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单词 psych
释义 psych/saɪk ||; saɪk/verb psych yourself up(informal 非正式) to prepare yourself in your mind for sth difficult 在心理上作好准备(以面对困难): ◇i've got to psych myself up for this interview. 我要为这次面试作好心理准备。 ☞ psycho psych /saɪk; saɪk/vpsych yourself upphr v [t]informal make yourself feel mentally ready to do something difficult, by telling yourself that you can do it 【非正式】 使自己心理上做好准备psyched upadjpsych yourself upinformal make yourself feel mentally ready to do something difficult, by telling yourself that you can do it 【非正式】 使自己心理上做好准备




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