
摘 要: 在嵌入式软件开发中,代码缺陷会导致软件系统瘫痪。为了实现对软件缺陷的自动定位,提出一种基于抽象语法树解析的嵌入式软件代码缺陷定位技术。采用软件代码缺陷信息演化导入模型进行嵌入式软件的缺陷抽象语法树建模,对软件设计和程序代码中的缺陷模式进行信息重构,对嵌入式软件的括号、设计、命名等代码缺陷进行语法逻辑探测与自动优化,实现软件缺陷的自动定位。测试结果表明,采用该技术进行嵌入式软件缺陷定位的精度较高,时间成本较低,提高了软件的可靠性。
关键词: 嵌入式软件; 缺陷; 定位; 代码; 软件系统瘫痪
中图分类号: TN958.98?34; TP311 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2017)18?0079?04
Realization of automatic positioning technology for embedded software defects
HU Yun1, HU Guoxiang2, HU Shigang3, XIONG Zenggang4
(1. Pingdingshan Industrial College of Technology, Pingdingshan 467000, China; 2. Yili Vocational and Technical College, Yining 835000, China;
3. Hubei Polytechnic Institute, Xiaogan 432000, China; 4. Hubei Engineering University, Xiaogan 432000, China)
Abstract: In the development of the embedded software, code defects will lead to paralysis of the software system. In order to realize the automatic positioning of software defects, a kind of embedded software code defect positioning technology based on the analysis of the abstract syntax tree is put forward. The evolution import model of the software code defect information is adopted for abstract syntax tree modeling of the embedded software defect to achieve information reconstruction of the defect mode in software design and program code. The code defects of d brackets, design and naming in the embedded software are detected in syntax logic and optimized automatically to realize automatic positioning of software defects precision. The test results show that the technology for the embedded soft defect localization can implement high accuracy and low time cost, and improve the reliability of the embedded software.
Keywords: embedded software; defect; location; code; softeware system paralysis
0 引 言
4 结 语
[1] 熊伟,王娟丽.软件需求定量分析及其映射的模糊层次分析法[J].科技通报,2012,28(8):201?204.
[2] 汪中才,蔡铭.用HOQ技术的软件可信性评估研究[J].计算机应用研究,2012,28(8):150?152.
[3] ZHENG Guo, WANG Bing, CUI Jun. Generic prediction assisted single?copy routing in underwater delay tolerant sensor networks [J]. Ad hoc networks, 2013, 11(3): 1136?1149.
[4] LIU Hui, NIU Zhendong, MA Zhiyi, et al. Identification of generalization refactoring opportunities [J]. Automated software engineering, 2013, 20(1): 81?110.
[5] ZHANG Min, HALL T, BADDOO N. Code bad smells: a review of current knowledge [J]. Journal of software maintenance and evolution: research and practice, 2011, 23(3): 179?202.
[6] 陈志华,刘晓勇.云计算下大数据非结构的稳定性检索方法[J].现代电子技术,2016,39(6):58?61.
[7] 陈志锋,李清宝,张平,等.基于聚类分析的内核恶意软件特征选择[J].电子与信息学报,2015,37(12):2821?2829.
[8] 林永峰,陈亮.面向安全性分析的嵌入式软件测试方法研究[J].现代电子技术,2016,39(13):80?83.

摘 要: 在嵌入式软件开发中,代码缺陷会导致软件系统瘫痪。为了实现对软件缺陷的自动定位,提出一种基于抽象语法树解析的嵌入式软件代码缺陷定位技术。采用软件代码缺陷信息演化导入模型进行嵌入式软件的缺陷抽象语法树建模,对软件设计和程序代码中的缺陷模式进行信息重构,对嵌入式软件的括号、设计、命名等代码缺陷进行语法逻辑探测与自动优化,实现软件缺陷的自动定位。测试结果表明,采用该技术进行嵌入式软件缺陷定位的精度较高,时间成本较低,提高了软件的可靠性。
关键词: 嵌入式软件; 缺陷; 定位; 代码; 软件系统瘫痪
中图分类号: TN958.98?34; TP311 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2017)18?0079?04
Realization of automatic positioning technology for embedded software defects
HU Yun1, HU Guoxiang2, HU Shigang3, XIONG Zenggang4
(1. Pingdingshan Industrial College of Technology, Pingdingshan 467000, China; 2. Yili Vocational and Technical College, Yining 835000, China;
3. Hubei Polytechnic Institute, Xiaogan 432000, China; 4. Hubei Engineering University, Xiaogan 432000, China)
Abstract: In the development of the embedded software, code defects will lead to paralysis of the software system. In order to realize the automatic positioning of software defects, a kind of embedded software code defect positioning technology based on the analysis of the abstract syntax tree is put forward. The evolution import model of the software code defect information is adopted for abstract syntax tree modeling of the embedded software defect to achieve information reconstruction of the defect mode in software design and program code. The code defects of d brackets, design and naming in the embedded software are detected in syntax logic and optimized automatically to realize automatic positioning of software defects precision. The test results show that the technology for the embedded soft defect localization can implement high accuracy and low time cost, and improve the reliability of the embedded software.
Keywords: embedded software; defect; location; code; softeware system paralysis
0 引 言
4 结 语
[1] 熊伟,王娟丽.软件需求定量分析及其映射的模糊层次分析法[J].科技通报,2012,28(8):201?204.
[2] 汪中才,蔡铭.用HOQ技术的软件可信性评估研究[J].计算机应用研究,2012,28(8):150?152.
[3] ZHENG Guo, WANG Bing, CUI Jun. Generic prediction assisted single?copy routing in underwater delay tolerant sensor networks [J]. Ad hoc networks, 2013, 11(3): 1136?1149.
[4] LIU Hui, NIU Zhendong, MA Zhiyi, et al. Identification of generalization refactoring opportunities [J]. Automated software engineering, 2013, 20(1): 81?110.
[5] ZHANG Min, HALL T, BADDOO N. Code bad smells: a review of current knowledge [J]. Journal of software maintenance and evolution: research and practice, 2011, 23(3): 179?202.
[6] 陈志华,刘晓勇.云计算下大数据非结构的稳定性检索方法[J].现代电子技术,2016,39(6):58?61.
[7] 陈志锋,李清宝,张平,等.基于聚类分析的内核恶意软件特征选择[J].电子与信息学报,2015,37(12):2821?2829.
[8] 林永峰,陈亮.面向安全性分析的嵌入式软件测试方法研究[J].现代电子技术,2016,39(13):80?83.