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标题 微观赏析十八大、十九大报告英译文
范文 【摘要】随着中国国际地位的提升,越来越多的外国人开始听中国故事。十九大报告的英译文也是我国史上第一次邀请外籍翻译专家团队共同完成的。本文通过对比分析十八大、十九大报告的中英双语译文,从词汇、句法层面方面探讨政论文的新式表达及其翻译策略与技巧。研究发现:虽两个报告的词汇表达都丰富多彩,但十九大报告英译文的词汇表达更与时俱进,更加地道,能更好地向外国读者讲好中国故事,传播中国思想。
We must fully and faithfully implement the principle of “one country, twosystems,” under which the people of Hong Kong govern Hong Kong and the people of Macao govern Macao and both regions enjoy a high degree of autonomy.(十八大)
It isimperative tofully and faithfully implement the policies of “one country, twosystems,” “the people of Hong Kong governing Hong Kong,” “the people ofMacao governing Macao,” and a high degree of autonomy for both regions.(十九大)
很明顯能够看到“港人治港”、“澳人治澳”和“高度自治”这三个中国特色词汇已重新修正。其次我们发现三个“方针”,十八大报告用principle来表达,而十九大报告选用policies,其意思是原则:a rule or a theory that sth is based on;policy的意思是政策方针:a way of doing something that has been officially agreed and chosen by a politicalparty, or another organization.显然十九大报告英译文的表述更精准。
Train participants of and successors to the socialist cause who develop morally, intellectually, physically and aesthetically. We should provide well-rounded education for all students.(十八大)
Nurture a new generation of capable young people who have a good andall-roundmoral, intellectual, physical, and aesthetical grounding and arewell-prepared to join the socialist cause.(十九大)
十八大报告英译文用train来表达“培养,train的意思是培训训练。培训也有短期的培训。而nurture的意思是to feed and take care of a child or a plant while it is growing,表明培养德智体美全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人要从小孩子开始培养,是长期教育。更好地响应我国教育方针,更贴切表达我国教育方针的内涵。
We should deepen reform of the system for managing science and technology. we should establish a system of technological innovation in which enterprises play the leading role, the market points the way, and enterprises, universities and research institutes work together.(十八大)
We will further reform the managementsystem for science and technology, develop a market-oriented system fortechnological innovation in which enterprises are the main players and synergy iscreated through the joint efforts of enterprises, universities, and research institutes.(十九大)
will的意思是意愿:used to show that someone is willing or ready to do something;should的意思是应该:used to say what is the right or sensible thing to do.两个表达的程度并不一样。且十八大报告英译文中出现了420个should,而十九大报告英译文只出现了97个should。并且法律文本的英译文中的should和will有严格区别。足以可见,十九大报告的英译文更讲求准确性,又讲求受众性。此外,市场为导向,十九大报告英译文用market-oriented更简洁。产学研相结,十九大报告英译文增加了synergy一词,其意思是the extra energy, power, success that is achieved by two or more people or companies working together, instead of on their own.表露出产、学、研相结合的成功意义之巨大。而十八大报告就没有表达出这番意义。
Uphold peoples right to stay informed about, participate in, express views on, and oversee Party and government operations.(十八大)
Ensure the peoples rights to be informed, to participate, to be heard, and tooversee.(十九大)
十九大報告英译文的不定式结构更加整齐。“保障”一词,十八大用uphold,其意思是支持:to defend or support a law, system, or principle so that it continues to exist. 而十九大用ensure,其意思是保障:to make certain that something will happen properly.因此,十九大报告英译文的选词更精细。
We should make laws in a scientific way, enforce them strictly, administer justice impartially, and ensure that everyone abides by the law.(十八大)
We must promote the rule of law and work to ensure sound lawmaking, strict law enforcement, impartial administration of justice, and the observance of law by everyone.(十九大)
十八大报告英译文的结构看起来更整齐简洁。但仔细推敲“科学立法”的英译:make laws in a scientific way易让人误解。scientific的意思是used to describe things that relate to science or to a particular science.易使他人理解为运用有关科学的某种方式立法(电脑编辑而成)。而十九大报告巧妙采用词性转换的翻译技巧,将“立法”、“执法”、“司法”、“守法”转化为名词,表达灵活。且法律是严肃的,是每个公民必须遵守的。所以这句话的英译中,使用情态动词must比should更恰当。
[6]Full text of Xi Jinping's report at 19th CPC National Congress from Xinhua[OL].,2017,11,03.




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