni, class, college, high-school, school (especially bre) 校友/班级/学院/高中/学校联谊聚会➤five-year, twenty-year, etc.分别 5 年后、分别 20 年后等的重聚▸➤family家庭团圆▸➤annual每年的聚会▸➤big, grand (especially bre) 盛大的聚会➤little小聚会◆i think it's time to arrange a little reunion.我觉得该是安排一次小型聚会的时候了。verb + reunion➤have, hold, plan, stage团聚;举行联谊聚会;计划聚会◆the reunion is held every two years.联谊聚会每两年举行一次。➤arrange, organize安排/组织聚会活动▸➤attend, go to参加聚会▸➤celebrate庆祝重聚◆let's have a party to celebrate our reunion.我们安排一次聚会来庆祝团聚吧。reunion + verb➤take place聚会开始reunion + noun➤dinner, event, lunch (bre) 聚会晚宴/活动/午宴➤party联谊聚会➤weekend举行聚会的周末➤album, concert, show, tour重组专辑/音乐会/演出/巡演◆he left the group during the 1997 reunion tour.他于 1997 年重组巡演期间离开了该乐队。➤movie (name) (电视剧停播后原班人马的)电影版制作preposition➤at a/the reunion在聚会上◆at the reunion i met a friend i hadn't seen for twenty years.在聚会上我遇见了一位 20 年没见的朋友。➤reunion between⋯之间的团聚◆an emotional reunion between mother and son母子之间感人的团聚➤reunion for为⋯的聚会◆we organized a reunion for former company employees.我们为公司前雇员组织了一次聚会。➤reunion of⋯的聚会◆the reunion of two old friends两个老朋友的重聚➤reunion with和⋯的团聚◆a tearful reunion with his family他与家人令人落泪的团聚reunion /riːjuːniən/ [countable] a social occasion or party attended by a group of people who have not seen each other for a long time重逢;团聚;聚会◆the seventh annual reunion will take place in march.第七届年度联欢会将于三月份举行。◆a school reunion校友聚会reunion/ri:ˈju:niən ||; riˈjunjən/noun1. [c] a party or occasion when friends or people who worked together meet again after they have not seen each other for a long time 重聚;团聚;叙旧: ◇the college holds an annual reunion for former students. 学院每年举办一次校友聚会。 2. [c,u] a reunion (with sb/between a and b) coming together again after being apart 重聚;团圆: ◇the released hostages had an emotional reunion with their families at the airport. 获释的人质在机场与家人重聚,情绪激动。 re·u·nion /ri`junjən; riːˈjuːnjən/n [c,u]a meeting of people who have not met for a long time [久别后的]聚会,重聚联欢会:◇a college reunion 大学校友聚会




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