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标题 A brief analysis of the cultural attributes of balin stone carving

    方田 庞大伟

    摘 要:Balin stone is one of the four fa.ous chop stone of China,lt enjoys a good reputation in the fieldof collec:tion at hoie and abroad.ln rec:ent years, the c:ollection heat of doiestic: c:ultural industry makesbalin stone fue,growing in value,Gradually attracted doiestic: and foreign stone investors love and at-tention.This paper takes balin stone as the .ain research objec:t, and roughly intrmhces the general sit-uation of balin stone industry.And analyzes the feasibility and aesthetic: deiand of cultural connotationin stone carving c:reation fro. the Angle of industrial develop.ent.The irnportance of culture to the de-sign of .odern balin stone lithographic: produc:ts is discussed.

    關键词:Balin stone;stone carving;c:ultural attribute



    文章编号:1005-5312 (2020) 09-0026-01

    China is an ancient civilization with a long history, stone and the historv of human development isclosely linked. From the stone tools used bv ancientpeople to today' s evaluation, appreciation and collec-tion of beautiful stones, forming a distinctive stoneculture. The continuous progress of human civilizationhas enriched and developed the connotation and exten-sion of stone culture. As the main choice of China' snational stone, ;oalin stone, whether in the past ornow, has a pivotal position in the stone.

    Balin stone is produced in the Balin Right Banner,Chifeng City , Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region , China. Balin stone has a gorgeous color, unique texture, avariety of patterns, The qualitv of a material that haswen run again can call exquisite stone material. Balinstone gentle, soft and hard moderate, the most suitable for carving and seal cutting materials, can besaid to loe the first choice of superior stone, is thetreasure of the collection. Balin stone is a treasurerising from the grassland with the first dawn of Chinese civilization, It is not only an industry, but alsoa culture. In the current situation of the gradual depletion of mineral resources, the better stone hasbeen rare, The most important thing in the developmentof ;oalin stone industry today is to protect high-endresources and make full use of lowend resources toactivate the market.

    In recent years with the balin stone mining volumegradually reduced, high quality stone indispensa~ole.Therefore, carving can make the stone to play its ownvalue. While increasing the interest of stone material,Keep looking for cultural?gene, and rich product cul-tural connotation. The development of balin stone products is dependent on local culture, make balin stone unique characteristics stand out. On the one hand, exploring the comboination of regional culture and stoneis to enrich the product types, so that the developmentof balin stone products have more options.On the otherhand, it is also to enhance the self-confidence of national culture, the product of cultural spirit is theproduct of The Times.At the same time, it is of greatsignificance to promote the development of stoneprinting culture industrv.

    After thousands of Vears of historical development, Now the mineral resources advantage of balinstone in Inner Mongolia autonomous region has beentransformed into the market advantage and graduallyinto the cultural

    industry. With the continuous exploitation of scarce mineral resources, resource protection is the top priority in industrial development.Rough stones should no longer loe sold directlv orabused wantonly. Stone should be presented as carved orseal cut art to maximize its value. We should take someeffective measures such as improve rough stone trade.gradually reduce the rough stone trade format.gradual-ly increase the industrial chain and so on. So that ev-ery piece of stone are processed and sold, no more direct trading in rough stones and maximize its value.Further enhance social visibility, enrich culturalconnotation,

    make it valueadded, To further promotethe healthy and orderly development of the industry isthe goal of every practitioner.





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