高扬 石玉琦 杨兴春 邱磊 杨芷
[中图分类号]R622 ? ?[文献标志码]A ? ?[文章编号]1008-6455(2019)12-0039-03
Comparison of Augmentation Rhinoplasty Effect between Expanded Polytetrafluoroethylene and Silicone Prosthesis
GAO Yang,SHI Yu-qi,YANG Xing-chun,QIU Lei,YANG Zhi
[Skin Plastic and Beauty Center,Third Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University(Jell Hospital),Chongqing 401120,China]
Abstract: Objective ?To compare of the clinical effect of expanded polytetrafluoroethylene and silicone prosthesis in augmentation rhinoplasty. Methods ?From June 2016 to June 2018, 60 cases of rhinoplasty patients were treated in the plastic surgery department of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University (Jieer Hospital). 30 patients with expanded polytetrafluoroethylene were in the study group and 30 patients with silicone prosthesis were in the control group. The nasal root height, nasofacial angle, nasofacial angle, nasofacial angle and nasal tip angle were recorded at 3 and 12 months after operation, and the incidence of complications and patients' satisfaction were counted. Results ?In the control group, 12 months postoperatively, the nasal root height, nasal facial angle and nasal tip angle were significantly lower than 3 months postoperatively(P0.05). In the study group, 12 months postoperatively, there was no significant difference in the height of the nasal root, the angle of the nose surface, the angle of the nose frontal and the angle of the nose tip compared with 3 months postoperatively(P>0.05). 12 months after operation, the height of nasal root, the angle of nasal surface and the angle of nasal tip in the study group were significantly higher than those in the control group(P0.05). The total incidence of complications in the study group was 6.66%, which was significantly lower than that in the control group (33.33%, P<0.05). The patients' satisfaction in the study group was 90.00%, which was significantly higher than that in the control group(53.33%, P<0.05). Conclusion ?The augmentation rhinoplasty effect of expanded polytetrafluoroethylene is better than that of silicone prosthesis.
key words: augmentation rhinoplasty; expanded polytetrafluoroethylene; silicone prosthesis; nasal shape; complication
1 ?资料和方法
1.1 一般资料:选取2016年6月-2018年6月重庆医科大学附属第三医院(捷尔医院)整形外科收治的60例鼻整形患者为研究对象,根据填充材料的不同进行分组,将填充膨体聚四氟乙烯的作为研究组(n=30),填充硅胶的作为对照组(n=30)。
1.2 纳入和排除标准:纳入标准:①重庆医科大学附属第三医院(捷尔医院)整形外科收治的鼻整形患者;②年龄≥18岁者;③患者或其家属均了解本次研究,并签署知情同意书。排除标准:①鼻部或面部严重病变者;②使用其他方式隆鼻,填充材料非膨体聚四氟乙烯或硅胶者;③瘢痕体质者。
1.3 手术方法
1.3.1 术前设计:鼻部的长度为面长的1/3,符合三庭五眼比例关系。鼻额角理想为130°~140°,鼻面角(即鼻梁与面部平面的交角)理想为30°~33°,鼻尖角(鼻尖上下小叶之间的夹角)理想为85°~95°,鼻唇角(即鼻小柱与上唇间的交角)理想为90°~100°。首先标定鼻根部最高点,患者术前行磁共振成像检测(Magnetic resonance imaging,MRI),随后标定鼻正中线,仔细观察鼻部情况,估计假体厚度、宽度、长度。
1.3.2 术中操作:术前对手术部位进行消毒,采用利多卡因进行局部麻醉。于右侧鼻翼切口,切开皮下粘连组织使鼻翼软骨充分暴露,使用弯钳将鼻翼软骨分离至鼻骨与鼻中隔软骨交界处,将鼻背筋膜分离至黄金分割点约4mm处。膨体与硅胶假体采用碘伏浸泡,降低术后感染风险,根据患者鼻背长度修剪假体,长度5~7cm不等,宽度与患者鼻骨相当,上窄下宽修剪成柳叶形或L形;考虑到膨体压缩性较好,研究组假体较对照组稍厚1mm。将填充材料放入分离腔隙间,根据患者的需求及美观程度固定填充材料后缝合伤口。
1.3.3 术后护理:保持切口部位清洁无感染,可局部冰敷,连续服用3d抗生素防止手术部位感染,术后1周拆线。
1.4 观察指标:术后对患者进行随访,结合患者照片资料比较两组患者手术后3个月,12个月后鼻根高、鼻面角、鼻额角、鼻尖角等相关指标的变化情况。记录两组患者并发症发生状况,如假体塌陷、慢性感染、鼻部肿胀等。满意度评价:非常满意:治疗后,鼻翼两侧对称,鼻形美观,逼真柔软,无明显瘢痕;满意:鼻翼两侧对称,鼻形较为自然,但与脸部不太和谐,遗留瘢痕;不满意:鼻翼两侧对称性差,有明显瘢痕等。
1.5 统计学分析:用SPSS 13.0统计学软件分析数据。计量资料行t检验,表示为(x?±s);计数资料行χ2检验,表示为[例(%)]。P<0.05表示差异具有统计学意义。
2 ?结果
2.1 两组患者临床资料比较:两组患者性别、年龄、疾病类型等比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。
2.2 两组患者鼻部塑形指标比较:与术后3个月相比,对照组术后12个月鼻根高、鼻面角、鼻尖角显著降低,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。而研究组术后12个月鼻根高、鼻面角、鼻尖角、鼻额角与术后3个月比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。术后12个月,研究组鼻根高、鼻面角、鼻尖角显著高于对照组(P0.05)。
2.3 两组并发症发生情况比较:研究组并发症发生率6.66%显著低于对照组33.33%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。
2.4 两组治疗满意度比较:研究组治疗满意度90.00%显著高于对照组的53.33%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。
3 ?讨论
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