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单词 seminar
释义 seminar noun¹ 1class at a university, etc.大学课程adjective | ... of seminars | verb + seminar | seminar + noun | preposition adjective➤weekly, etc.每周等的讨论课▸➤freshman, graduate, senior, undergraduate一年级新生/研究生/四年级学生/大学生研讨课◆i taught a senior seminar titled 'working class literature'.我主讲一门为四年级学生开设的题为“工人阶级文学”的研讨课。➤online在线研讨... of seminars➤series系列研讨课verb + seminar➤conduct, give, teach (name) 举办/开设/主讲研讨课◆in spring 2006 i taught a seminar on sappho.2006 年春季我主讲一门关于萨福的研讨课。➤attend, go to出席/参加研讨➤be entitled, be titled (especially name) 题为⋯的研讨课◆architect ken bonner presented a seminar titled 'elements of design'.由建筑师肯・邦纳主讲的题为“设计基础原理”的研讨课。seminar + noun➤discussion, paper研讨班讨论;研讨课论文▸➤room研讨室▸➤programme/program, series研讨计划;系列研讨课preposition➤at a/the seminar, in a/the seminar在研讨课上◆there was some lively debate at this week's seminar.本周的研讨课争论很热烈。➤seminar on关于⋯的研讨课◆professor mackay will give a seminar on pound's poetry.麦凯教授将开设关于庞德诗歌的研讨课。seminar noun² 2conference for discussion/training讨论会;培训会adjective | verb + seminar | seminar + verb | seminar + noun | preposition adjective➤all-day, half-day, weekend全天/半天/周末研讨会▸➤one-day, two-day, etc.为期一天、两天等的研讨会➤annual年会◆the eighteenth annual seminar on mineral photography第 18 届矿物摄影年会➤business, educational, management, training商务/教育/管理/培训研讨会➤free免费研讨会◆i began to put on free seminars for the public.我开始开办面向公众的免费研讨班。➤special特殊研讨会➤international国际研讨会verb + seminar➤hold, host, offer, organize, run举办/主办/开设/组织/运作研讨会➤sponsor资助研讨会➤do, present开办研讨会;在研讨会上演讲➤lead组织研讨会◆i once led a seminar on motivation.我曾组织过一次关于激发工作积极性的研讨会。➤attend, go to出席/参加研讨会seminar + verb➤take place研讨会举行▸➤focus on sth研讨会聚焦⋯◆a seminar focusing on africa聚焦非洲问题的研讨会seminar + noun➤participant研讨会与会者➤leader研讨会组织者preposition➤seminar for为⋯举办的研讨会◆i recently spoke at an educational seminar for judges.我最近在一个为法官举办的教育研讨会上发了言。 seminar /semɪnɑː(r)/ noun [countable] a meeting for discussion or training 研讨会;培训班◆a one-day management seminar 为期一天的管理研讨会  ➡  webinar ⨁ to conduct / hold / organize / run a seminar举办/举行/组织/召开研讨会 ⨁ to attend / go to a seminar出席/参加研讨会 ⨁ an all-day / a one-day / weekly, etc. seminar为期一天的/一周一次等的研讨会 ⨁ a business / management / training seminar业务/管理/培训研讨会 ☞ seminarseminar /semɪnɑː(r)/ [countable] a class at a college or university when a group of students and a teacher discuss or study a particular topic; a meeting of people for training or discussion(大学里的)专题讨论课;培训会;研讨会◆teaching is by lectures and seminars.教学形式为讲座和研讨课。◆a seminar room / group上讨论课的教室;讨论小组◆the company organizes management seminars.这家公司筹办管理研讨会。seminar/ˈsemɪnɑ:(r) ||; ˈsɛməˌnɑr/noun[c] 1. a class at a university, college, etc in which a small group of students discuss or study a subject with a teacher 研讨班: ◇i've got a seminar on goethe this morning. 我今天上午有个歌德问题的讨论会。 2. a meeting for business people in which working methods, etc are taught or discussed 研讨会: ◇a one-day management seminar 为期一天的管理研讨会 seminarsee ⇨ class 2 sem·i·nar /`sɛməˏnɑr; ˈsemɪnɑː/n [c]a class in which a small group of students meet to study or talk about a subject [学生的](专题)研讨会,讨论课




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