标题 | 国际科技合作中企业科技情报泄密源探究 |
范文 | 朱礼龙 〔摘 要〕国际科技 合作中企业科技情报泄密发生源涉及外方合作者?我方合作企业和第三方渠道等三方面?外 方合作者帮助其政府搜集信息?借用国内合作方的名义,规避国内法律,获取企业信息?利 用合作交流的便利条件索取或非法获取企业秘密?欺骗?引诱和拉拢企业关键涉密岗位人员 及企业关联人员,获取企业机密信息等;我方合作企业保密手段落后,保密观念淡薄,违规 操作,保密管理不严,给外方获取国家秘密(或企业内部)信息以可乘之机;合作外方通过 第三方获取敏感信息,如通过企业所在供应链系统获取机密信息?通过中介机构获取机密信 息?通过诸如行业协会?消费者组织?新闻记者等第三方机构获取机密信息等? 〔关键词〕国际科技合作;企业科 技情报;泄密源;第三方渠道;信息安全;保密 DOI:10.3969/j .issn.1008-0821.2014.01.025 〔中图分类号〕G250.2 〔文献标识码〕A 〔文章编号 〕1008-0821(2014)01-0115-04 A Study on the Leak Sources of the Enterprises Science and Technology Intelligence in the International Science and Technology Cooperation Zhu Lilong (School of Management,Anhui Science and Technology University,Fengyang 233100 ,China) 〔Abstract〕”BZ〗The leak sources of the enterprises science and technology intelligenc e in the international science and technology cooperation relate to the foreign partner,the domestic enterprise cooperated and the third party channel.The forei gn partner collects information for its government,circumvents the domestic law to obtain the enterprises information in the name of the domestic partners,tak es advantage of cooperation to obtain the enterprises secret legally or illega lly,and deceits,seduces and woos the enterprises key classified staff and ente rprises associated personnel to access to the business information;the domestic enterprise cooperated with behindhand confidential means is short of the confide ntial consciousness,operates illegally,and is not strict in security management so that the foreign partner has an opportunity to obtain the state secrets(or i nternal)information;the foreign partner accesses to the sensitive information t hrough such third parties as the enterprises in the supply chain system,the inte rmediary institutions and other third party institutions such as industry associ ation,consumer organizations,journalists etc.. 〔Key words〕international sc ience and technology cooperation;enterprises science and technology intelligen ce;leak sources;the third party channel;information security;maintain secrecy 近年来,国际科技合作中企业科技情报重大泄密事件不断曝光,如澳大利亚力拓公司胡 士泰等四人涉嫌非国家工作人员受贿?侵犯商业秘密犯罪案,美籍华裔地质学家薛峰参与协 商了将一家石油行业数据库售予其美国雇主案,浙江电力采购底牌泄密案等?上述披露的重 大科技情报泄密事件或许只是国际科技合作中企业科技情报泄密的冰山一角,随着对外合作技术文 |
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