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单词 kin
释义 kin nounadjective | kin + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤close, near近亲◆marriage between close kin is prohibited.禁止近亲结婚。➤blood (especially name) 血亲◆loyalty to blood kin对血亲的忠诚➤extended大家庭的成员◆ties with extended kin vary from family to family.与大家庭成员的关系因家庭而异。➤distant远亲▸➤female, male女性/男性亲戚kin + noun➤group (usually kin-group) , network (both technical术语) 血缘集团;血缘网络▸➤relationships亲属关系preposition➤between kin在亲属之间phrases➤next of kin至亲◆one of the drivers was fatally injured; his next of kin has been informed.其中一名驾驶员受了致命伤,已通知其至亲。kin [plural] (old-fashioned or formal) your family or your relatives(统称)家属,亲属,亲戚◆marriage between close kin is prohibited.禁止近亲结婚。◆i'm her next of kin (= her closest living relative).我是她的直系亲属。ⓘ kin is most often used in the expression next of kin. * kin 最常用于短语 next of kin (直系亲属;最近亲)中。kin/kɪn ||; kɪn/→next of kinkin• ⇨ next of kin kin /kɪn; kɪn/n 1. next of kin formal the person in your family who you are most closely related to 【正式】 最近的亲属,至亲 2. [plural 复数] old-fashioned your family 【过时】 家属,家人




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