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单词 non-stop
释义 non-stop (rather informal) (especially of an activity) without any pauses or stops(尤指活动)不间断的,不停的◆it will be a real fun day out for everyone. seven hours of non-stop entertainment.这对每个人都将是好玩开心的一天 - 连续七个小时不间断的娱乐。▸ non-stop adverb◆they talked non-stop about the play.他们不停地谈论这部戏。non-stopadverb◆they talked non-stop about the play.他们不停地谈论这部戏。non-stopadverb◆they talked non-stop about the play.他们不停地谈论这部戏。ˌnon-ˈstopadj adv without a stop or a rest 直达的;中途不停的: ◇a non-stop flight to bombay 直飞孟买的班机◇he talked non-stop for two hours about his holiday. 他滔滔不绝地谈论自己的假期达两小时。 non-stopsee ⇨ continue 5 ⇨ travel 5




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