标题 | Unit 2 How often do you exercise?Section B 3a—3c教学实录与评析 |
范文 | 孙绍恒 孙黎 【本节课选自人教版义务教育课程标准实验教科书《英语》(新目标)八年级上册。】 一、教学内容与分析 本单元话题是业余活动,Section B部分是进一步拓展Section A的话题,从谈论“课余活动”过渡到“日常饮食和其他生活习惯”。本节课是进行综合性写作训练,课文中包括三个活动,内容环环相扣,层层递进,对学生的语言运用提出更高的要求。3a属于控制性写作练习,让学生根据表格信息补全范文,帮助学生巩固和积累有关学生课外活动的词汇和句子结构。3b让学生运用表格整理信息,3c让学生仿照范文,利用所整理的信息写一篇关于自己生活习惯的报告。教师在教学时应遵循“示范——规划——写作”的过程,既可以有效辅助写作,又能提升学生的写作质量和乐趣,这比直接进入写作环节、写后立即评价更有意义。 二、教学目标 1.语言知识目标: (1)学习并掌握本节课的重点词汇:dentist, magazine, however, than, more than. (2)正确使用下列与频率相关的知识,例如:hardly ever, often, never, every day, twice a week等写一篇关于习惯的报告。 2.语言技能目标:遵循“学习示范——信息规划——模仿写作”的过程写关于习惯的报告。 3.学习策略:学习观察和利用统计图表来写一份关于习惯的报告。 4.情感态度与价值观:让学生树立正确的日常活动态度,身心健康发展,从而养成良好的生活习惯。 5.文化意识:了解国外中学生常见的业余活动。 三、教学重难点 教学重点:正确使用频度副词及谈论频度的句型来写一篇关于习惯的报告,学生可以自然流畅地谈论日常活动和频率。 教学难点:学生可以使用所学语言有效地描述和写下他们的习惯。 四、教学步骤: Step I. Leading-in T:Here are some pictures, look at this one, what is he doing? S1:He is doing exercise. T:How often do you exercise? S1:I do exercise every day. T:Oh, I think you have a good habit. T:What is the girl doing? S2:She is eating junk food. T:How often do you eat junk food? S2:I usually eat junk food. T:Oh, I think you have a bad habit. Eating junk food every day is a bad habit, exercising is a good habit. What about your good and bad habits? Today lets learn how to write a report about our good habits and bad habits. Lets learn Unit 2 How often do you exercise? Section B 3a—3c. 【設计说明】通过与学生进行问答,引入本课话题,激发学生对本节课的学习兴趣。 Step II. 3a T:First, Lets look at the chart about Jane. Find out the activities in it. (图略。) T:Put these activities into the correct parts:study, health, eating habits, fun and others. (Students write down these activities into the correct parts, choose students to show their answers at the same time.) T:Add some more activities in each part. Do it one by one.(Students show the activities that they add one by one.) T:Look at the chart about Jane again. Jane exercises 365 days a year. So we can say Jane always exercises or she exercises every day. What about others? Describe Janes activities one by one.(Ask students to describe the activities about Jane one by one.) S1:Jane always reads books. S2:Jane usually watches TV for over 2 hours. S3:Jane often drinks juice. S4:Jane sometimes eats hamburgers. T:Lets look at the report about Jane. Fill in the blanks by using these adverbs of frequency according to the information in the chart. T:OK, lets check your answers.(Ask students to fill in the blanks, then let them show their answers.) 【設计说明】通过完成3a的活动进一步练习频度副词,同时为学生讲解新单词。 T:Just now we described Janes activities using the adverbs of frequency. Look at the chart, can you add some more.(Show students the chart, and then ask students to add some more in the chart below.) 【设计说明】让学生根据3a中的表格将活动归类,并根据种类的不同再额外添加一些相关活动。紧接着让学生再次根据3a表格用频度副词造句来描述Jane的活动,然后根据老师所给的表格将其他与频率相关的信息总结出来。通过以上活动让学生对与描述习惯相关的活动及频度副词归纳、总结、加深印象,为写好作文做好铺垫。 T:Here is a new chart,lets write down good habits or bad habits from the chart in 3a in the correct columns.(Students write out the activities about good habits and bad habits according to the chart in 3a.) T:Why do you think studying up late is a good habit? S:Because Jane hardly ever studies up late. T:Now we can know good habits and bad habits are not fixed. Different frequency of activities lead to good habits or bad habits. 【设计说明】通过这一环节,让学生知道好习惯和坏习惯不是一成不变的,而是根据所做活动频率的变化而进行相应的变化,并让学生在写作文时注意使用正确的频度副词去描述自己的习惯。 T:Look at the article again, what kind of article is it? S:Its a report. T:If we want to write a report about our good habits and bad habits like this, how can we do it? 【设计说明】利用3a文章的分析将学生的注意力引入到如何写有关本节课话题的作文上。 Step III. Pre-writing T:When we write the report about ourselves, we should pay attention to three parts. They are the opening, the body and the ending. T:Look at the opening first. We can put it into two parts. The first part is the topic, the second part is the introduction. You can use these structures to write your opening. Look at the topic sentences, who can read them? S:Everyone has his own habits. T:Look at the structures that we can use in your report. Who can read them? S:I always/ usually ... do ... T:Write down at least three sentences on your paper. (Ask students to write down their own beginning on the paper.) T:Please show your opening. T:When we write the body of the report, we can put it into two parts, good habits and bad habits. Look at the report about Jane, What are the blue sentences about? S:They are about Janes good habits. T:Look at these sentences, when we write about our good habits, we should write down the topic sentence first. For example, I have some/ a lot of good habits. (Here are my good habits.). Then we could use these sentence structures. For example, I always/ usually... do... (I do... every day/ once a week...) T:Write down the topic sentence and your good habits. T:After we write down our good habits, we can use the word, “However”, to lead to bad habits. T:Look at these sentences, what are they about? S:They are about Janes bad habits. T:When we write about our bad habits, we should write down the topic sentences first. For example, I have some/ a few/ several bad habits, too. And then we could write about them according to these sentence structures. For example, I always/ usually... do... (I do... every day/ once a week…) T:Write down the topic sentence and your bad habits. T:Look, here is the beginning, this is the body, and is there an ending? S:No! T:There is no ending in this report. In the ending, we usually express our opinions about habits, lets read them together to remember them. T:Write down your own ending. T:Here are some linking words, lets fill them in the blanks. T:Here are some other linking words for you, they can make your composition more logical. You can use them in your composition. T:Now look at the mind map about habits. Lets review together. You can remember it to write your own report about habits. Do you want to have a try? 【設计说明】为学生呈现出文章的结构支架:开头、正文、结尾,并同时为学生呈现出所需要的语言及句子结构的框架,让学生们从中选出自己最喜欢的语言及结构并记录下来,最后为学生展示连接词在文章中的作用,并给学生呈现出更多的连接词。通过以上活动使学生掌握文章的结构支架、内容支架及语言支架,使学生写的作文能够条理清晰、语言准确、内容完整。 Step IV. Writing strategy T:Now it is your turn to write a report about your habits. Who can read it for us ? T:Before you write your report,pay attention to the writing strategies:“Three analyzes,three lists,three checks”. 【设计说明】通过写作策略的讲解,让学生将所学的知识又进行了一次巩固与复习,并可以使学生通过运用三审、三列、三查的写作策略将自己所要写的文章梳理的更清晰,避免缺少要素,避免出现不必要的错误,起到了写作前对自己所要写的内容的又一次审查的效果。 Step V. While-writing T:Before writing, we need to know the standard of the composition. Look at it. T:Now it is your writing time. You can connect your beginning and body with ending. Dont forget to use linking words. Lets begin.(Students write their own reports using the knowledge they have learned in this class.) 【设计说明】让学生了解作文的评分标准,使学生在写作文时能够准确地把握住得分的要点,最终能获得更满意的分数。 Step VI. Post-writing T:Who can show us your report?(Choose2 or 3studntes to show their reports, and then check them.) 【设计说明】展示学生作文,并进行批阅,让学生能够更直接地了解自己所写作文的不足之处,及作文所处的层级。 Step V. Summary and homework T:What have we learned today? S:We learned how to write a report about our good and bad habits. T:Todays homework:Write a report about your fathers or mothers good habits and bad habits. 【设计说明】总结本节课所学内容,通过作业达到复习和为下节课做好铺垫的目的。 写作是初中英语教学中的重点,在初中英语写作课教学过程中,很多学生都谈写色变,这为英语写作教学增添了很多阻力,为此,能够找准写作课的教学模式和教学策略就显得至为重要。本节课,孙老师熟练运用支架式写作教学模式,通过巧妙搭建各种“支架”,帮助学生生成新的、个性化的习作,完美地诠释了写作教学的本质——搭设符合学生最近发展区的写作支架,静待花开。 1.巧用3a构建结构支架和内容支架 在结构支架和内容支架的梳理上,教师根据教材安排的“示范—规划—写作”形式授课,先用多媒体的方式将3a表格内容展现在学生面前,引导学生开展简单的口语交流活动,帮助他们熟悉表格内容,并运用学习过的观察和利用统计图的相关知识,让学生对与描述习惯相关的活动及频度副词归纳、总结、加深印象。最重要的一点就是,通过分析文章内容,为学生搭建出关于习惯这一话题写作的结构支架和内容支架,即文章需要分成beginning (开头)、body (正文) 和ending (结尾) 三部分结构。其中开头部分具体需要使用topic sentence和introduction来引出话题,正文部分主要介绍两部分相对的好习惯和坏习惯,结尾部分通过阐述自己的关于好坏习惯的观点进行结尾,升华文章内容。 2.步步为营梳理语言支架 相对于结构支架和内容支架而言,写作教学中语言支架的整理和练习经常是授课教师在教学中最容易缺失的环节。然而,这一部分支架的搭建其实是学生写作成败与否的关键所在。大多数学生欠缺的恰好就是找不到正确的且优美的语言输出要写的内容。孙老师在语言支架的搭建上下了很大的功夫,在每一部分内容书写上,孙老师都为学生找到了适合的语言支架,这些支架不仅仅是一个简单的句子,而是多个适合不同层次学生选择的句子结构类型,学生可以在自己能力范围之内选择合适的句子用到自己的作文中。教师在学生生成个性化,多样化的文章方面下足了功夫。 3.细化要点搭建评价支架 学生写作的目的除了培養综合语言运用能力之外,也脱离不了考试分数的控制,一节写作课的好坏离不了相应的评价机制。孙老师在写作课过程中为学生梳理了几个方面的写作支架,而且在写作之前还和学生一起确定了写作的采分点。更重要的是,在学生写作之后,依据所确定的采分点以投影展示的形式和学生一起分析评价学生写作的内容,让学生通过直观的模式了解怎样书写,什么样的文章才能得到更高的分数,让学生为今后写作能力的提高打下了坚实的基础。 孙老师引导学生分析示例文章的体裁、写作内容以及结构框架,为学生积累了大量的词汇、短语和句型,内容由浅入深,条例清晰,做到了人人会写,人人能写。孙老师的教学设计科学、合理,他设计的学案犹如导航图一般一步一步引领学生完成写作的构思,既注重教材,又对教材进行了合理化的整合及拓展。尤其在写作支架的搭设中,一步一步踏实进行,讲完一部分,口头练习这部分,笔头再巩固这部分,真正做到了行之有效,高效并实效地完成了既定的教学任务,并得到了超出预想的教学效果。相信随着支架式写作教学模式的不断完善和教师创新意识的不断发展,学生的写作能力会逐渐提升,也会真正达到综合语言运用能力的不断提高。 编辑/傅? ? 戈 E-mail:[email protected] |
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