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单词 sympathy
释义 sympathy nounadjective | verb + sympathy | sympathy + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤considerable, deep, genuine, great, heartfelt, real, strong相当大的/深深的/真心的/极大的/由衷的/真诚的/强烈的同情▸➤little, scant (especially bre) 少得可怜的/微乎其微的同情▸➤general, popular, public, widespread普遍的/大众的/公众的/广泛的同情▸➤human人类的同情心◆a total lack of human sympathy毫无人类的同情心verb + sympathy➤feel, find, have怀有/找到/拥有同情◆she seemed to feel some sympathy for the patients.她似乎有些同情这些病人。◆it's hard to find any sympathy for such an evil man.很难对这样邪恶的人怀有同情。➤express, extend, give sb, offer (sb), show (sb)表达同情;致以慰问;给予某人同情;向(某人)表示同情◆she expressed her deepest sympathy for him.她向他表达了最深切的问候。◆we extend our sympathy to the families of the victims.我们向遇难者家属致以慰问。◆she says i haven't given her enough sympathy.她说我没有充分体谅她。➤waste浪费同情心▸➤demand, want需要/想要同情◆i don't want your sympathy!我不想要你的同情!➤look for寻求同情◆i'm not looking for sympathy.我不是在寻求同情。➤deserve, need值得/需要同情▸➤arouse, attract, create, earn, elicit, engage, evoke, gain, generate, get, win引起/激起/引发/赢得/勾起/激发/唤起/获得/引来/得到/博得同情◆their plight aroused considerable public sympathy.他们的困境引起了公众广泛的同情。◆he didn't get much sympathy from anyone.没有人给予他很多的同情。➤lose失去同情sympathy + verb➤go out to sb, lie with sb同情某人;同情倾注于某人◆our deepest sympathy goes out to his wife and family.我们对他的妻子和家人表示最深切的同情。◆my sympathy lies with his wife.我同情他的妻子。preposition➤in sympathy with赞同◆nurses came out on strike in sympathy with the doctors.护士罢工以声援医生。➤out of sympathy出于同情◆she married him more out of sympathy than love.她和他结婚更多的是出于同情,而不是爱。➤with sympathy带着同情◆desmond eyed her anguished face with sympathy.德斯蒙德同情地看着她痛苦的脸。➤sympathy for对于⋯的理解◆he has a total lack of sympathy for young people.他一点儿也不理解年轻人。➤sympathy to赞同⋯◆the government showed sympathy to their cause.政府对他们的事业表示了支持。➤sympathy towards/toward对⋯的同情◆he acted with some sympathy towards / toward his victim.他的行为带着对受他伤害的人的些许同情。➤sympathy with对⋯的同情◆she had every sympathy with him.她对他百般同情。phrases➤a feeling of sympathy, a pang of sympathy同情心;一阵同情◆i felt a pang of sympathy for her.我心中突然涌起一阵对她的同情。➤full of sympathy充满同情▸➤a lack of sympathy缺乏同情➤have every sympathy for sb (especially bre) 对某人百般同情➤you, they, etc. have my sympathy我同情你、他们等 sympathy /sɪmpəθi/ noun [uncountable; countable, usually plural] (plural sympathies) the act of showing support for or approval of an idea, a cause, an organization, etc. 赞同;支持◆i have a lot of sympathy with what he has to say. 我对他所说的话深有同感。 ●in sympathy with sthhappening because sth else has happened 因…而出现;相应发生◆share prices slipped in sympathy with the german market. 受德国市场影响,股价出现下跌。☞ sympathy sympathy noun  ➡ see also the entry for relief另见 relief 条sympathy ♦︎ concern ♦︎ compassion ♦︎ pity ♦︎ understanding ♦︎ condolence ♦︎ humanitythese are all words for the feeling you have when you are sorry for sb who is unhappy or suffering.这些词均表示同情、怜悯。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆sympathy / concern / compassion / pity for sb / sth◆to do sth out of sympathy / concern / compassion / pity◆to do sth with sympathy / concern / compassion / understanding / humanity◆without sympathy / compassion / pity◆great sympathy / concern / compassion / understanding / humanity◆deep sympathy / concern / compassion / understanding◆real / genuine sympathy / concern / compassion / pity / understanding / humanity◆to feel / be full of sympathy / concern / compassion / pity◆to have sympathy / compassion / pity (for sb / sth)◆to express (your) sympathy / concern / condolences◆to show (sb) sympathy / concern / compassion / pity / understanding / humanity◆to offer (sb) (your) sympathy / understanding / condolences◆to give sb (your) sympathy / compassion / pity / understanding / condolences■ sympathy [uncountable, countable, usually plural] the feeling of being sorry for sb; showing that you understand and care about sb's problems同情(心)◆i have no sympathy for jan; it's all her own fault.我不同情简,那都是她自己的错。◆he didn't get much sympathy from anyone.他没有从别人那里得到多少同情。◆their plight aroused considerable public sympathy.他们的困境引起了公众的很多同情。◆ (formal) may we offer our deepest sympathies on the death of your wife.我们谨对尊夫人去世表示最深切的慰唁。 ➡ see also empathy → bond , sympathetic → sensitive 1 , sympathize → sorry for sb ■ concern [uncountable] a feeling of wanting to protect and help sb/sth关爱;关心◆she forgot her own worries in her concern for her children.对孩子的关爱使她忘记了自己的烦恼。◆i appreciate everyone's concern and help at this difficult time.感谢大家在这种艰难时刻给予我的关心和帮助。ⓘ people often feel concern for people they have or feel responsibilty for, for example family members or friends. * concern 常指对自己感觉负有责任的人的关心,如对家庭成员或朋友。■ compassion [uncountable] (rather formal) a strong feeling of sympathy for people who are suffering and a desire to help them同情;怜悯◆he was filled with overwhelming love and compassion for his wife.他对妻子充满了莫大的爱与怜悯。◆she was known as a hard woman with no compassion, no emotion.在人们眼中,她是个没有同情心、没有情感的冷酷女人。 ➡ see also compassionate → sensitive 1 ■ pity [uncountable] a feeling of sympathy and sadness caused by the suffering and troubles of others同情;怜悯◆i could only feel pity for what they were enduring.对他们所受的苦难我唯有同情而已。◆i took pity on her and lent her the money.我同情她,就把钱借给了她。◆ (formal) i beg you to have pity on him.我求你可怜可怜他。 ➡ see also pity → sorry for sb verb note 辨析 compassion or pity? compassion is a stronger feeling than pity. it is a warm, kind feeling that suggests that you understand what other people are feeling and that you share their suffering in some way. if you feel pity, you do not necessarily have this understanding, and you may not have or show as much respect for the person you feel pity for. for this reason, sb might say:◆i don't want your pity!but they are unlikely to say:◆i don't want your compassion! pity is often used in the phrases have/take pity on sb与 pity 相比,compassion 所表达的感情要强烈一些,它是一种温暖、友善的感情,表示对他人苦难的理解和感同身受; pity 则不一定有这种理解,也未必对受同情者怀有或表现出很多尊重。因此,人们可能说 i don't want your pity! (我不需要你的同情!)但不大可能说 i don't want your compassion!。pity 常用于短语 have/take pity on sb 中。■ understanding [uncountable, singular] the ability to understand why people behave in a particular way and show them sympathy when things go wrong理解;谅解;体谅◆please try to show a little more understanding.请尽量多表现出一点体谅。◆we are looking for a better understanding between the two nations.我们正在寻求两国间进一步的相互了解。 ➡ see also understanding → sensitive adj. 1 ■ condolence /kəndəʊləns; name kəndoʊləns/ [countable, usually plural, uncountable] (rather formal) sympathy that you express for sb when a person in their family or that they know well has died吊唁;慰唁◆our heartfelt condolences go out to his wife and family.我们谨向他的妻子和家人表示诚挚的慰唁。◆a letter of condolence吊唁信ⓘ my/his/her/our, etc. condolences is used in formal or official situations, for example in a speech or letter. * my/his/her/our, etc. condolences 用于正式或官方场合,如演讲或书信中。■ humanity /hjuːmænəti/ [uncountable] the quality of being kind to people and animals by making sure that they do not suffer more than is necessary人道;仁慈◆the judge was praised for his courage and humanity.那位法官因勇气和人道而受到称赞。opp inhumanity → cruel  ➡ see also humane → sensitive 1 sympathy [uncountable, countable, usually plural] the feeling of being sorry for sb; showing that you understand and care about sb's problems同情(心)◆i have no sympathy for jan; it's all her own fault.我不同情简,那都是她自己的错。◆he didn't get much sympathy from anyone.他没有从别人那里得到多少同情。◆their plight aroused considerable public sympathy.他们的困境引起了公众的很多同情。◆ (formal) may we offer our deepest sympathies on the death of your wife.我们谨对尊夫人去世表示最深切的慰唁。 ➡ see also empathy → bond , sympathetic → sensitive 1 , sympathize → sorry for sb sympathy/ˈsɪmpəθi ||; ˈsɪmpəθɪ/noun (plural sympathies) 1. [u] sympathy (for/towards sb) an understanding of other people's feelings, especially their problems 同情;谅解: ◇everyone feels great sympathyfor the victims of the attack. 大家都非常同情遇袭的受害者。◇i don't expect any sympathy from you. 我没有指望你会谅解我。◇i have no sympathyfor mark -- it's his own fault. 我并不同情马克─他是咎由自取。 2. sympathies [pl] feelings of support or agreement 支持;赞同 in sympathy (with sb/sth) in agreement, showing that you support or approve of sb/sth 支持;赞同: ◇taxi drivers stopped work in sympathy with the striking bus drivers. 出租车司机不载客,以支持正在罢工的公共汽车司机。 sympathysee ⇨ sympathize 6     • • •• ⇨ be in sympathy with/sympathize with• ⇨ have/feel no sympathy for• ⇨ have/feel sympathy for• ⇨ offer your sympathy• ⇨ play on sb's sympathy• ⇨ you have my deepest sympathy/with deepest sympathy sym·pa·thy /`sɪmpəθɪ; ˈsɪmpəθi/n [c,u] 1. the feeling you have when you feel sorry for someone who is having problems, and you understand how they feel 同情,同情心:◇+ with/for my sympathies are with the victims' families. 我对受害者家人表示同情。◇i have no sympathy for joan — it's her own fault. 我一点儿也不同情琼 — 都是她的错。 2. support for someone's ideas, opinions or actions [对某人的思想、观点或行为的]赞同,支持:◇in sympathy with (=in order to show support) 以示支持: students marched in sympathy with the strikers. 学生举行游行抗议,支持罢工者。 ☞ sympathy




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