标题 | 说明文类完形填空解题指导与训练 |
范文 | 钟雪梅 一、文章特点 常见的说明文有自我介绍、人物介绍(传记)、地方介绍、习俗介绍、节日介绍、方法(步骤)介绍,产品说明、实验报告、科普小品、读书报告和新闻报道等。这类文章主要有以下几个特点: 1. 内容的客观性。 说明文客观地说明、介绍、解释或报道客观的人物、事物或发生的现象,使读者获取一定的信息或知识,语言直白,没有主观的评论或情感的抒发。 2. 篇章的条理性。 说明文层次分明,脉落清晰,有条有理。有的按空间顺序进行说明,有的按时间顺序进行说明,有的按因果关系进行说明,有的按先主后次的顺序进行说明,有的先概述后举例,有的先举例后概述,也有的按事情的逻辑关系展开(如:解析为什么,如何做等方面的问题),等等。 3. 语言的朴实性。 说明文的目的是让读者获取信息,明白事理,因此,文章的作者会用朴实、易懂和准确的语言或使用数据进行说明,不浮夸,不加描述和议论。 二、解题技巧 要保证答题的速度和效率,可采用下列解题技巧: 1. 根据上下文的词语暗示来选择。 找到上下文的相关信息,特别是有暗示性的词语,就容易找到正确的选项了。 2. 根据上下文的行文逻辑来选择。 短文是由有一定逻辑关系的句子组成的,任何一句话都不是孤立存在的,而是要靠上下文作依托,相互之间存在一定的联系。只要我们把握好了空格上下文的行文逻辑,再活用所学语言知识,就能选出正确答案。 3. 根据文化背景和生活常识来选择。 有时,先前所积累的文化背景知识和生活常识有利于正确解答完形填空题。 4. 紧扣上下文,巧用排除法。 有时,很难从正面确定答案,尤其是答案碰巧是一个你不认识的单词,而其他三个选项你都认识的时候,紧扣上下文,巧用排除法往往会给你惊喜。 当然,有时一个技巧可以解一题,有时解一题需用到多个技巧和多项知识,而有时单凭语感就能找到答案。不管怎样,不断积累语言知识,丰富文化背景知识,提高快速阅读,特别是跳读的能力,借鉴上述解题方法加以多练,并不断进行反思和总结,就一定会享受到解题的成功感。 三、实例分析 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从21—30各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。 Edinburgh is the capital city of Scotland (since 1437) as well as one of the biggest and most important cities in the country, the seventh biggest in the United Kingdom. The___21___of the city is around half a million. It lies in the southeast of___22___. As the capital city it is also the seat of the Scottish Parliament (created in 1999). It is the second most___23City in the United Kingdom after London, with 13 million visitors a year. The___24___of Edinburgh is 100 square miles (259 square kilometers). The historical centre of the city is divided into two main parts, the Old Town and the New Town. They are___25___Princes Street Gardens. Both districts were___26___as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1995. Edinburgh is quite famous for its annual Edinburgh Festival held four weeks from early August. Edinburgh has been connected with many___27___people through its whole history. Famous authors of the city___28___Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the___29___of Sherlock Holmes, or nowadays J. K. Rowling, the author of Harry Potter. As far as the___30___is concerned, the most famous people connected with Edinburgh are Charles Darwin (the biologist), Alexander Graham Bell (the telephone pioneer), and so on. 21. A. peopleB. number C. area___D. population 22. A. EnglandB. Britain C. Wales D. Scotland 23. A. travelledB. visited C. seen D. explored 24. A. land B. amount C. area D. boundary 25. A. separated by B. divided into C. divided byD. separated into 26. A. regarded ___B. thought ___C. listed D. treated 27. A. great_________B. historical ___C. famous D. intelligent 28. A. include______ B. contain C. have D. are 29. A. author B. discoverer ___C. director D. creator 30. A. science B. biology ___C. art D. literature 答案与解析 本文介绍了爱丁堡这个城市的地理概况、人口、节日和当地的名人等情况。 21. D。根据下文的around half a million可知。 22. D。根据常识得知。 23. B。根据下文visitors的暗示。 24. C。根据下文的100 square miles (259 square kilometers)。 25. A。根据常识,分辨be divided into和 be separated from,紧扣语境来选择。 26. C。根据词义辨析。这里指“新旧城均被列入联合国教科文组织世界文化遗产”。 27. C。据上下文的行文逻辑。下文讲的都是爱丁堡的名人。 28. A。根据上下文的行文逻辑,此句意为“名作家包括柯南.道尔或J?K罗琳”。 contain是指“一种物质内含什么东西作为它其中的一部分”。 29. D。根据文学常识。 30. A。根据下文biologist和telephone pioneer的提示。 四、即时练习 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从21—30各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。 (1) October 15th, 2008, is the first Global Handwashing Day. Activities are planned in more than twenty___21___to get millions of people in the developing world to wash their hands with soap. Experts say people around the world wash their hands but very few use soap at so-called critical(关键)___22_____. These include after using the toilet, after cleaning a baby and before touching food. Global Handwashing Day is the idea of the Public-Private Partnership for Handwashing with Soap. Partners include the United Nations Children's Fund, American government agencies, the World Bank and soap___23___Unilever and Procter and Gamble. The goal, they say, is to___24___a culture of hand washing with soap. The organizers say all soaps are equally___25___at removing disease-causing germs. They say the correct way to wash is to26___your hands with a small amount of water and cover them with soap. Rub it into all areas, including under the fingernails.27 for at least twenty seconds. Then, rinse(冲洗)well under running water.28___, dry your hands with a clean29or wave them in the air. The partnership says washing with soap before eating and after using the toilet could___30___more lives than any vaccine or medicine. 21. A. districts B. areas C. organizations D. countries 22. A. situations B. emergency C. moments D. locations 23. A. makers B. brands C. makes D. creator 24. A. create B. build C. invent D. enjoy 25. A. suitable B. effective C. acceptable D. important 26. A. wash B. wet C. fill D. cover 27. A. Hold B. Rub C. Keep D. Wash 28. A. Eventually B. Additionally C. Then D. Finally 29. A. clothing B. paper C. cloth D. clothes 30. A. save B. rescue C. help D. protect (2) Most people think heart- healthy living involves sacrifice. Give up your favorite foods. Break a sweat. Lose weight. But some of the best things you can do for your___21Do not involve deprivation(剥夺) or medication. Simple and even pleasurable changes in the foods you ___22___can rival medication in terms of the benefit to your heart. Just a few small changes — eating more fish, vegetables, nuts and fiber — can have a23impact on your risk for heart problems. For some people, drinking moderate(适度) amounts of wine may24___additional benefits. Even a 55-year-old man who is about 20 pounds___25___and does not exercise regularly will have a heart-disease risk far below average if he26___consumes fish, nuts, fiber and vegetables and drinks___27 amounts of wine. Its hard to believe that such___28___food changes can make a meaningful difference, but data from hundreds of studies show they can. For instance, a review of nearly 100 studies showed just how effective fish can be as a heart protector. In studies of people who consume diets29in omega-3 fatty acids like those found in fish, heart risk was 23 percent 30___compared with a control group. The 2005 review appeared in The Archives of Internal Medicine. (Note:Break a sweat:use a lot of energy or efforts) 21. A. health B. heart C. body D. head 22. A. choose B. buy C. eat D. buy 23. A. major B. serious C. main D. small 24. A. afford B. suffer C. affect D. offer 25. A. heavy B. fat C. overweight D. light 26. A. mainly B. regularly C. hardly D. rarely 27. A. moderate B. additional C. large D. small 28. A. greenB. delicious C. easy D. simple 29. A. much B. rich C. full D. enough 30. A. lowerB. less C. higher D. more (3) After a hard-fought campaign, Democratic Senator Barack Obama has won the US presidential election, and will become the 44th President of the United States – the first African-American in the countrys history to do so. President-elect Obama marked his___21___with a speech to a crowd of tens of thousands of people in his hometown of Chicago. Obama___22___his election as a “defining moment” in the history of the Unites States, saying that “___23___has come to America”. The BBCs correspondent in Washington says that in electing Barack Obama, the American people have___24___their unhappiness with the status quo(现状) and rejected their countrys historical racial divisions. The Australian Prime Minister summed up how many people felt when he___25___President-elect Obama. “Forty-five years ago Martin Luther King had a___26___of an America where men and women would be judged not on the colour of their___27 but on the content of their character. Today what America has done is turn that dream into a___28 .” said Prime Minister Kevin Rudd. President-elect Obama will not take office until 20 January next year. However, when hedoesbecome 29 , he will face many serious___30 , including two foreign wars, climate change and what he has described as “the worst financial crisis in a century”. 21. A. election B. debate C. excitement D. victory 22. A. described B. said C. expressed D. knew 23. A. success B. luck C. fortune D. change 24. A. expressed B. written C. said D. spoken 25. A. celebrated B. observed C. cheered D. congratulated 26. A. wish B. request C. dream D. demand 27. A. hair B. skin C. eyes D. clothes 28. A. practice B. life C. reality D. fact 29. A. master B. leader C. president D. president-elect 30. A. challenges B. chances C. failures D. questions 答案与解析 (1)本文介绍了首届世界洗手日、洗手日的发起者、正确的洗手方法和意义。 21. D。从上句的Global得到提示。 22. C。从下文after using the toilet, after cleaning a baby and before touching food得知,在这几个关键时刻很少有人用肥皂洗手。situations“境遇,形势”,emergency“紧急情况”, locations “位置”,均不符语境。 23. A。由常识可知,下文的“联合利华”“宝洁”是肥皂制造商。 24. A。分辨词义,紧扣语境来选择。create “创造”,其对象往往是精神上的, 如艺术,文学作品中的人物以及新的科学领域等;可以用来表示创设一种气氛、营造一种文化;invent 着重指“发明、创造”世界上前所未有的东西,其对象往往是物质性的;build主要指“建造”建筑物。根据句意,成立洗手日的目的是要营造用肥皂洗手的文化。 25. B。透过上下文的字里行间,我们可知,用肥皂洗手——不管是哪一种肥皂,对祛除致病病菌一样有效。 26. B。可根据生活常识,洗手时,先弄湿手在涂肥皂,故选B。 27. B。根据语境,洗手的第三步是,把肥皂搓遍全手,包括指甲下面,搓20秒钟;hold意为“保持某一种状态”;keep意为“保持某一种状态或留在某处”。 28. D。根据词义辨析。eventually和 finally都有“最后”之意。但finally可表列举的最后次序。根据上下文的行文逻辑,此处讲的是洗手的最后步骤,不适合用then。 29. C。根据词义辨析。clothing衣物的总称;clothes 衣服(复数); cloth “布料(不可数)或用作某一用途的一块布(可数); paper 作纸张解时,不可数。 30. A。根据上下文的行文逻辑来选择。上文说“所有肥皂对祛除致病病菌一样有效”,故其可以救命,选A。 rescue“拯救”往往指“从危险、紧急境遇中营救某人, 不符合语境。 (2)本文介绍了一种简单、令人愉快的饮食变化——吃多些鱼、蔬菜、坚果和纤维并喝适量的酒,就能降低心脏病的风险。 21. B。通过上下文可知全文讲的是使心脏健康的饮食变化。 22. C。从下文的small changes — eating more fish, vegetables, nuts and fiber可知是指所吃食物的变化。 23. A。从下文的make a meaningful difference可知其影响大。 24. D。下文提到吃鱼、蔬菜、坚果和纤维并喝适量的酒,心脏病的风险会大大低于平均值。故喝酒可提供额外的好处。 25. C。该句句首的Even说明这种饮食变化对超重20磅、没有常规锻炼的55岁老人也能大大降低心脏病的风险。 26. B。鱼、蔬菜、坚果和纤维不是主食,故排除A。根据上下文,应该是定期吃鱼、蔬菜、坚果和纤维并喝适量的酒,心脏病的风险会大大低于平均值。 27. A。从上文drinking moderate amounts of wine可知。 28. D。根据上文Simple and even pleasurable changes in the foods可知。 29. B。吃了富含omega-3脂肪酸的食物,心脏病的风险降低,吻合文章的大意。 30. A。根据上文的risk far below average可知。 (3)本文报道了奥巴玛竞选总统获胜,实现了美国梦,发表演讲庆祝胜利。 21. D。根据上文won the US presidential election的提示,marked his victory意为“庆祝胜利”。 22. A。分辨词义,紧扣语境来选择:describe sth. as 意为“把……描绘成……”;express后常跟ones atisfaction/ gratitude/ thanks/ disappointment等表示心情的词语 。say sth. as是中文式英语, 排除B。借助下文的saying排除D项。 23. D。根据上下文的行文逻辑,或根据新闻时事信息得出。 24. B。根据上下文的行文逻辑可知,“民众选奥巴玛,表达对现状的不满”。 25. D。根据上文Obama has won the US presidential election可知,此处肯定是congratulated了。庆祝节日用celebrate或observe。 26. C。根据历史知识得出。 27. B。根据常识得出。 28. C。turn that dream into a reality梦想成真。 29. C。 根据下文的will not take office until 20 January next year得出。 30. A。根据下文的提示可知。 责任编校___蒋小青 |
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