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单词 loser
释义 loser nounadjective | verb + loser adjective➤good输得起的人▸➤bad, poor, sore (name) 输不起的人◆he's extremely competitive and a bad loser.他极好强,却又输不起。➤born天生的失败者◆he was a born loser.他是个天生的失败者。➤perennial (especially name) 屡战屡败者◆the team has been transformed from perennial losers into real contenders.这个队已经从常败队转变成了有力的竞争者。➤clear, obvious明白无误的/明显的失败者➤sure (name) 必然的输家◆he looked like a sure loser at the beginning of the year.当年年初,他看上去就必输无疑。➤big, main大输家;主要的输家◆the main loser was the unity party, which lost eight seats.大输家是统一党,失去了 8 个席位。➤real, ultimate真正的/最终的输家◆the real losers in this power shift are international organizations.这次权力转移中真正的输家是国际组织。◆if the teachers go on strike, the children are the ultimate losers.如果教师罢工,最终受害的将是孩子们。➤pathetic, sad可怜的/悲伤的失败者◆he's just a pathetic loser (= a stupid unsuccessful person).他不过是个可怜的失败者。➤complete, total完全的失败者◆she made me feel like a complete loser.她让我觉得自己像个彻底的失败者。verb + loser➤back支持失败者◆the movie company thought they'd backed a loser until the film won an oscar.在该影片获得奥斯卡奖之前,电影公司以为他们支持错了对象。 loser /luːzə(r)/ noun [countable] 1. (stock exchange 证券交易(所)) (used especially in newspapers) a company whose shares lose value in trading on a stock exchange (尤用于报章)输家(指股票交易所股价下跌的公司)◆the day's biggest loser was sage group. 当天最大的输家是商捷集团。 opp gainer 2.a person or company that loses or suffers in a particular situation 受损害者◆the real losers here are the taxpayers. 真正的受损害者是纳税人。 opp winner money loser ☞ loserloser noun 1➤they were 16-3 losers to new zealand.他们以 3:16 输给了新西兰。➤a bunch of losers一群失败者loser ♦︎ runner-up ♦︎ also-ranthese are all words for sb who does not win or is not successful in a competition, race, game or election.这些词均表示比赛或选举中落败的人、输者。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a loser / runner-up / also-ran in sth◆a loser / runner-up to sb◆winners and losers / runners-up■ loser [countable] a person or team that is defeated in a competition(比赛的)输者,败者◆sweden will now play the losers of the other semi-final for the bronze medal.现在,瑞典队要与另一场半决赛的负方争夺铜牌。◆he's extremely competitive and a bad loser (= does not react well to losing).他太好胜,而且输不起。opp winner → winner ■ runner-up (plural runners-up) [countable] a person or team that finishes second in a race or competition; sb who has not finished first but who wins a prize第二名;亚军;非冠军的获奖者◆she was last year's runner-up to sarah jones.她是去年的亚军,输给了萨拉 • 琼斯。◆they finished runners-up behind italy.他们负于意大利,获得了第二名。◆twenty runners-up will receive a $50 book voucher.没有拿到冠军的二十位获奖者都将得到 50 元的购书券。◆there are three runners-up prizes of club shirts.二等奖的奖品有三份,为俱乐部球衣。■ also-ran [countable] (often disapproving) a person who is not successful, especially in a competition or election or when compared with other people失败者;(尤指比赛、竞选或对比之下的)逊色的一方◆the campaign transformed him from an also-ran in the polls to front-runner.这场运动使他从民意调查中的失利者变为领先者。loser noun 2➤they were 16-3 losers to new zealand.他们以 3:16 输给了新西兰。➤a bunch of losers一群失败者loser ♦︎ failure ♦︎ incompetent ♦︎ has-been ♦︎ no-hoper ♦︎ underachiever ♦︎ disappointment ♦︎ disasterthese are all words for a person who is unsuccessful or not as successful as they used to be or as they could be.这些词均表示失败者、过气的人。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to be a failure / disappointment / disaster as sth◆a complete failure / no-hoper / disaster◆a group / bunch of losers / incompetents / no-hopers■ loser [countable] (often disapproving) a person who is regularly unsuccessful, especially when you have a low opinion of them屡屡失败者(尤指不被看好的人)◆she's one of life's losers.她的人生很不得意。◆he's a born loser.他生来就是个失败者。opp winner → success ■ failure [countable] a person who is not successful失败者◆he was a failure as a teacher.他当教师并不成功。◆i felt a complete failure.我觉得自己一事无成。opp success → success  ➡ see also fail → fail 2 ■ incompetent /ɪnkɒmpɪtənt; name ɪnkɑːmpɪtənt/ [countable] (disapproving) a person who does not have the skill or ability to do their job or a task as it should be done不胜任者;不称职者◆the whole thing is being led by a bunch of incompetents.整件事情都是由一群无能之辈主导的。 ➡ see also incompetent → incompetent adj. ■ has-been [countable] (informal, disapproving) a person who is no longer as famous, successful or important as they used to be风光不再的人;过气名人◆she's just an old has-been.她只不过是个早已过气的人物。◆he's very much a political has-been.他在政坛上确曾风光一时。■ no-hoper [countable] (informal, disapproving) a person, team or racehorse that is considered useless or very unlikely to be successful无望取胜的人(或队伍、赛马);无用之辈◆they were written off as a bunch of no-hopers.他们被认定为一群无用之辈。◆he backed an apparent no-hoper at odds of 100-1.他押赌注于一匹显然无望取胜的赛马,赔率为 100:1。■ underachiever /ʌndərətʃiːvə(r)/ [countable] a person who is less successful than they could be, especially in school work(尤指学业上的)差生,后进生◆at school he was a classic underachiever.他在学校里是个典型的差等生。■ disappointment [countable] a person who is disappointing to other people, because of their lack of achievement or bad behaviour令人失望的人;令人扫兴的人◆i always felt i was a disappointment to my father.我总觉得自己让父亲失望了。■ disaster [countable] (informal, disapproving) a person who is a complete failure at sth, especially because of their lack of skill or ability(尤指因缺少技能而)彻底失败的人◆he was a competent accountant, but as a manager he's a disaster.他是个称职的会计师,可作为经理他是个彻底的失败者。loser [countable] a person or team that is defeated in a competition(比赛的)输者,败者◆sweden will now play the losers of the other semi-final for the bronze medal.现在,瑞典队要与另一场半决赛的负方争夺铜牌。◆he's extremely competitive and a bad loser (= does not react well to losing).他太好胜,而且输不起。opp winner → winner loser [countable] (often disapproving) a person who is regularly unsuccessful, especially when you have a low opinion of them屡屡失败者(尤指不被看好的人)◆she's one of life's losers.她的人生很不得意。◆he's a born loser.他生来就是个失败者。opp winner → success loser/ˈlu:zə(r) ||; ˈluzɚ/noun[c] 1. a person who is defeated 失败者;输家: ◇he is a bad loser. he always gets angry if i beat him. 他是个输不起的人。每次我赢他,他就发脾气。 2. a person who is never successful 老是失败的人 3. a person who suffers because of a particular situation, decision, etc 损失者(由于某种情况、某个决定等) losersee ⇨ lose 6 los·er /`luzə; ˈluːzə/n [c] 1. someone who does not win a competition, game etc [竞争或比赛中的]输家:◇good/bad loser (=someone who behaves well or badly when they lose) 输得起/输不起的人 2. informal someone who is never successful in life, work, or relationships 【非正式】 [在生活、工作或关系方面]老是失败者:◇pam's boyfriend is such a loser! 帕姆的男朋友真是一事无成!




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