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单词 on/on top of
释义 on/on top of1 on or on top of something2 to be on the surface of waterrelated wordsswitch on 打开电源 switch on or off,on a particular subject 关于某一主题 about,on a particular day 在某一天 time (2),see alsotop,above,up,under/below,1. on or on top of something 在某物上面或在某物之上 on /ɒnǁɑːn, ɔːn/ [preposition] on the surface of something 在…上 richard put the letter down on the table. 理查德把信放在桌子上。 neil armstrong was the first person ever to set foot on the moon. 尼尔·阿姆斯特朗是第一个登上月球的人。 there weren't enough chairs so i had to sit on the floor. 椅子不够,我只好席地而坐。 four bottles of wine were standing on the shelf. 架子上放着四瓶酒。 on top of /ɒn ˈtɒp ɒvǁ-ˈtɑːp-/ [preposition] on the highest part of something tall 在…顶上 on top of the church was a large illuminated cross. 教堂顶上是一个巨大的发光十字架。 the plane crashed on top of sugarbush mountain, in vermont. 飞机在佛蒙特州舒格布什山顶失事。one on top of the other in a pile 一个一个地叠成一堆 joey stacked the crates one on top of the other. 乔伊把那些板条箱一个个摞起来。 onto /ˈɒntuː/ [preposition] into a position on the surface of something 到…之上 nancy walked onto the stage and took the microphone in her hand. 南希走上舞台接过麦克风。 spoon the mixture onto the top of the cake and spread it evenly. 用匙把混合料舀到蛋糕上面均匀地涂开。 over /ˈəʊvəʳ/ [preposition] on something and covering it 覆盖在…上面 there was a white sheet over the victim's body. 受害者的尸体上盖着一块白布。 she wore a coat over her sweater. 她在毛衣外面穿了件外套。put/lay/throw something over something she put a blanket over the child's legs to keep him warm. 她给孩子腿上盖了块毯子,使他暖和。all over on all parts of something 到处 he spilled beer all over my feet. 他把啤酒都洒在我脚上。 there were toys all over the floor. 地上到处是玩具。2. to be on the surface of water 在水面上 float /fləʊt/ [intransitive verb] to be supported on the surface of water by the water itself 漂;浮 ice is less dense than water, which is why it floats. 冰的密度小于水,所以会浮在水上。float in the water annie was floating on her back in the water. 安妮脸朝上地浮在水上。 they could see something pale and white floating in the water. 他们看到一个灰白色的东西在水中漂浮。float on water/the surface/the river etc a cup of coffee with black bits floating on the surface 上面浮着些黑点的一杯咖啡float along/down etc the empty boat floated off down the river. 那空空的小船随着河水漂走了。 floating [adjective only before noun] floating plants are useful because they shade the surface of the water. 浮水植物有助荫蔽水面。 a massive floating platform 大型浮台 afloat /əˈfləʊt/ [] be/stay/keep afloat to stay on the surface of water without sinking 浮在水面上 i moved my hands and feet slightly to stay afloat. 我轻轻摆动手脚使自己浮在水面上。 those in the water tried to hold on to the boats that were still afloat. 那些掉在水里的人拼命想攀住仍未下沉的船只。




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