标题 | Goodbye and good luck |
范文 | When it comes to rituals, what comes into your mind? The shiny wedding dress? The oath taken when joining the Party? The excited faces at graduation ceremonies? Best wishes given to loved ones at Spring Festival? The award certificates granted at the annual celebration? These rituals are landmarks that show the path of our life and the places where we have been. I am in my second year of senior high school. Im always deeply impressed by the smiles, tears and hugs when parents wave goodbye to their children who are beginning their new life at college. It is a ritual described by poets as “to see you go farther and farther and watch you grow up bit by bit”. It is a ritual of great significance both to parents and their children. When young people start their college life, they will no longer be kids, who used to live under parents protection and care. They have to turn themselves into truly independent individuals, who are stepping into a bigger world, thus having to fight their way for a bright future on their own. Meanwhile, to parents, sending children to college also means great changes in life, where they need to get accustomed to a house with no kids around it. But kids used to be a big part, if not all, of their life. Just as Long Yingtai, a famous woman writer, has said, “Gradually, I realize that the parents and children relationship only means that you are destined to see him walking away further and further. You stand on this side of the road, and see his figure gradually disappearing at the crossing, and the back shadow of his figure tells you this silently: never chase forward.” So the farewell between the parents and the college students-to-be is a ritual signifying a new life of change, growth, responsibility and maturity. It is both bitter and sweet. I look forward to it. 譯文: 当谈到仪式时,你会想到什么?闪亮的婚纱?入党时的誓言?毕业典礼上兴奋的面孔?春节给亲人们最好的祝福?年度庆典颁发的奖状? 这些仪式标志着我们的生活道路和我们曾经去过的地方。我正在读高二,每当看到一些父母与在大学开始新生活的孩子们挥手告别时,他们的微笑、泪水和拥抱会深深地印在我的脑海。这应该是被诗人描述的一种仪式:“看着你走得越来越远,看着你一点一点长大”,所以,对父母和他们的孩子来说,这是一种非常重要的仪式。 同时,对于父母来说,送孩子上大学也意味着生活中的巨大变化,他们需要习惯一个没有孩子的家,虽然孩子曾经是他们生活中的一个重要部分。正如著名女作家龙应台所说:“我慢慢地、慢慢地了解到,所谓父女母子一场,只不过意味着,你和他的缘分就是今生今世不断地在目送他的背影渐行渐远。你站立在小路的这一端,看着他逐渐消失在小路转弯的地方,而且,他用背影告诉你:不必追。”因此,父母和即将上大学的孩子之间的告别是一种仪式,象征着一种变化、成长、责任和成熟的新生活。它既苦又甜,我期待着它。 【作者简介】王雪汀,包头市九中高二四班,指导教师:苗丽娟,包头市九中。 |
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