
摘 要: 为了提高网络大数据的安全性能,进行Web入侵风险预测,提出基于非平稳性盲源分离的大数据的Web入侵检测模型进行风险预测估计。构建大数据的Web入侵信息测量模型,对Web大数据信息流进行二维信号拟合,采用非平稳性高斯独立平均统计量进行入侵信息判别,实现Web入侵风险预测模型改进设计。仿真结果表明,采用该方法进行大数据的Web入侵检测的准确检测概率较高,风险预测的精度高于传统模型。
关键词: 大数据; Web入侵; 风险预测; 盲源分离
中图分类号: TN915.08?34; TP311 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2017)18?0150?03
Web intrusion risk prediction based on large data
WANG Yongxiang1, WANG Peng 2
(1. Guangzhou Vocational College of Technology and Business, Guangzhou 511442, China;
2. School of Computer Science and Technology, Southwest University for Nationalities, Chengdu 610225, China)
Abstract: In order to improve the security performance of network large data and predict the Web intrusion risk, the Web intrusion detection model based on the non?stationary blind source separation is proposed for risk prediction estimation. The big data Web intrusion information measurement model is constructed to perform two?dimensional signal fitting of Web data information flow. The non?stationary Gauss independent average statistical magnitude is used for intrusion information discrimination to implement improvement and design of the Web intrusion risk prediction model. The simulation results show that the method has high detection probability for the big data Web intrusion detection, and higher risk prediction accuracy than that of the traditional model.
Keywords: big data; Web intrusion; risk prediction; blind source separation
0 引 言
3 仿真实验与结果分析
为了测试本文算法在实现大数据环境下的Web入侵检测和风险预测中的性能,进行仿真实验。采用Hadoop 2012构建分布平台,在云计算环境下设计大数据信息库,在大数据信息库中进行入侵检测,采用Matlab仿真工具进行数学仿真。大数据特征点的采样个数为1 024个,入侵中继网络中Sink节点设置为12个,Web网络中数据传输速率为100 Mb/s,干扰信噪比为0~80 dB,仿真时间为12 s。根据上述仿真参量设定,进行入侵检测分析,采用本文方法和传统方法进行大数据Web入侵检测,得到检测概率曲线如图1所示。
表1 数据Web入侵风险预测误差对比
4 结 语
[1] 徐倩漪,齐芳.基于机器学习的通信网络非结构化大数据分析算法研究[J].激光杂志,2016,37(10):125?128.
[2] 梁聪刚,王鸿章.微分进化算法的优化研究及其在聚类分析中的应用[J].现代电子技术,2016,39(13):103?107.
[3] M?LLER L F, OLIVEIRA R R. Survivor: an enhanced controller placement strategy for improving SDN survivability [C]// Proceedings of IEEE Global Communications Conference. Austin: IEEE, 2014: 1909?1915.
[4] DIN D R, HUANG J S. Multicast backup reprovisioning problem for Hamiltonian cycle?based protection on WDM networks [J]. Optical fiber technology, 2014, 20(2): 142?157.
[5] REN Tianpeng, YUN Chau, GUAN Yongliang. High?order intensity modulations for OSTBC in free?space optical MIMO communications [J]. Wireless communications letters, IEEE, 2013, 2(6): 607?610.
[6] 蒋本立,张小平.大数据网络的均衡调度平台设计与改进[J].现代电子技术,2016,39(6):62?65.
[7] 薛胜军,胡敏达,许小龙.云环境下公平性优化的资源分配方法[J].计算机应用,2016,36(10):2686?2691.
[8] ZHANG Q, ZHU Q Y, ZHANI M F, et al. Dynamic service placement in geographically distributed clouds [J]. IEEE journal of selected areas in communications, 2013, 31(12): 762?772.
[9] 王祥斌.数据挖掘技术在入侵检测系统中的应用研究[J].计算机测量与控制,2012,20(2):13?16.

摘 要: 为了提高网络大数据的安全性能,进行Web入侵风险预测,提出基于非平稳性盲源分离的大数据的Web入侵检测模型进行风险预测估计。构建大数据的Web入侵信息测量模型,对Web大数据信息流进行二维信号拟合,采用非平稳性高斯独立平均统计量进行入侵信息判别,实现Web入侵风险预测模型改进设计。仿真结果表明,采用该方法进行大数据的Web入侵检测的准确检测概率较高,风险预测的精度高于传统模型。
关键词: 大数据; Web入侵; 风险预测; 盲源分离
中图分类号: TN915.08?34; TP311 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2017)18?0150?03
Web intrusion risk prediction based on large data
WANG Yongxiang1, WANG Peng 2
(1. Guangzhou Vocational College of Technology and Business, Guangzhou 511442, China;
2. School of Computer Science and Technology, Southwest University for Nationalities, Chengdu 610225, China)
Abstract: In order to improve the security performance of network large data and predict the Web intrusion risk, the Web intrusion detection model based on the non?stationary blind source separation is proposed for risk prediction estimation. The big data Web intrusion information measurement model is constructed to perform two?dimensional signal fitting of Web data information flow. The non?stationary Gauss independent average statistical magnitude is used for intrusion information discrimination to implement improvement and design of the Web intrusion risk prediction model. The simulation results show that the method has high detection probability for the big data Web intrusion detection, and higher risk prediction accuracy than that of the traditional model.
Keywords: big data; Web intrusion; risk prediction; blind source separation
0 引 言
3 仿真实验与结果分析
为了测试本文算法在实现大数据环境下的Web入侵检测和风险预测中的性能,进行仿真实验。采用Hadoop 2012构建分布平台,在云计算环境下设计大数据信息库,在大数据信息库中进行入侵检测,采用Matlab仿真工具进行数学仿真。大数据特征点的采样个数为1 024个,入侵中继网络中Sink节点设置为12个,Web网络中数据传输速率为100 Mb/s,干扰信噪比为0~80 dB,仿真时间为12 s。根据上述仿真参量设定,进行入侵检测分析,采用本文方法和传统方法进行大数据Web入侵检测,得到检测概率曲线如图1所示。
表1 数据Web入侵风险预测误差对比
4 结 语
[1] 徐倩漪,齐芳.基于机器学习的通信网络非结构化大数据分析算法研究[J].激光杂志,2016,37(10):125?128.
[2] 梁聪刚,王鸿章.微分进化算法的优化研究及其在聚类分析中的应用[J].现代电子技术,2016,39(13):103?107.
[3] M?LLER L F, OLIVEIRA R R. Survivor: an enhanced controller placement strategy for improving SDN survivability [C]// Proceedings of IEEE Global Communications Conference. Austin: IEEE, 2014: 1909?1915.
[4] DIN D R, HUANG J S. Multicast backup reprovisioning problem for Hamiltonian cycle?based protection on WDM networks [J]. Optical fiber technology, 2014, 20(2): 142?157.
[5] REN Tianpeng, YUN Chau, GUAN Yongliang. High?order intensity modulations for OSTBC in free?space optical MIMO communications [J]. Wireless communications letters, IEEE, 2013, 2(6): 607?610.
[6] 蒋本立,张小平.大数据网络的均衡调度平台设计与改进[J].现代电子技术,2016,39(6):62?65.
[7] 薛胜军,胡敏达,许小龙.云环境下公平性优化的资源分配方法[J].计算机应用,2016,36(10):2686?2691.
[8] ZHANG Q, ZHU Q Y, ZHANI M F, et al. Dynamic service placement in geographically distributed clouds [J]. IEEE journal of selected areas in communications, 2013, 31(12): 762?772.
[9] 王祥斌.数据挖掘技术在入侵检测系统中的应用研究[J].计算机测量与控制,2012,20(2):13?16.