标题 | Herbert中空螺钉内固定治疗锁骨中段骨折效果及对肩关节功能恢复的影响 |
范文 | 王晓军 魏晓君 郭福溪 张慧 【摘要】 目的:對比观察Herbert中空螺钉内固定与锁定解剖钢板内固定治疗锁骨中段骨折的临床效果。方法:选取2018年1月-2019年8月东莞市虎门镇南栅医院骨科接诊的92例锁骨中段骨折患者作为研究对象,采用数字表随机法分为Herbert组和锁定钢板组,各46例,比较两组相关手术指标;患者术后均随访6个月,观察两组肩关节功能恢复情况及术后并发症。结果:Herbert组手术时间为(42.97±5.39)min,术后住院时间为(4.38±1.21)d,均短于锁定钢板组的(51.42±7.63)min、(6.84±1.58)d,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);Herbert组手术切口长度为(3.95±0.57)cm, 短于锁定钢板组的(9.02±1.14)cm,Herbert组手术出血量为(53.08±9.26)ml,少于锁定钢板组的(82.36±11.27)ml,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);两组术后6个月肩关节功能JOA评分及并发症发生率比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:Herbert中空螺钉治疗锁骨中段骨折效果优于锁定解剖钢板内固定治疗。 【关键词】 Herbert中空螺钉 锁定解剖钢板 内固定 锁骨中段骨折 肩关节功能 doi:10.14033/j.cnki.cfmr.2020.19.013 文献标识码 B 文章编号 1674-6805(2020)19-00-03 Herbert Hollow Screw Internal Fixation for Treatment of Mid-clavicular Fractures and Its Effect on Patients Shoulder Joint Function Recovery/WANG Xiaojun, WEI Xiaojun, GUO Fuxi, ZHANG Hui. //Chinese and Foreign Medical Research, 2020, 18(19): -35 [Abstract] Objective: To observe the effect of Herbert hollow screw and locking anatomical plate internal fixation in treatment of mid-clavicle fracture. Method: A total of 92 patients with mid-clavicular fractures admitted to Nanzha Hospital of Humen Town, Dongguan City from January 2018 to August 2019 were selected as the research subjects. The numbers were randomly divided into the Herbert group and the locking plate group, with 46 cases each. The operative indexes of the two groups were compared. Patients were followed up for 6 months after surgery to observe the recovery of shoulder joint function and postoperative complications in the two groups. Result: The operation time was (42.97±5.39) min, and postoperative hospital stay was (4.38±1.21) days in the Herbert group, shorter than (51.42±7.63) min and (6.84±1.58) days in the locking plate group, the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). The length of the surgical incision in the Herbert group was (3.95±0.57) cm, shorter than (9.02±1.14) cm in the locking plate group, the surgical bleeding volume in the Herbert group was (53.08±9.26) ml, less than (82.36±11.27) ml in the locking plate group, the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). There was no statistically significant difference in the JOA score of shoulder joint function and the incidence of complications between the two groups of patients at 6 months after operation (P>0.05). Conclusion: Herbert hollow screw is better than locking anatomic plate internal fixation for middle clavicle fracture. [Key words] Herbert hollow screw Locking anatomical plates Internal fixation Midclavicular fracture Shoulder joint function 综上所述,Herbert中空螺钉材料为钛合金,具有良好的组织相容性,可在锁骨髓腔内长期留存,避免再次手术,而且切口短,术后瘢痕小,对骨膜及其血供破坏少,可避免医源性锁骨上神经损伤,在治疗锁骨中段骨折上效果优于锁定钢板治疗。但也有不足之处,其一是抗旋转及内固定强度不及锁定钢板;二是螺钉尾部要完全埋入骨皮质,防止螺钉松动出现骨折移位及退钉。 参考文献 [1]孙伟桐,查晔军,蒋协远.锁骨中段骨折的治疗选择[J/OL].中华肩肘外科电子杂志,2018,6(1):68-72. [2] Kim J H,Gwak H C,Kim C W,et al.Three-dimensional clavicle displacement analysis and its effect on scapular position in acute clavicle midshaft fracture[J].Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery,2019,28(10):1877-1885. [3]曹锦辉,黄轶锋,王权.老年患者锁骨中段骨折保守治疗和手术治疗临床疗效比较[J].浙江医学教育,2019,18(3):53-55. [4]蒋协远,王大伟.骨科临床疗效评价标准[M].北京:人民卫生出版社,2005:83-84. [5]费晗,李庭.锁骨骨折及其内固定的生物力学研究进展[J].中华医学杂志,2020(5):398-400. [6]曾浪清,曾路路,蒋煜文,等.有限切开复位顺行与逆行克氏针内固定治疗青少年锁骨中段骨折[J].临床骨科杂志,2019,22(6):696. [7] Hoogervorst P,Konings P,Hannink G,et al. Functional outcomes, union rate, and complications of the Anser Clavicle Pin at 1 year: a novel intramedullary device in managing midshaft clavicle fractures[J].JSES International,2020,4(2): 272-279. [8]杨豪,王力军,包乾录.微创弹性钉与传统切口钢板治疗锁骨中段骨折的前瞻性随机对照研究[J].国际骨科学杂志,2020,41(3):180-183. [9]汪元伟,雷鸣春,才项,等.S形锁定钢板和解剖型锁定钢板治疗锁骨中段粉碎性骨折的临床效果及安全性比较[J].山西医药杂志,2017,46(4):428-431. [10]王戌佳,邵钦,杨晨松,等.Herbert螺钉治疗MasonⅡ型桡骨头骨折[J].中华手外科杂志,2018,34(2):100-101. [11]喻元,喻宙,屈增辉,等.不同入路手术治疗Herbert B2型腕舟骨骨折疗效比较[J].海南醫学,2019,30(21):2768-2771. [12]肖立平,邵培,丁红.Herbert加压螺钉内固定治疗桡骨小头骨折的临床疗效观察[J].包头医学,2018,42(2):19-20. (收稿日期:2020-03-31) (本文编辑:马竹君) |
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