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单词 red tape
释义 ☞ redtapered tape [uncountable] (disapproving, journalism新闻) official rules that seem too complicated and prevent things from being done quickly繁文缛节;官僚作风◆plans may take longer and involve more red tape than you expect.计划实施起来也许比预料中花更长时间,手续更繁杂。ˌred ˈtapenoun [u] official rules that must be followed and papers that must be filled in, which seem unnecessary and often cause delay and difficulty in achieving sth 繁琐的规章制度;繁文缛节 red tapesee ⇨ complicated 2 red tape /ˌ· ˈ·/n [u]official rules that seem unnecessary and prevent things from being done quickly 繁文缛节,繁琐的规则




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