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标题 “目的”一词英译汉翻译方法探究


    摘 要 在英文中有许多词和短语与汉语“目的”意思相同,这些英文词和短语都有汉语的“目的”之意。翻译交流时这些词极易造成误用。本文列举了富有说服力的例句,例证了在不同的语境下如何选择英文词和短语以将“目的”译成贴切的英文。

    关键词 目的 语境 短语


    In English there are many words and phrase such as aim, goal, intention, etc having the meaning of ‘mudi in Chinese. When translating the Chinese words into English its not easy to pick out the right ones. In the paper the writer, based on his own experiences, lists some Chinese sentences to show the uses of the words.

    (1)aim: stresses what you are hoping to achieve by a plan, action, or activity, adding effort directed toward attaining or accomplishing. It refers to something you hope to achieve by doing something signaling what and/or where you aspire to be by the end.

    ①其目的就是从这古老的石头中提取氧气。The aim is to extract the oxygen from the ancient rocks.

    ②这次袭击引起日军大规模反击,目的是摧毁太平洋舰队。The raid provoked a huge Japanese counterattack, aimed at destroying the U. S. Pacific Fleet.

    (2)goal:refers to what a person, organization, or country hopes to achieve in the future, even though this might take quite a long time suggesting something attained by prolonged effort and hardship. It is something rewarding or fulfilling, inspiring a sustained endeavor.

    ①我在這个世界上唯一的目的是照顾她。Now my only goal in this world is to take care of her.

    ②管教孩子的终极目的是保护孩子安全。The ultimate goal of discipline should be to keep kids safe.

    (3)intent: suggests clearer formulation or greater deliberateness. It is used in formal situation and more strongly implying deliberateness. Intent, a noun, an uncountable noun, means to have something in mind as a plan or purpose and implies a sustained unbroken commitment or purpose.

    ①我的目的是捍卫言论自由,提高公众意识,结束仇恨。My intent is to defend free speech, and to further public awareness and end hate.

    ②目的不是抓住所有的人,而是抓到足够的人将消息传出去。The intent is not to catch everyone but rather to catch enough to spread the word.

    (4)Intention: It is a countable noun and a more everyday word, used in a wide range of situations, implying little more than what one has in mind to do or bring about. It simply signifies a course of action that one proposes to follow and it suggests an intermittent resolution or an initial aim or plan.

    我的目的就是为这片沙漠带来绿色。My intention is to color this desert in green.

    (5)object:a specific outcome or result on which one is focused, more often applying to a more individually determined wish or need, especially when this may be difficult to achieve.

    ①与此同时他的目的达到了。In the meantime, her object was gained.

    ②本着兑现承诺的目的,我写了起来。I am writing now with the object of fulfilling that promise.

    (6)objective:a word used especially in business or politics implies something tangible and immediately attainable,meaning the result that one is working towards. An Objective is the means to achieving something signaling concrete attainments that can be achieved by following a certain number of steps.

    但这次任务有自己的目的。But this mission has objectives of its own.

    (7)purpose: a most general term stresses the desired result of one's actions or efforts implying a sense of dedication, signaling a more settled determination. One of the main differences between purpose and goal is in the time. People try to reach their goals by setting deadlines. On the other hand, deadlines are not applicable in a purpose.

    ①真实的战略目标是袭击所造成的最终的混乱局面。The real strategic purpose is the ultimate chaos that will result from such attack.

    ②我来的目的是让你对她施加影响。My purpose in coming here is to induce you to use your influence over her.

    Sometimes some of these words are often used interchangeably as they are pretty similar and have only subtle differences in them. In spoken language many people might not be careful enough to use them correctly. However depending on the context it can change the meaning of the sentence. So I think the explanation above is quite helpful.


    [1] 上海外语教育出版社.朗文英语联想活用词典[M].上海外语教育出版社,1997.





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