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单词 trickle
释义 trickle nounadjective | verb + trickle | preposition adjective➤small, thin小股水流▸➤constant, steady源源不断的细流◆a constant trickle of water源源不断的水流➤slow潺潺的水流▸➤mere只是细流◆the flood of offers of help had dwindled to a mere trickle.潮水般的援助已缩减成涓滴细流了。verb + trickle➤dwindle to, slow to减少为/减慢为细流preposition➤trickle of⋯的细流◆he felt a warm trickle of blood run down his arm.他感到一股温暖的血液涓涓流入他的手臂。 trickle /trɪkl/ verb [intransitive] to go, or to make sth go, somewhere slowly or gradually (使)慢慢走,缓慢移动◆last month orders only trickled in. 上个月只收到了零星几个订单。◆investors are trickling back into the market after the long holiday. 投资者在长假后逐步回归市场。 ●trickle down(especially about money) to spread from rich to poor people through the economic system of a country 涓滴(尤指钱通过国家的经济体制由富人向穷人流动)◆the rising costs are trickling down to millions of customers. 不断上升的成本正向数百万的顾客转移。  ➡  trickle-down trickle /trɪkl/ noun [countable, usually singular] a small amount or number of sth, coming or going slowly 稀疏缓慢往来的事物◆there has been a steady trickle of redundancies over the last few months. 过去几个月里一直在不断三三两两地裁员。◆the crisis has slowed exports to a trickle. 这场危机使出口降得很低。☞ trickle☞ trickle trickle verb  ➡ see also the entry for flow verb 另见 flow 动词词条trickle ♦︎ drip ♦︎ dribblethese words are all used when a small amount of a liquid flows or falls in a thin stream or small drops.这些词均表示液体小股流淌、滴落。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to trickle / drip / dribble down / from sth◆to trickle / drip into sth◆tears trickle / drip◆sweat / rain trickles / drips◆blood trickles / drips / dribbles◆to trickle / drip / dribble slowly■ trickle [intransitive, transitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition通常与副词或介词连用) (of liquid) to flow slowly in a thin stream; to make sth flow in this way(液体)滴,淌;使(液体)小股流淌◆rainwater trickled through the cracks in the boards.雨水顺着板上的裂缝渗漏下来。◆trickle some oil over the salad.往沙拉上滴些许油。▸ trickle noun [countable] ◆there was a trickle of blood at the corner of his mouth.他的嘴角有一道血。■ drip (-pp-) [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition通常与副词或介词连用) (of a liquid) to fall in small drops(液体)滴下◆she was hot and sweat dripped into her eyes.她很热,汗水滴入双眼。◆water dripped from the tap.水从龙头上滴落下来。 ➡ see also drop → drop ■ dribble [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) (of a liquid) to fall down the side of sth in small drops or in a thin stream(液体从某物边上)一点一滴地落下,成细线状流下◆melted wax dribbled down the side of the candle.熔化了的蜡一滴滴沿蜡烛边流下。note 辨析 trickle, drip or dribble?something that trickles is flowing continuously, although in a very thin stream; sth that drips is not flowing continuously, but falling in drops; sth that dribbles may be in a very thin stream or in drops. liquid can drip down the side or over the edge of sth, or just through the air; liquid can only dribble down the side or over the edge of sth, not through the air. * trickle 指连续不断地细细流淌; drip 指一点一滴地滴落,未能连成连续的水流; dribble 可以是细流也可以是滴落。drip 指液体沿着或漫过物体的边缘,或从空中滴落。dribble 仅指液体沿着或漫过物体的边缘流下,不指从空中滴落◆water dribbled from the tap. trickle [countable, usually singular] a small amount or number of sth coming or going slowly稀疏缓慢来往的东西◆as a result of the civil war, the steady trickle of immigration became a flood of refugees.内战致使原本稳定稀疏的移民人数变成大批难民涌入。trickle [intransitive, transitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition通常与副词或介词连用) (of liquid) to flow slowly in a thin stream; to make sth flow in this way(液体)滴,淌;使(液体)小股流淌◆rainwater trickled through the cracks in the boards.雨水顺着板上的裂缝渗漏下来。◆trickle some oil over the salad.往沙拉上滴些许油。▸ trickle noun [countable] ◆there was a trickle of blood at the corner of his mouth.他的嘴角有一道血。tricklenoun [countable] ◆there was a trickle of blood at the corner of his mouth.他的嘴角有一道血。tricklenoun [countable] ◆there was a trickle of blood at the corner of his mouth.他的嘴角有一道血。trickle/ˈtrɪkl ||; ˈtrɪkḷ/verb[i] 1. (used about a liquid) to flow in a thin line (指液体)滴,涓涓地流: ◇raindrops trickled down the window. 雨滴顺着窗户淌下来。 2. to go somewhere slowly and gradually 逐渐且慢慢地去某处 trickle noun [c] [usu.sing] ◇a trickle of water 涓涓细流 tricklesee ⇨ flow 1 ⇨ little 1     • • •• ⇨ a trickle☞ trickle¹☞ trickle²




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