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单词 reduction
释义 reduction nounadjective | verb + reduction | reduction + verb | reduction + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤big, considerable, great, large, major, marked, significant, substantial大量缩减;大幅减少;显著降低◆the changes may result in a greater reduction in employee numbers than we had previously expected.这些变动可能导致超出我们预期的更多雇员的裁减。➤dramatic, drastic, huge, massive, remarkable, severe急剧下降;锐减;大量减少;明显减少;严重减少◆a sale with massive reductions on selected items指定商品的大幅降价销售➤minor, modest, slight, small小幅降低;适度减少;稍稍减少;少量缩减➤tenfold, fiftyfold, etc.减少为(原来的)十分之一、五十分之一等▸➤further进一步减少▸➤possible可能的减少▸➤actual, net, overall, real实际缩减;净减少;总减少▸➤across-the-board, general全面减少;总体上缩减▸➤rapid, sharp, steep迅速减少;急剧缩减▸➤slow缓慢减少▸➤immediate, sudden立即/突然减少▸➤gradual, progressive, steady逐步减少;稳步减少▸➤initial初步减少▸➤recent近期减少▸➤long-term, permanent长期缩减▸➤proposed提议的缩减▸➤percentage百分比降幅◆a small percentage reduction in the cost of materials would mean a significant increase in profit.材料成本的小幅降低会带来利润的大幅提高。➤cost, debt, deficit, pay, price, tariff, tax, wage成本降低;债务减少;赤字削减;薪金削减;价格降低;关税降低;税额减少;工资降低▸➤emission, noise, pollution, waste排放物减少;噪音降低;污染减少;废物减少➤harm, pain, risk, stress伤害减轻;疼痛减轻;风险减少;压力减少◆a drug strategy which prioritizes harm reduction以减轻伤害为先的用药方案➤poverty减贫◆the imf claims to put poverty reduction at the heart of its policies.国际货币基金组织声称,减贫是其各项政策的核心。➤size, weight尺寸减少;重量下降◆the result is a 75 to 80% size reduction.结果是尺寸减少了 75% 至 80%。➤breast乳房缩小◆she had a breast reduction last year.去年她做了个缩胸手术。➤staff人员裁减▸➤arms, troop武器/军队裁减verb + reduction➤achieve, make, secure实现缩减◆the government has found it difficult to make real reductions in spending.政府发现要真正缩减开支很困难。◆every effort is made to secure the highest possible reduction in casualties.采取了一切措施最大限度地减少伤亡人数。➤cause, lead to, make, produce, result in造成降低;导致减少;引起缩减◆these simple changes will make a substantial reduction in the fat content of your diet.这些小小的改变会大大减少你饮食中的脂肪含量。➤avoid避免减少▸➤ask for, demand, seek要求降低;请求缩减◆i asked for a reduction as the dress was damaged.裙子有点儿毛病,因此我要求降价。➤require要求减少▸➤get, receive得以减少◆guests staying 14 nights will receive a 10% reduction.入住 14 天的客人可享有 10% 的优惠。➤experience, have减少◆the company has had a reduction in sales.公司的销售额减少了。➤suffer遭到缩减◆they suffered a severe reduction in income.他们的收入锐减。➤accept, welcome (especially bre) 接受/欢迎缩减◆i welcome the reduction in road traffic fatalities.我乐于看到道路交通事故死亡人数的下降。➤give (sb), offer (sb)给予(某人)缩减▸➤propose建议削减◆she proposed a reduction in the state president's powers.她建议削减总统的权力。➤notice, observe, see注意到减少;看到降低◆police said they had noticed a significant reduction in crime last year.警方说他们注意到去年的犯罪率大幅下降。➤announce宣布削减◆the gas company has announced price reductions for all customers.煤气公司已宣布对所有顾客给以降价。➤mean, represent意味着/相当于减少◆our average margins dropped to 35%, which represents a reduction in gross margins of £109 million.我们的平均利润率降到了 35%,这意味着毛利减少了 1.09 亿英镑。➤demonstrate, show显示下降◆figures just released show a steady reduction in levels of emissions over the last four years.刚刚公布的数字显示,近 4 年的废气排放量在逐步降低。reduction + verb➤occur, take place降低出现;减少发生reduction + noun➤target减少⋯的目标◆the government's waste reduction targets政府减少浪费的目标preposition➤through a/the reduction通过降低◆economic growth through a reduction in interest rates通过降低利率促进经济增长➤reduction by⋯的降幅◆reduction by 30%减少 30%➤reduction from, reduction in从⋯的减少;在⋯方面的降低◆there has been a sharp reduction in the number of accidents on our roads.我们的交通事故锐减。➤reduction of⋯的减少◆a reduction of carbon dioxide emissions二氧化碳排放的减少➤reduction on按⋯计算的减少◆a 25% reduction on normal subscription rates相比正常订阅费 25% 的降幅➤reduction to至⋯的减少◆a reduction in the speed limit from 50 to 40 miles per hour速度限制从每小时 50 英里减至每小时 40 英里phrases➤a reduction in numbers数量降低◆asian elephants have experienced a 50% reduction in numbers over the last three generations.在过去的 3 代人之间,亚洲象的数量减少了一半。◆they are concerned about the reduction in numbers of people eligible for legal aid.有资格接受法律援助的人数减少,他们对此颇为关注。➤a reduction in the amount of sth, a reduction in the number of sth, a reduction in the size of sth⋯数量/数目/尺寸的减少◆the reduction in the number of hospital beds医院床位的减少reduction /rɪdʌkʃn/ noun1. [countable, uncountable] an act of making sth smaller or less; the state of being made smaller or less 缩小;减少;降低◆a $300 million reduction in costs 成本降低 3 亿元◆there has been some reduction in unemployment. 失业人数有所减少。⨁ a drastic / significant / slight / substantial reduction急剧/重大/轻微/实质性缩减 ⨁ to achieve / make / produce a reduction减少 2. [countable] the amount by which sth is made cheaper to buy 减价;折扣◆there is a €100 reduction for a child sharing a room with two adults. 小孩和两个大人合住一间房可以享有 100 欧元的折扣。◆price reductions to attract buyers 为吸引买主而进行的减价⨁ big / huge / massive reductions大额/巨额/大量折扣 ⨁ to ask for / get / receive a reduction索要/得到/获得折扣 ⨁ to give / make / offer a reduction给/打/提供折扣 ☞ reduction☞ reduction/cashback/deduction/discount/rebate/refund reduction nounreduction ♦︎ cut ♦︎ decline ♦︎ fall ♦︎ drop ♦︎ downturn ♦︎ decrease ♦︎ slump ♦︎ cutbackthese are all words for a situation when the amount, level, number or size of sth goes down.这些词均表示减少、缩小、降低。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a reduction / cut / decline / fall / drop / downturn / decrease / slump / cutback in sth◆a reduction / cut / decline / fall / drop / decrease / cutback of 20%◆a 20% reduction / cut / decline / fall / drop / decrease in sth◆(a) sharp reduction / cuts / decline / fall / drop / downturn / decrease / slump / cutbacks◆(a) large / significant reduction / cuts / decline / fall / drop / downturn / decrease / cutbacks◆(a) big / huge / massive / major reduction / cuts / decline / fall / drop / downturn / slump / cutbacks◆(a) dramatic reduction / cuts / decline / fall / drop / downturn / slump◆(a) drastic reduction / cuts / decline / fall / drop / downturn / cutbacks◆a sudden reduction / decline / fall / drop / downturn / decrease / slump◆a slight reduction / decline / fall / drop / downturn / decrease◆to lead to / result in / cause a reduction / cut / decline / fall / drop / decrease◆to see a reduction / decline / fall / drop / downturn / decrease◆to make reductions / cuts / cutbacks■ reduction [countable, uncountable] an act of making sth less or smaller; the state of being made less or smaller减少;缩小;降低◆this year has seen a 33% reduction in the number of hospital beds available.今年医院可用床位数量减少了 33%。◆the report recommends further reductions in air and noise emissions.这份报告建议进一步降低气体和噪音排放量。◆there are reductions (= in the price) for children sharing a room with two adults.孩子和两个大人合住一间房可以打折。◆there has been some reduction in unemployment.失业人数有所减少。opp increase → increase noun ■ cut [countable] a reduction that is made in the amount, size or supply of sth(数量、尺寸或供应的)削减,减少,缩减◆they had to take a 20% cut in pay.他们不得不接受减薪 20%。◆the company has announced a new round of job cuts.公司宣布了新一轮工作岗位的削减。◆the proposed tax cuts will come into effect next may.减税提议将于明年 5 月生效。opp increase → increase noun  ➡ see also cut → cut verb 1 , lay-off → unemployment note 辨析 reduction or cut? reduction can be used for things that become less or smaller by themselves, or things that are reduced deliberately by sb. a cut cannot happen by itself-it has to be made by sb. a cut is often (but not always) a negative thing. * reduction 可指事物自行或被人为变少或变小。cut 不指自行减少,只指人为减少。cut 经常是(但并非总是)负面的◆job / salary / pay cuts裁员;减薪a cut cannot happen over time. a reduction can. * cut 不指持续递减,而 reduction 可以◆a gradual reduction逐渐的减少◆a gradual cut ■ decline [countable, usually singular, uncountable] a continuous reduction that happens in the number, value or quality of sth; the process of a place, tradition or institution gradually becoming less important or coming to an end(数量、价值或质量的)减少,下降;(地方、传统或机构的)衰落,衰退◆these measures have failed to reverse the country's economic decline.这些措施未能扭转该国的经济衰退。◆his book charts the decline and fall of a great civilization.他在书中记载了一个伟大文明的衰亡。◆the town fell into (a) decline (= started to be less busy, important, etc.) after the mine closed.这个镇在矿井关闭后开始衰落。◆industry in britain has been in decline since the 1970s.英国工业自 20 世纪 70 年代以来一直在走下坡路。opp rise → increase noun  ➡ see also decline → fall verb 1 , decline → worsen verb ■ fall [countable] (especially business尤用于商业) a reduction that happens in the size, number, rate or level of sth(尺寸)减小;(数量)减少;(比率或水平)降低◆share prices suffered a slight fall yesterday.股票价格昨日微幅下挫。◆this figure represents a fall of 23% on the same period last year.这一数据与去年同期相比下降了 23%。opp rise → increase noun  ➡ see also fall → fall verb 1 ■ drop [countable, usually singular] (especially journalism尤用于新闻) a reduction that happens in the size, number, rate or level of sth(尺寸)减小;(数量)减少;(比率或水平)降低◆if you want the job, you must be prepared to take a drop in salary.如果你想干这份工作,就必须对薪水减少做好思想准备。◆the restaurant has suffered a 10% drop in trade.餐厅的生意下降了 10%。opp rise → increase noun  ➡ see also drop → fall verb 1 note 辨析 decline, fall or drop?these words all describe a process that happens, rather than a deliberate action by sb. decline tends to emphasize the process, whether this is fast or slow.这些词均指自然发生的情况,而不是某人有意所为。decline 往往强调衰落的过程,不论快慢◆a steady / sharp decline in profits利润稳步/急剧下降◆a civilization in terminal decline处于衰亡期的文明 fall and drop tend to emphasize the result of the process. * fall 和 drop 往往强调这一过程的结果◆a fall / drop of 30%30% 的下降a fall, like a decline, can happen over time, but a drop cannot. * fall 和 decline 一样可指持续递减,但 drop 不能◆a gradual decline / fall逐步下降◆a gradual drop ■ downturn /daʊntɜːn; name daʊntɜːrn/ [countable, usually singular] a fall in the amount of business that is done; a time when the economy becomes weaker(生意或经济的)衰退,下降;衰退期◆the building industry is experiencing a severe downturn in its workload.建筑业正经历工程量的严重滑坡。opp upturn → increase noun ■ decrease /diːkriːs/ [countable, uncountable] a reduction that happens in the amount, level or number of sth(数量)减少;(水平)降低◆there has been a decrease of nearly 6% in the number of visitors to the museum.参观该博物馆的人数下降了近 6%。◆marriage is still on the decrease.结婚率仍在下降。opp increase → increase noun  ➡ see also decrease → fall verb 1 ⓘ decrease looks like the most direct opposite of increase, but it is not nearly as frequent as increase. for deliberate reductions, use reduction or cut. for reductions that happen, fall or drop are often preferred, especially in business contexts. * decrease 看起来像是 increase 最直接的反义词,但它远不如 increase 常用。表示人为的降低用 reduction 或 cut ;表示自然发生的降低往往用 fall 或 drop,特别是在商务语境中。■ slump [countable] a sudden fall in sales, prices or the value of sth(销售量、价格或价值的)骤降,猛跌,锐减◆the recession led to a slump in consumer spending.经济衰退导致消费开支急剧下滑。◆the present slump has hit manufacturing hard.目前的金融危机严重打击了制造业。 ➡ see also slump → recession noun , slump → slump verb note 辨析 downturn or slump?both words can be used in the context of business or the economy.这两个词均可用于商务或经济语境◆a downturn / slump in demand / trade / business / profits需求/贸易额/生意/利润下滑/骤降however, a slump is a bigger and more sudden fall, usually seen from the point of view of the business that is losing money.不过,slump 是更严重、更突然的下降,一般是从亏损企业的角度看。■ cutback /kʌtbæk/ [countable, usually plural] a reduction that is made in sth, especially money spent, people employed or benefits(尤指支出、雇员人数或福利的)削减,缩减,减少◆many theatres are having to make major cutbacks.许多剧场不得不进行大幅削减。 ➡ see also cut sth back → cut 1 reduction [countable, uncountable] an act of making sth less or smaller; the state of being made less or smaller减少;缩小;降低◆this year has seen a 33% reduction in the number of hospital beds available.今年医院可用床位数量减少了 33%。◆the report recommends further reductions in air and noise emissions.这份报告建议进一步降低气体和噪音排放量。◆there are reductions (= in the price) for children sharing a room with two adults.孩子和两个大人合住一间房可以打折。◆there has been some reduction in unemployment.失业人数有所减少。opp increase → increase noun reduction/rɪˈdʌkʃn ||; rɪˈdʌkʃən/noun1. [c,u] reduction (in sth) the action of becoming or making sth less or smaller 减少;减低: ◇a sharp reduction in the number of students 学生人数的骤减 2. [c] the amount by which sth is made smaller, especially in price 减幅,减少的数量(尤指价格): ◇there were massive reductions in the june sales. 六月份大减价期间,货品大幅削价。 reductionsee ⇨ less 5 ⇨ reduce 7 reduction /rɪ`dʌkʃən; rɪˈdʌkʃən/n [c,u]




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