
LCL滤波器; 有源阻尼; PWM整流器; 轴带发电机
中图分类号: U664.1;TM34
文献标志码: A
PWM rectifiers of ship shaft generators based on LCL filters
GAN Shihonga, CHU Jianxinb, GU Weib, CHEN Taishana
(a. Merchant Marine College; b. Institute of Logistics Science & Engineering, Shanghai Maritime
University, Shanghai 201306, China)
In order to improve the performance of ship shaft generators, a PWM rectifier based on an LCL filter is applied to the ship shaft generator system. To suppress the resonance peak of the LCL filter, a novel current controller without additional transducers is proposed. The capacitive current is predicted by a Luenberger observer. Through the virtual resistor feedback, the predicted current creates active damping to suppress the resonance peak of the LCL filter. Based on this, the dualloop control strategy of the rectified voltage and the inverterside current is proposed to improve the dynamic responding time and the antiinterference ability of DC voltage in the rectifier side and AC current in the converter side. Finally, the correctness of the theoretical analysis and the feasibility of the control strategy are verified by the simulation and experiments.
Key words:
LCL filter; active damping; PWM rectifier; shaft generator
收稿日期: 20151112
修回日期: 20151222
轴带发电机采用脉宽调制(Pulse Width Modulation, PWM)整流技术可以输出稳定可控的直流电压,交流侧功率因数可控.[35]此外,PWM整流器采用LCL滤波器可以有效抑制高频电流谐波,采用较小的电感可以得到理想的滤波效果,但LCL滤波器是一个三阶谐振电路,在谐振频率时对轴带发电机系统的稳定性和船舶电网的电流谐波影响很大.这是因为LCL滤波器是一个无阻尼或低阻尼的系统,所以必须采用有源阻尼或无源阻尼方法来抑制谐振峰值.无源阻尼方法是在滤波器里串联电阻,该方法虽然简单、概念清楚,但将引起整个系统功耗大增[6];有源阻尼方法是通过反馈控制来实现的,近年来成为并网控制的研究热点[712].目前,国内外学者针对LCL滤波器提出的一些控制方案,基本上可以分为间接电流控制和直接电流控制两类,前者主要采用幅相控制[1314],后者又可以分为电压电流双闭环控制[1]和直接功率控制[1517].
[1]石健将, 李荣贵, 张平, 等. 基于新型电压电流双闭环控制的轴带发电机PWM整流器研究[J]. 电工技术学报, 2014, 29(6): 189195.
[2]刘以建, 许慧敏, 李硕. 船舶轴带发电机整流器的前馈解耦控制[J]. 上海海事大学学报, 2014, 35(4): 6367.DOI: 10.13340/j.jsmu.2014.04.013.
[3]石健将, 陆熙, 王宝臣, 等. 航空400 Hz三相高功率因数PWM整流器的零静差矢量控制[J]. 电工术学报, 2010, 25(2): 8085.
[4]曹晓冬, 谭国俊, 王从刚, 等. 三相PWM整流器模型预测虚拟电压矢量控制[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2014, 34(18): 29262935.
[5]SAEEDIFARD M, IRAVANI R, POU J. A space vector modulation strategy for a backtoback fivelevel HVDC converter system[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industry Electronics, 2009, 56(2): 452466.
[6]仇志凌, 杨恩星, 孔洁, 等. 基于LCL滤波器的并联有源电力滤波器电流闭环控制方法[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2009, 29(8): 1520.
[7]许津铭, 谢少军, 肖华峰. LCL滤波器有源阻尼控制机制研究[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2012, 32(9): 2733.
[8]LISERRE M, AQUILA A D, BLAABJERG F. Genetic algorithmbased design of the active damping for an LCLfilter threephase active rectifier[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2004, 19(1): 7686.
[9]DANNEHL J, FUCHS F W, HANSEN S, et al. Investigation of active damping approaches for PIbased current control of gridconnected pulse width modulation converters with LCL filters[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2010, 46(4): 15091517.
[10]TANG Y, LOH P C, WANG P, et al. Exploring inherent damping characteristic of LCLfilters for threephase gridconnected voltage source inverters[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2012, 27(3): 14331443.
[11]DANNEHL J, LISERRE M, FUCHS F W. Filterbased active damping of voltage source converters with LCL filter[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2011, 58(8): 36233633.
[12]HE Jinwei, LI Yunwei, BOSNJAK Dubravko, et al. Investigation and active damping of multiple resonances in a parallelinverterbased microgrid[J]. IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics, 2013, 28(1): 234246.
[13]王英, 张纯江, 陈辉明. 三相PWM整流器新型相位幅值控制数学模型及其控制策略[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2003, 23(11): 8589.
[14]张纯江, 郭忠南, 王芹, 等. 基于新型相位幅值控制的三相PWM整流器双向工作状态分析[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2006, 26(11): 167171.
[15]VAZQUEZ S, SANCHEZ J A, CARRASCO J M, et al. A model based direct power control for threephase power converters[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2008, 55(4): 16471657.
[16]BOUAFIA A, GAUBERT JP, KRIM F. Predictive direct power control of three phase pulsewidth modulation (PWM) rectifier using spacevector modulation (SVM)[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2010, 25(1): 228236.
[17]SHI Tingna, WANG Jian, ZHANG Ce, et al. Direct power control for threelevel PWM rectifier based on hysteresis strategy[J]. Science China, 2012, 55(11): 30193028.

LCL滤波器; 有源阻尼; PWM整流器; 轴带发电机
中图分类号: U664.1;TM34
文献标志码: A
PWM rectifiers of ship shaft generators based on LCL filters
GAN Shihonga, CHU Jianxinb, GU Weib, CHEN Taishana
(a. Merchant Marine College; b. Institute of Logistics Science & Engineering, Shanghai Maritime
University, Shanghai 201306, China)
In order to improve the performance of ship shaft generators, a PWM rectifier based on an LCL filter is applied to the ship shaft generator system. To suppress the resonance peak of the LCL filter, a novel current controller without additional transducers is proposed. The capacitive current is predicted by a Luenberger observer. Through the virtual resistor feedback, the predicted current creates active damping to suppress the resonance peak of the LCL filter. Based on this, the dualloop control strategy of the rectified voltage and the inverterside current is proposed to improve the dynamic responding time and the antiinterference ability of DC voltage in the rectifier side and AC current in the converter side. Finally, the correctness of the theoretical analysis and the feasibility of the control strategy are verified by the simulation and experiments.
Key words:
LCL filter; active damping; PWM rectifier; shaft generator
收稿日期: 20151112
修回日期: 20151222
轴带发电机采用脉宽调制(Pulse Width Modulation, PWM)整流技术可以输出稳定可控的直流电压,交流侧功率因数可控.[35]此外,PWM整流器采用LCL滤波器可以有效抑制高频电流谐波,采用较小的电感可以得到理想的滤波效果,但LCL滤波器是一个三阶谐振电路,在谐振频率时对轴带发电机系统的稳定性和船舶电网的电流谐波影响很大.这是因为LCL滤波器是一个无阻尼或低阻尼的系统,所以必须采用有源阻尼或无源阻尼方法来抑制谐振峰值.无源阻尼方法是在滤波器里串联电阻,该方法虽然简单、概念清楚,但将引起整个系统功耗大增[6];有源阻尼方法是通过反馈控制来实现的,近年来成为并网控制的研究热点[712].目前,国内外学者针对LCL滤波器提出的一些控制方案,基本上可以分为间接电流控制和直接电流控制两类,前者主要采用幅相控制[1314],后者又可以分为电压电流双闭环控制[1]和直接功率控制[1517].
[1]石健将, 李荣贵, 张平, 等. 基于新型电压电流双闭环控制的轴带发电机PWM整流器研究[J]. 电工技术学报, 2014, 29(6): 189195.
[2]刘以建, 许慧敏, 李硕. 船舶轴带发电机整流器的前馈解耦控制[J]. 上海海事大学学报, 2014, 35(4): 6367.DOI: 10.13340/j.jsmu.2014.04.013.
[3]石健将, 陆熙, 王宝臣, 等. 航空400 Hz三相高功率因数PWM整流器的零静差矢量控制[J]. 电工术学报, 2010, 25(2): 8085.
[4]曹晓冬, 谭国俊, 王从刚, 等. 三相PWM整流器模型预测虚拟电压矢量控制[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2014, 34(18): 29262935.
[5]SAEEDIFARD M, IRAVANI R, POU J. A space vector modulation strategy for a backtoback fivelevel HVDC converter system[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industry Electronics, 2009, 56(2): 452466.
[6]仇志凌, 杨恩星, 孔洁, 等. 基于LCL滤波器的并联有源电力滤波器电流闭环控制方法[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2009, 29(8): 1520.
[7]许津铭, 谢少军, 肖华峰. LCL滤波器有源阻尼控制机制研究[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2012, 32(9): 2733.
[8]LISERRE M, AQUILA A D, BLAABJERG F. Genetic algorithmbased design of the active damping for an LCLfilter threephase active rectifier[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2004, 19(1): 7686.
[9]DANNEHL J, FUCHS F W, HANSEN S, et al. Investigation of active damping approaches for PIbased current control of gridconnected pulse width modulation converters with LCL filters[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2010, 46(4): 15091517.
[10]TANG Y, LOH P C, WANG P, et al. Exploring inherent damping characteristic of LCLfilters for threephase gridconnected voltage source inverters[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2012, 27(3): 14331443.
[11]DANNEHL J, LISERRE M, FUCHS F W. Filterbased active damping of voltage source converters with LCL filter[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2011, 58(8): 36233633.
[12]HE Jinwei, LI Yunwei, BOSNJAK Dubravko, et al. Investigation and active damping of multiple resonances in a parallelinverterbased microgrid[J]. IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics, 2013, 28(1): 234246.
[13]王英, 张纯江, 陈辉明. 三相PWM整流器新型相位幅值控制数学模型及其控制策略[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2003, 23(11): 8589.
[14]张纯江, 郭忠南, 王芹, 等. 基于新型相位幅值控制的三相PWM整流器双向工作状态分析[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2006, 26(11): 167171.
[15]VAZQUEZ S, SANCHEZ J A, CARRASCO J M, et al. A model based direct power control for threephase power converters[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2008, 55(4): 16471657.
[16]BOUAFIA A, GAUBERT JP, KRIM F. Predictive direct power control of three phase pulsewidth modulation (PWM) rectifier using spacevector modulation (SVM)[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2010, 25(1): 228236.
[17]SHI Tingna, WANG Jian, ZHANG Ce, et al. Direct power control for threelevel PWM rectifier based on hysteresis strategy[J]. Science China, 2012, 55(11): 30193028.