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标题 Starter Unit 2 What’s this in English?教学设计及说明

    刘欢欢 张丽华


    本课选自新目标英语七年级上Starter Unit 2,是其中的预备单元。预备篇是为了使没有英语学习基础的学生更好地使用本套教材而编写的。它的主要内容为26个英文字母和最基本的英语日常用语。本单元的教学内容为:Ii — Rr10个字母;ruler,map,quilt,jacket,key等7个单词;辨认物品What is this/that in English? 及其回答。



    1. 语言知识目标:

    ①复习字母Aa-Hh; ②学习并掌握字母Ii-Rr;③学习一些日常用品的单词;④学习如何识别事物。

    2. 语言技能目标:


    3. 情感态度与价值观: 通过完成各种教学任务,培养学生对事物的辨别能力。


    重点:①学会并掌握字母Ii-Rr及map,orange,jacket,key,pen,ruler等单词;②学习并掌握what 引导的特殊疑问句。



    Step I Greeting

    T: Class begins! Good morning, boys and girls.

    S: Good morning, teacher.

    T: How are you?

    S: Im fine, thanks.

    T: Im fine, too. Sit down, please.

    Step II Review the letters A-H

    ① Read the letters

    T: In the last unit, we have learnt the letters from A to H. Now lets read the letters together.


    ② Write the letters

    T: Now, open your books. Turn to Page... Look at the picture in 1a. Try to find out the small letters for A-H and write the small letters next to the big letters on your book.

    (Ask one student to write the letters on the blackboard.)

    (Textbook Starter P5 1a)

    T: Lets check the answers together.

    (The students say the answers and the teacher checks the letters on the blackboard.)


    Step III New letters

    ①Present the New letters I-R

    T: Look at the picture again. Do you know the names of other letters? Who can try?

    (Some students try to name them.)

    S1: J, L.

    S2: I.

    T: Very good. This is “I”. Read after me, “I”.

    Ss: “I”.

    (Show the letter cards and teach the letters one by one.)

    (Write the letter “Ii ”on the blackboard. Teach how to write big letter and small letter. The students read and write. Then teach the other letters“ Jj,Kk,Ll,Mm,Nn,Oo,Pp, Qq,Rr” in the same way.)


    ②Practice the letters.

    T: The letters are not arranged alphabetically. Please put them in order.

    (Ask one student to come to the blackboard to put the letters in order, the others do this with the partner.)

    (Give the students letter cards before class.)


    Step IV New words

    ①Present the new words.

    T: My good friend Helen has a big room. And this is a picture of her room.

    (Draw a picture of a room with the things around us on the blackboard before class.)

    T: There are many things in it. Today I bring some things here.

    T: Whats this in English?

    (Hold a pen.)

    Ss: It is a pen.

    T: Yes, its a pen. Read after me, P-E-N, pen.

    Ss: P-E-N, pen.

    T: This is an orange. Read after me, O-R-A-N-G-E, orange.

    Ss: O-R-A-N-G-E, orange.

    T: Orange, the first letter is “O”. Its an orange.

    (Teach the other words “map, key, jacket, ruler, cup, quilt”in the same way.)


    ②Practice the new words.

    (1) Read the words

    T: Read the new words after me. Map.

    Ss: Map, map, map.

    (2)Task One:Match the pictures with the words

    T: Now take out the pictures and the word list. Work in groups of four. Put the picture next to the word.

    T: Who can help me to finish it on the blackboard?

    (Students put the pictures next to the words by working in a group. When they finish, they put up the paper on the blackboard. Ask one student to come to the blackboard to do it.)

    (Give the students some pictures and a word list before class.)


    (3)Task Two:Write down the words according to the pictures

    T: Please pay attention to how to spell them. Then I am going to wipe the words off the blackboard.

    (The students try to memorize how to spell the words.)

    T: Please take out the pictures and try to write down the words next to the pictures.

    (Ask one student to come to the blackboard to write down the words and the others write on the paper.)

    (Give the students a piece of paper with the pictures.)

    T: Now lets check the answer. Who is right? Who is wrong?

    S1: I made mistakes in spelling “quilt”.

    T: Please spell it.

    S1: Q-U-I-L-T.

    (Check the answers and share the mistakes.)


    Step V Drills

    ①Present the drill “Whats this in English?”

    T: Look at the picture of Helens room. Whats this in English? Its a pen. And whats this in English?

    (Stand next to the picture and point at the things.)

    S1: Its a ruler.

    T: Whats this in English? Its an orange. And whats this?

    S2: Its a map.

    T: If the things are close to us, we want to know the name of the things in English, we can ask “Whats this in English?” and use the drill “Its a/an ...” to answer it.

    (Write “Whats this in English? Its a/an...” on the blackboard.)

    ② Practice this drill with your school things in pairs.

    S1: Whats this in English?

    S2: Its a/an...

    S3: Whats this in English?

    S4: Its a/an...

    ③Present the drill “Whats that in English?”

    T: Look at the picture of Helens room. Whats that in English? Its a pen. And whats that in English?

    (Stand far away from the picture and point to the things.)

    Ss: Its a map.

    T: If the things are far away from us. We can ask “Whats that in English?” and use the drill “Its a/an...” to answer it.

    (Write “Whats that in English? Its a/an...” on the blackboard.)

    ④Practice the drill by chain work in the group.

    S1: Whats that in English?

    S2: Its a ...And whats that in English?

    S3: Its a...And whats that in English?

    S4: Its a ...


    Step VI Summary

    (Let the students sum up what they learned in this class.)

    T: What have we learnt today?

    S1: The letters from Ii to Rr.

    S2: The new words.

    S3: How to ask the names of things in English.


    Step VII Sing a song

    T: Lets sing the alphabet song together.


    Step VIII Homework

    Draw a picture of your ideal room and say the names of the things in the room.(略)


    本节课为Go for it! Starter Unit 2,是三个预备单元中的第二个单元。大多数学生刚刚接触英语,对新事物充满好奇,学习的主动性大部分取决于兴趣。我认为要培养学生的学习兴趣就要创造一个和谐融洽的师生关系,轻松愉快的学习环境,采用灵活多变的教学方法,让学生在做中学,学中用,从而激发学习兴趣,学得主动,学得有效显得尤为重要。因此在本节课的教学中,为了培养学生的学习兴趣,激发学习热情,采取了如下几种方式:





    教学语言是师生双方传递信息和交流思想的载体,亲切感人的教学语言能保持学生积极顺畅的学习。当学生能流利地回答问题时,用“Very good!”并用辅助手势“V”表示高兴;当学生能以正确的方式表达时,可用“Right!”或“You do very well!”来表明态度;当学生举棋不定的时候,用“Believe yourself. Dont worry about making mistakes!”来激励。当他们回答完毕时,一定要用“Thank you very much! You are very brave!”等来赞美学生。这样尽可能地让每一个学生都有机会,尽力多鼓励和赞扬他们,让他们在愉快的心情下上完一堂课,就会很好地掌握和记住课堂所学内容。





    在本节课中,充分准备了四类教具(房间图片、字母卡片实物、学生用图和单词单),并且每类教具都用了不止一次。例如在黑板上画的图,在讲字母时,用它来承上启下。既复习了Aa-Hh, 又引出了本节课新学的字母Ii-Rr。同时导入新单词时也利用了这张图,导入语Everyone has his own room. I have a good friend Linda. This is a picture of her room. There are a lot of things in it. Today I brought some here. 这张图起了两次作用,自然地把学生的关注点从图片引到了具体的实物上。当教师把课前充分准备好的尺子、钥匙、地图、橘子、 被子等拿出来时,学生一下就感兴趣起来。并且这些实物也用在了学生表演对话上,使他们的表演大方自然有热情。字母卡使用三次,让学生看字母发音,掌握书写顺序,并且用它们在黑板上排序,熟记所学字母在字母表中的顺序。








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