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标题 成人上颌正中多生牙的临床美学修复探讨

    杜文治 裴丹丹 刘洁 王珍珍 贺敏 逯宜




    [中图分类号]R783.4? ? [文献标志码]A? ? [文章编号]1008-6455(2019)10-0106-03

    Abstract: Objective? The aim of this study is to evaluate the clinical effects of adult patients with mesiodens treated by all-ceramic restorations. Methods The present study consisted of 19 all-ceramic restorations of 16 adults with mesiodens from July 2015 to December 2017.The clinical effects treated by all-ceramic restroations were assessed by using the modified Ryge criteria, and the satisfaction of patient was investigated through the questionnaire. Results? At the beginning of the restoration, 4 patients were dissatisfied with the color of the prosthesis. While through the adjustment by the technicians on-site, they all satisfied the color and agreed that the prosthesis to be adhered. Within 1 week after restoration, several patients presented temporary mild gingival redness and swelling and transient sensitive symptoms, which were relieved and then disappeared in a short time. After six months, 1 case of ceramic restoration was reworked for the cracking of porcelain. In addition, the patient's subjective satisfaction was as high as 100% after all patients were followed up for more than one year. Conclusion? Using all-ceramic restorations to repair mesiodens can improve the aesthetic of the patients and reduce the pain caused by orthodontic treatment. Therefore, all-ceramic restorations can be used as a clinical option for the treatment of mesiodens.

    Key words: adults; all-ceramic restoration; aesthetic prosthetics; mesioden; satisfaction


    1? 资料和方法

    1.1 一般资料:本研究选取2015年7月-2017年12月在笔者医院治疗的成人正中多生牙16例患者,其中男12例,女4例,年龄19~43岁。其中保留正中多生牙,直接行全瓷修复者13例,共13个修复体;拔除正中多生牙后,行11牙和21牙贴面、单冠或联冠修复关闭间隙者3例,共6个修复体。

    1.2 修复方法

    1.2.1 修复前准备:①修复前,对患牙拍X线根尖片,测量冠根比,观察根尖周情况;②牙周洁治(如:有牙龈炎及牙周炎症者);③口腔卫生宣教;④与患者充分沟通,告知治疗中存在的风险,签署知情同意书;⑤制作诊断蜡型;⑥比色:以邻牙作为参考比色。


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