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标题 故事复述有套路






    1. 介绍晕倒的人与救人者的关系。(根据实际情节而定,但两者一般是有关系,有些年份晕倒或伤者是养的动物)

    2. 有人晕倒了或受伤了,这一情节一般被描述为“被发现躺在地上”(He / She was found lying on the floor)。

    3. 救人,一般是打电话找医生(called the doctor at once/ was sent to the hospital at once)。

    4. 人得救了(He / She was saved in time)。





    概要:Uncle John 独居,某日侄子Tom得知叔叔晕倒,请来医生救了他。

    关键词:alone; nephew; call; neighbor; save


    1. Uncle John 独居;

    2. Uncle John有个叫Tom的侄子,或者 Tom是Uncle John的侄子;

    3. 叔叔晕倒了;

    4. Tom知道这件事;(结合关键词neighbor)

    5. Tom打电话给医生;

    6. 医生救了Uncle John。



    1. Uncle John lived alone at the age of 85 and Tom was his nephew, who often contacted him.

    2. Tom usually called his uncle to say hello to him and check if everything was OK.

    3. One day, Uncle John didnt answer Toms call.

    4. Tom then went back to work and then called again.

    5. But there was still no answer.

    6. Tom was anxious and asked Johns neighbor to see what happened.

    7. The neighbor told Tom that Uncle John was found lying on the bathroom floor.

    8. The neighbor couldnt even wake him up.

    9. Tom called the doctor for help immediately and went to the Uncle Johns house.

    10. Finally, Uncle John was save in time.

    例2: 2012年D套题的故事复述

    概要:布朗夫妇收养的袋鼠救了受伤后倒在地上的Mr. Brown。

    关键词:kangaroo; adopt; save; fall; bark


    1. 布朗夫妇收养了一只袋鼠;(联系关键词)

    2. 有一天,Mr. Brown受伤了;

    3. Mr. Brown躺在地上;

    4. 袋鼠看见了,吠叫(这个是推断信息,同时联系了关键词bark);

    5. Mr. Brown得救了。


    1. Mr. and Mrs. Brown were farmers in South Australia.

    2. They had a kangaroo called Lulu.

    3. Ten years ago Mr. Brown adopted Lulu.

    4. Lulu often followed Mr. Brown around the farm.

    5. A heavy branch fell on Mr. Brown and Mr. Brown was hurt.

    6. Mr. Brown fell to the ground and didnt know what happened next.

    7. Lulu didnt leave Mr. Brown and barked like a dog.

    8. Mrs. Brown heard Lulus bark and found Mr. Brown on the ground.

    9. Mrs. Brown sent Mr. Brown to the hospital and Mr. Brown was saved.

    10. Mr. Brown planned to take Lulu everywhere.


    概要:Tom 给Brown夫人送信时无人答应,从窗户进屋后看到她躺在地上。

    关键词:postman ;deliver a letter; house ; milk; lie


    1. Tom是邮递员;(结合关键词postman)

    2. Tom给Mrs. Brown送信;

    3. 无人答应;

    4. 门上锁了(这是推断信息,因为Tom是从窗户进入屋子的);

    5. Tom从窗户进屋;

    6. Tom看到Mrs. Brown躺在地上;

    7. Mrs. Brown得救了。



    1. Tom was a postman. Whenever Tom delivered a letter to Mrs. Brown, he finished his work late.

    2. Tom didnt mind this, for Mrs. Brown always invited him in.

    3. When entering the gate, Tom didnt see her in the garden as usual.

    4. Tom went to the back and found the kitchen was locked.

    5. Tom returned to the front and knocked, but there was no answer.

    6. This was strange since Mrs. Brown seldom left the house.

    7. Her milk was still at the door, which made Tom think she was ill.

    8. Tom walked round the house and found an open window.

    9. Tom went inside through the window and found she was lying on the floor.

    10. Tom could do nothing but call for an ambulance.

    例4: 2014年A套题的故事复述



    1. Tom坐公共汽车;(如果不在公共汽车上,Tom无法及时刹车)

    2. 在路上,司机突然晕倒了;

    3. 无人驾车,车失控;(这是推断信息)

    4. 大家都很害怕,但不知道怎么办;(这是推断信息)

    5. Tom及时刹车;

    6. Tom救了全车的人。


    1. One morning, Tom was on the school bus with other kids.

    2. But then the bus driver, who was feeling unwell, suddenly passed out.

    3. It happened very quickly, and the bus began to be out of control.

    4. All the kids were afraid and they screamed.

    5. But Tom was calm because he knew a lot about cars and often helped his father repair his car.

    6. So Tom ran to the front of the bus, and pushed the bus driver to one side.

    7. He stepped on the brakes and stopped the bus.

    8. Nobody was hurt, and the story of Tom saving the kids on the bus became well known.

    9. He even appeared on television, and his school gave him an award.

    10. Toms father was proud of him, and said hed teach Tom to drive when Tom was old enough





    关键词:companion(伙伴), camping(露营), break(使……骨折), driver(司机), recover(康复)




    1. Mary有一小伙伴,它是一只小狗。(联系关键词companion)

    2. Mary带着小狗去露营。(没带着它去,则下文无法展开)

    3. Mary摔伤了腿,倒在地上。

    4. 狗跑出去,寻找帮助。

    5. 一位司机跟着小狗,找到Mary。(联系关键词,狗找的人极有可能是drive)

    6. 司机看到Mary受伤,帮助她。

    7. 最后Mary康复了。(联系关键词)


    1. Mary kept a dog and always considered him a good companion.

    2. One day, Mary went to a big mountain with the dog for camping.

    3. Unfortunately, when she was taking some pictures, she fell down from a rock and broke her leg.

    4. The dog ran a long way to the main road, trying to stop passing cars, but he failed.

    5. He hurried back to the camp to see how Mary was.

    6. Again, the dog went back to the road, trying to ask for help.

    7. Finally, a driver stopped and followed the dog to where Mary was.

    8. The driver found Mary lying on the ground, pale and weak.

    9. He sent her to a hospital immediately.

    10. Three months later, Mary recovered and she knew she owed much to the dog.


    责任编辑 蒋小青





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