陈欢庆 胡永乐 冉启全 闫林

摘 要:针对火山岩储层非均质性强烈、横向变化大、有效预测和开发难度大等问题,以松辽盆地徐东地区营城组一段火山岩储层为例,综合岩芯、测井、地震和分析测试等多种资料,在火山岩体发育基本特征表征基础上,从储层精细划分、岩相分类与储层物性分析、有利开发区带预测等方面,阐述了火山岩体追踪识别在气藏有效开发中的应用情况。结果表明:松辽盆地徐东地区单个火山岩体平面上面积多在20 km2,平均厚度多在300 m;在火山岩储层精细对比中,加入火山岩体的追踪识别可以解决精细分层界限穿越火山岩体的“穿时”矛盾;火山岩体与火山岩相关系密切;靠近火山口的构造高部位多为好储层发育和有利的开发区域。
中图分类号:P618.130.2;TE122 文献标志码:A
Abstract: Volcanic reservoirs have the characteristics of strong anisotropism, large lateral variation, difficult effective prediction and exploitation. Taking the member 1 of Yingcheng Formation in Xudong area of Songliao Basin as an example, combined with the core, logging, seismic data and analytical test, the basic characteristics of volcanic bodies were described, and the application of tracing and identifying of volcanic bodies on the effective exploitation of gas reservoir was explained according to the detailed reservoir division, lithofacies classification and analysis of reservoir physical property, and prediction of favorable development area. The results show that the single volcanic body mainly extends to about 20 km2, and the average thickness is mostly about 300 m; tracing and identifying of volcanic bodies, which are added into detailed correlation of volcanic reservoir, can solve the contradiction that the time radiuses of volcanic edifices are longer than those of volcanic bodies, and the stratum boundary passes through the former but not the latter; the relationship between volcanic bodies and lithofacies can forecast the development rules of different kinds of volcanic lithofacies or sub-lithofacies and favorable development areas; the high position near volcanic vent mainly develops favorable reservoir, and is the favorable development area
Key words: volcanic rock; favorable development area; stratigraphic correlation; reservoir; lithofacies; Yingcheng Formation; Xudong area; Songliao Basin
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1 区域地质概况

摘 要:针对火山岩储层非均质性强烈、横向变化大、有效预测和开发难度大等问题,以松辽盆地徐东地区营城组一段火山岩储层为例,综合岩芯、测井、地震和分析测试等多种资料,在火山岩体发育基本特征表征基础上,从储层精细划分、岩相分类与储层物性分析、有利开发区带预测等方面,阐述了火山岩体追踪识别在气藏有效开发中的应用情况。结果表明:松辽盆地徐东地区单个火山岩体平面上面积多在20 km2,平均厚度多在300 m;在火山岩储层精细对比中,加入火山岩体的追踪识别可以解决精细分层界限穿越火山岩体的“穿时”矛盾;火山岩体与火山岩相关系密切;靠近火山口的构造高部位多为好储层发育和有利的开发区域。
中图分类号:P618.130.2;TE122 文献标志码:A
Abstract: Volcanic reservoirs have the characteristics of strong anisotropism, large lateral variation, difficult effective prediction and exploitation. Taking the member 1 of Yingcheng Formation in Xudong area of Songliao Basin as an example, combined with the core, logging, seismic data and analytical test, the basic characteristics of volcanic bodies were described, and the application of tracing and identifying of volcanic bodies on the effective exploitation of gas reservoir was explained according to the detailed reservoir division, lithofacies classification and analysis of reservoir physical property, and prediction of favorable development area. The results show that the single volcanic body mainly extends to about 20 km2, and the average thickness is mostly about 300 m; tracing and identifying of volcanic bodies, which are added into detailed correlation of volcanic reservoir, can solve the contradiction that the time radiuses of volcanic edifices are longer than those of volcanic bodies, and the stratum boundary passes through the former but not the latter; the relationship between volcanic bodies and lithofacies can forecast the development rules of different kinds of volcanic lithofacies or sub-lithofacies and favorable development areas; the high position near volcanic vent mainly develops favorable reservoir, and is the favorable development area
Key words: volcanic rock; favorable development area; stratigraphic correlation; reservoir; lithofacies; Yingcheng Formation; Xudong area; Songliao Basin
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1 区域地质概况