吕国芳 常培晶 田正宏
关键词: 相关系数剔除法; 加权最小二乘法; 流变仪; 测控系统; 线性回归; 粗大误差剔除法
中图分类号: TN06?34 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 文献标识码: A ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 文章编号: 1004?373X(2019)03?0173?04
Abstract: The rheological parameters are obtained by means of linear regression of torque values in the rheological measurement and control system. Since the slope and intercept obtained by linear regression has poor tolerance for external disturbances, the correlation coefficient elimination method is proposed. This method can restrain the external interference according to the correlation coefficient of linear regression. The weighted least square method is used for linear regression. The result of field test is used to evaluate the effect of data processing. The result shows that the correlation coefficient elimination method can improve the correlation coefficients of linear regression obviously, and the rheological parameters obtained by weighted least square method are more stable than those of ordinary least square method.
Keywords: correlation coefficient elimination method; weighted least square method; rheometer; measurement and control system; linear regression; coarse error elimination method

4 ?結 ?语
[1] 田正宏,井锦旭.混凝土流变参数十字搅拌轴测试方法[J].建筑材料学报,2013,16(6):949?954.
TIAN Zhenghong, JING Jinxu. Test method of cross vane shear apparatus on rheological parameters of concrete mixture [J]. Journal of building materials, 2013, 16(6): 949?954.
[2] 任怡锦,吕国芳,田正宏.LabVIEW与PLC结合在混凝土工作性测控仪中的应用[J].电子设计工程,2016,24(19):107?110.
REN Yijin, L? Guofang, TIAN Zhenghong. Application of LabVIEW and PLC in the measure and controller of concrete workability [J]. Electronic design engineering, 2016, 24(19): 107?110.
[3] 黄大能.流变学与泵送混凝土[J].混凝土与水泥制品,1992(1):4?6.
HUANG Daneng. Rheology and pumping of concrete [J]. China concrete and cement products, 1992(1): 4?6.
[4] 任怡锦.新拌混凝土工作性测控系统的研究[D].南京:河海大学,2017.
REN Yijin. Research on the control system of fresh concrete workability [D]. Nanjing: Hohai University, 2017.
[5] 吕国芳,韦刚,田正宏.基于LabVIEW的混凝土工作性测控系统数据采集处理[J].国外电子测量技术,2017,36(10):97?100.
L? Guofang, WEI Gang, TIAN Zhenghong. Data acquisition and processing of concrete workability detection system based on LabVIEW [J]. Electronic measurement technology, 2017, 36(10): 97?100.
[6] 刘君华.现代检测技术与测试系统设计[M].西安:西安交通大学出版社,1999.
LIU Junhua. Modern testing technology and design of test system [M]. Xian: Xian Jiaotong University Press, 1999.
[7] 盛骤,谢式千,潘承毅.概率论与數理统计[M].北京:高等教育出版社,2008.
SHENG Zhou, XIE Shiqian, PAN Chengyi. Probability and mathematical statistics [M]. Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2008.
[8] 赵冬青,赵振峰.基于改进最小二乘法的发动机实验数据处理[J].中北大学学报(自然科学版),2009,30(4):338?342.
ZHAO Dongqing, ZHAO Zhenfeng. Application of improved robust least?square method to experimental data processing of engine [J]. Journal of North University of China (natural science), 2009, 30(4): 338?342.
[9] 范文博,王文龙.最小二乘直线拟合方法及其在同位素地质年代学中的应用研究[J].地质论评,2013,59(5):801?814.
FAN Wenbo, WANG Wenlong. Least squares linear fitting method and its application in isotopic geochronology [J]. Geological review, 2013, 59(5): 801?814.
[10] LI Zeyuan. Constrained weighted least squares location algorithm using received signal strength measurements [J]. China communications, 2016(4): 81?88.
关键词: 相关系数剔除法; 加权最小二乘法; 流变仪; 测控系统; 线性回归; 粗大误差剔除法
中图分类号: TN06?34 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 文献标识码: A ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 文章编号: 1004?373X(2019)03?0173?04
Abstract: The rheological parameters are obtained by means of linear regression of torque values in the rheological measurement and control system. Since the slope and intercept obtained by linear regression has poor tolerance for external disturbances, the correlation coefficient elimination method is proposed. This method can restrain the external interference according to the correlation coefficient of linear regression. The weighted least square method is used for linear regression. The result of field test is used to evaluate the effect of data processing. The result shows that the correlation coefficient elimination method can improve the correlation coefficients of linear regression obviously, and the rheological parameters obtained by weighted least square method are more stable than those of ordinary least square method.
Keywords: correlation coefficient elimination method; weighted least square method; rheometer; measurement and control system; linear regression; coarse error elimination method

4 ?結 ?语
[1] 田正宏,井锦旭.混凝土流变参数十字搅拌轴测试方法[J].建筑材料学报,2013,16(6):949?954.
TIAN Zhenghong, JING Jinxu. Test method of cross vane shear apparatus on rheological parameters of concrete mixture [J]. Journal of building materials, 2013, 16(6): 949?954.
[2] 任怡锦,吕国芳,田正宏.LabVIEW与PLC结合在混凝土工作性测控仪中的应用[J].电子设计工程,2016,24(19):107?110.
REN Yijin, L? Guofang, TIAN Zhenghong. Application of LabVIEW and PLC in the measure and controller of concrete workability [J]. Electronic design engineering, 2016, 24(19): 107?110.
[3] 黄大能.流变学与泵送混凝土[J].混凝土与水泥制品,1992(1):4?6.
HUANG Daneng. Rheology and pumping of concrete [J]. China concrete and cement products, 1992(1): 4?6.
[4] 任怡锦.新拌混凝土工作性测控系统的研究[D].南京:河海大学,2017.
REN Yijin. Research on the control system of fresh concrete workability [D]. Nanjing: Hohai University, 2017.
[5] 吕国芳,韦刚,田正宏.基于LabVIEW的混凝土工作性测控系统数据采集处理[J].国外电子测量技术,2017,36(10):97?100.
L? Guofang, WEI Gang, TIAN Zhenghong. Data acquisition and processing of concrete workability detection system based on LabVIEW [J]. Electronic measurement technology, 2017, 36(10): 97?100.
[6] 刘君华.现代检测技术与测试系统设计[M].西安:西安交通大学出版社,1999.
LIU Junhua. Modern testing technology and design of test system [M]. Xian: Xian Jiaotong University Press, 1999.
[7] 盛骤,谢式千,潘承毅.概率论与數理统计[M].北京:高等教育出版社,2008.
SHENG Zhou, XIE Shiqian, PAN Chengyi. Probability and mathematical statistics [M]. Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2008.
[8] 赵冬青,赵振峰.基于改进最小二乘法的发动机实验数据处理[J].中北大学学报(自然科学版),2009,30(4):338?342.
ZHAO Dongqing, ZHAO Zhenfeng. Application of improved robust least?square method to experimental data processing of engine [J]. Journal of North University of China (natural science), 2009, 30(4): 338?342.
[9] 范文博,王文龙.最小二乘直线拟合方法及其在同位素地质年代学中的应用研究[J].地质论评,2013,59(5):801?814.
FAN Wenbo, WANG Wenlong. Least squares linear fitting method and its application in isotopic geochronology [J]. Geological review, 2013, 59(5): 801?814.
[10] LI Zeyuan. Constrained weighted least squares location algorithm using received signal strength measurements [J]. China communications, 2016(4): 81?88.