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单词 fashionable/not fashionable
释义 fashionable/not fashionable1 fashionable2 to be fashionable3 ways of saying that something becomes fashionable4 to make something fashionable5 fashionable people6 fashionable activity, product, style etc7 the business of making and selling fashionable clothes8 not fashionablerelated wordssee alsoclothes,taste in clothes, music etc,old-fashioned,well-dressed,style/elegance,suit/look good together,design,1. fashionable 时髦的 fashionable /ˈfæʃənəbəl/ [adjective] clothes, styles, places or activities that are fashionable are popular at the present time, but will probably only be popular for a short time 时尚的,时髦的 the store sells fashionable clothes at prices you can afford. 这家商店出售时髦的服装,价格你能够接受。 a style of painting that was fashionable in the 1930s 一种20世纪30年代时流行的绘画风格 kate spent her summers in cape cod working in a fashionable resort. 凯特夏天到科德角的一个时髦的度假胜地去打工。 they recently opened a cafe on manhattan's fashionable east side. 他们最近在曼哈顿时髦的东区开了一家咖啡馆。 cool /kuːl/ [adjective] spoken informal said to show approval of something that is fashionable, interesting, or attractive -- used especially by young people 【口,非正式】酷,时髦的,漂亮的[尤为年轻人使用] he was wearing these really cool sunglasses. 他戴着副很酷的墨镜。 many young people start smoking because they think it looks cool. 很多年轻人开始吸烟是因为觉得这样看上去很酷。 hot /hɒtǁhɑːt/ [adjective] informal very fashionable now [非正式】受欢迎的,热门的,红极一时的 one of the hot young writers of the decade 这十年来很受欢迎的年轻作家之一 they're supposed to be the hottest thing since the beatles. 据说他们是自披头士乐队以后最红极一时的乐队。 trendy /ˈtrendi/ [adjective] informal very fashionable, often for a short time -- used especially humorously or to show disapproval 【非正式】时髦的,潮流的[尤幽默用语或表示不满] a trendy street market in the centre of paris 位于巴黎市中心的时髦街市 delgado predicts that blonde hair will become trendy this summer. 德尔加多预测今年夏天金发将成为时尚。 trendy bars and restaurants are opening and inexpensive apartments in the area are getting hard to find. 时髦酒吧和餐厅不断开张,这一地区便宜的住房是越来越难找了。 stylish /ˈstaɪlɪʃ/ [adjective] well designed, and attractive in a fashionable way 时髦的,精致漂亮的 she was wearing a stylish black woollen dress. 她穿着一件时髦的黑色羊毛衫。 stylish modern furniture 时尚的现代家具 chic /ʃiːk/ [adjective] very fashionable in an expensive way, and showing a lot of good judgement about good style 非常时髦昂贵的;品味很高的 they live in a chic apartment overlooking the seine. 他们居住在俯瞰塞纳河的时髦套间里。 a chic restaurant in boston 波士顿的一家时髦餐馆 the east side of the city has become very chic in the past few years. 过去的几年里该城的东区已发展得很时尚高雅了。 cult /kʌlt/ [adjective only before noun] fashionable and only known about by a small group of people - use this especially about things or people that later become very famous [在一小群人之间]时尚的,时髦的[尤指稍后会出名的物或人] alex garland's cult novel ‘the beach’ was later made into a film starring leonardo di caprio. 亚历克斯·加兰的小说《海滩》被小众崇拜,后来被改编成电影,由莱奥纳多·迪卡普里奥主演。 60s cult band the velvet underground 60年代的小众时尚乐队“地下丝绒” frankie knuckles is a cult figure in dance music. 弗朗姬·纳克尔兹是舞蹈音乐领域的小众时尚人物。 in /ɪn/ [adjective] informal fashionable at the present time 【非正式】流行的 purple seems to be in this year. 紫色似乎是今年的流行色。be the in place gstaad is the in place to go skiing in winter. 格施塔德是冬季滑雪的时髦地方。the in thing to do cycling to work has become the in thing to do. 骑自行车上班已成为时髦的事。 hip /hɪp/ [adjective] informal doing things or done according to the latest fashion 【非正式】时尚的,时髦的 the south side is becoming a really hip place to live. 南区已成为很时尚的居住区。 i hate old people who dress like teenagers and think they're hip. 我很讨厌老年人穿成青少年模样,还自以为很赶得上潮流。 happening /ˈhæpənɪŋ/ [adjective] informal fashionable and exciting 【非正式】时髦的,顶呱呱的 in four to five years, this will be a happening film festival. 四到五年内这个电影节就将成为时髦。 the town's ok, but not what you'd call a happening place. 这个城镇挺不错,但算不上是个叫得响的地方。2. to be fashionable 时髦的 be in fashion /biː ɪn ˈfæʃən/ [verb phrase] if clothes, music, places, or activities are in fashion, they are fashionable and popular with many people at the present time [服装、音乐、地方或活动]流行 latin music is very much in fashion. 拉丁音乐目前很流行。 surprisingly, flared trousers are in fashion again. 令人吃惊的是,喇叭裤又流行起来了。 country cottage furniture has been in fashion for a long time now. 乡间小屋式家具现已流行了很长一段时间。 be the fashion /biː ðə ˈfæʃən/ [verb phrase] to be fashionable 是时尚 i thought it looked ugly, but iris said white suits were the fashion so i tried it on. 我觉得那套套装很难看,可是艾丽斯说它是时尚,所以我就穿上试了试。be the fashion among somebody wearing coats hanging off one shoulder is the fashion among schoolchildren at the moment. 穿着外套挂下一只肩来是眼下学生们的时尚。 be the latest thing/be the in thing /biː ðə ˌleɪtə̇st ˈθɪŋ, biː ði ˌɪn ˈθɪŋ/ [verb phrase] informal to be the most recent and most popular fashion now 【非正式】现在最为流行 when i was growing up, the video game ‘pong’ was the latest thing. 我小时候一种叫“电子乒乓游戏”的电子游戏最流行。 i know cigars are the in thing, but you'll never see me smoke one. 我知道抽雪茄近来很时髦,但我决不会去抽的。be the latest thing in something herbert's house looks like a factory , but it's the latest thing in modern architecture. 赫伯特的房子看上去像个厂房—这是现代建筑中最流行的设计了。be the in thing to do having a holiday in ibiza seems to be the in thing to do at the moment. 去伊维萨岛度假眼下似乎成了件时髦的事。 be in /biː ˈɪn/ [adjective] informal to be fashionable at the present time 【非正式】眼下正流行的 long skirts are in at the moment. 长裙目前很流行。 be all the rage /biː ˌɔːl ðə ˈreɪdʒ/ [verb phrase] if something, especially an activity, is all the rage, it is very fashionable, and popular with a lot of people, especially for a short time [尤指某活动]风靡一时 before the war, ragtime was all the rage in the dancehalls. 战前,雷格泰姆音乐在舞厅里是非常流行的。 buying a cabin in the mountains may be all the rage at the moment, but is it really a sound investment? 在山区里买一幢小木屋眼下也许十分流行,但这个投资真的稳健吗? be in vogue /biː ɪn ˈvəʊg/ [verb phrase] if something, especially a style of music, decoration, art etc, is in vogue, it is fashionable at that time with a particular group of people [尤指音乐、装潢、艺术等的风格]风行,流行 do you remember when new wave music was in vogue? 你记得新浪潮音乐是什么时候流行的吗? his photographs, stark and sometimes shocking, are very much in vogue with young intellectuals. 他拍的照片质朴无华,有时令人震惊,在青年知识分子中非常风行。3. ways of saying that something becomes fashionable 某物变得流行的说法 come into fashion /ˌkʌm ɪntə ˈfæʃən/ [verb phrase] when did baseball caps come into fashion? 棒球帽是什么时候开始流行起来的? when mini-skirts first came into fashion, women said they'd never wear them. 迷你裙刚开始流行的时候,女人们都说决不会穿。come back into fashion short haircuts for men went out for a time, and then they came back into fashion. 男人留短发曾一度过时,后来又流行起来了。 come in /ˌkʌm ˈɪn/ [intransitive phrasal verb] to become fashionable, especially for a short period of time 时髦起来[尤指短时间的] skateboarding first came in during the early 1980s. 滑板最早流行于20世纪80年代初期。 new fashions seem to come in and go out again much more quickly these days. 如今新时尚的更替似乎快多了。 make a comeback /ˌmeɪk ə ˈkʌmbæk/ [verb phrase] to become fashionable and popular again, after having been unfashionable for a long period of time [久不流行的事物]又流行起来 who'd have thought platform soles would ever make a comeback? 谁料得到厚鞋底还会重新流行起来呢? games like ‘ludo’ and ‘snakes and ladders’ are really making a comeback. 像“鲁多”和“蛇爬梯子”这样的游戏的确又流行起来了。4. to make something fashionable 使某物流行 set the trend /ˌset ðə ˈtrend/ [verb phrase] to make something that is new fashionable, by doing, using, or wearing it, so that a lot of people copy you 创立新潮流;开创新风尚 young backpackers set the trend, and now people of all ages are looking for cheap ways to travel around southeast asia. 年轻的背包旅行者开创了新风尚,现在各种年龄的人都在寻找便宜的途径去东南亚地区旅行。set the trend of to save the planet we must set the trend of caring for the environment. 为了拯救地球,我们必须树立保护环境的风尚。5. fashionable people 时髦人士 fashionable /ˈfæʃənəbəl/ [adjective] someone who is fashionable wears fashionable clothes, owns fashionable things, and goes to fashionable places 时髦的;赶时髦的 this is the latest style of hat worn by fashionable women in milan. 这是米兰时髦女士戴的最时尚的帽子。 i've never been very fashionable. i'd rather wear what feels comfortable. 我从来不太喜欢赶时髦,宁愿穿感觉舒适的衣服。 trendy /ˈtrendi/ [adjective] informal fashionable -- use this especially about someone who you think tries too hard to be fashionable 【非正式】赶时髦的,追逐时尚的 stylish south beach cafés filled with trendy young couples 坐满了赶时髦年轻夫妇的时尚的南部海滩咖啡馆 she only talks like that because she wants to sound trendy. 她用那种腔调说话,只因为她想听起来显得时髦。 sophisticated /səˈfɪstɪkeɪtəd, səˈfɪstəkeɪtəd/ [adjective] someone who is sophisticated knows a lot about fashionable things and feels confident about being with fashionable people 精于时尚的,高雅时髦的 a sophisticated woman whose friends included many rich and famous people 一位高雅时髦的女子,她的朋友中许多都是富人和名人 a play that will appeal to a sophisticated audience 一部吸引高雅时髦观众的戏剧 fashion victim /ˈfæʃən ˌvɪktə̇m/ [countable noun] someone who wears clothes that are fashionable, but that make them look silly 时尚的牺牲品[穿时装但不得体的人] a new designer who will appeal to fashion victims everywhere 一位迎合各地盲目追求时尚的人的新出道的设计师6. fashionable activity, product, style etc 时尚的活动、产品、风格等 fashion /ˈfæʃən/ [countable noun] a style of clothes, hair, behaviour etc that is fashionable 时尚,时髦,流行款式 latest fashion the newest styles of clothes [衣服的]最新款式 i always find it hard to keep up with the latest fashions. 我一直觉得很难赶上最新款式。fashion in clothes/music etc changing fashions in popular music 流行音乐不断变化的时尚fashion for doing something who started this fashion for wearing old army clothes? 是谁首先开始穿旧军服这种时尚的? trend /trend/ [countable noun] a way of doing something or a way of thinking that is becoming fashionable 时尚,潮流 a lot of the students here don't think for themselves, they just follow the latest trends. 这里的许多学生不会自己思考,只会赶时髦。trend in today we'll be examining the latest trends in kitchen design 今天我们来探讨一下厨房设计的最新潮流。 craze/fad /kreɪz, fæd/ [countable noun] a fashion, activity, type of music etc that suddenly becomes very popular, but only remains popular for a short time [时装、活动、音乐等的]热,时尚 a new fitness craze from australia is rapidly catching on. 澳大利亚传来的一种健身热正迅速传开。 to no one's surprise, the macarena proved to be a short-lived fad. 玛卡莲娜舞风行一时也过时得快,这谁也没有感到意外。 the latest thing /ðə ˌleɪtə̇st ˈθɪŋ/ [noun phrase] the most fashionable and newest thing to do, wear, or have 最新时髦 the latest thing is to wear only white clothes. 最近流行只穿白衣服。 no matter how expensive, he always has to do the latest thing. 不管花多少钱,他总是要赶时髦。the latest thing in i can remember when eight-track tapes were the latest thing in music. 我还记得八音轨磁带是音响界内时髦事的时候。 vogue /vəʊg/ [countable noun] a style of music, clothes, art etc that is fashionable with a particular group of people 时髦式样,流行风格 people's fondness for wearing black and other dark colours was a vogue i never really liked. 人们爱穿黑色和其他深色的时尚我从来都不大喜欢。 a vogue for the paintings of claude lorraine 喜爱克劳德·洛兰的绘画的时尚7. the business of making and selling fashionable clothes 制作和销售时装的行业 fashion /ˈfæʃən/ [uncountable noun] he's one of the best-known designers in the world of fashion. 他是时装界最著名的设计师之一。 a fashion designer 时装设计师 a fashion show 时装表演8. not fashionable 不时髦的 out of fashion /ˌaʊt əv ˈfæʃən/ [verb phrase] no longer fashionable - use this especially about clothes and music 过时[尤指时装和音乐] it seems like all the clothes i buy are out of fashion by the time i wear them. 好像我买的所有衣服到我穿上的时候就都已过时了。go/fall out of fashion rock'n'roll began in the fifties and has never really gone out of fashion. 摇滚乐始于50年代,而且从未真正过时。 go out /ˌgəʊ ˈaʊt/ [intransitive phrasal verb] especially british to stop being fashionable 【尤英】不再流行 jogging went out when it was found to be harmful for the joints. 当人们发现慢跑对关节有害时,它就不再流行了。 i can't believe you're wearing those shoes -- they went out years ago! 真不敢相信你还在穿这种鞋子,很多年前就不再流行了! unfashionable /ʌnˈfæʃənəbəl/ [adjective] not fashionable - use this especially about people's ideas, beliefs, and way of life 不流行的,旧式的[尤指思想、信仰和生活方式] she lives in an unfashionable part of west london. 她住在伦敦西区一处旧式的城区。 socialism became unfashionable after the collapse of the berlin wall. uncool /ʌnˈkuːl/ [adjective] spoken informal not fashionable, interesting, or attractive - used especially by young people 【口,非正式】不酷的,落伍的[尤为年轻人所用] a really uncool place for a holiday 一个很不时髦的度假地it's uncool to do something nowadays it's considered very uncool to wear fur. 如今穿毛皮衣服被认为很落伍。 date /deɪt/ [intransitive verb] to gradually become unfashionable, and be replaced with more modern styles, methods, ideas etc 逐渐过时 the trouble with high fashion clothes is that they date very quickly. 流行时装的问题是它们过时得非常快。 certain styles of music will never date, and will always be popular. 有些音乐风格永远不会过时,总是广受欢迎。 dated [adjective] fashionable in the past but looking or seeming old-fashioned now: 过时的,不再流行的 i loved that album when i bought it a few years ago but it sounds really dated today. 几年前我买下这张专辑时是很喜欢它的,但是如今听起来很过时了。 the production was excellent but the costumes looked dated. 制作极佳,但服装看上去过时了。




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