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标题 How Much Do You Know aboutRespiratory Diseases Like COVID-19 and Flu?



    COVID-19 is a 1)respiratory diseasecaused by a novel(new) 2)coronavirus thatwas first detected in Wuhan City, HubeiProvince, China.On February 11, 2020,the WHO (World Health Organization)named the disease coronavirus disease2019 (abbreviated "COVID-19").Early on, many of the patients in theCOVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan had some link to a large seafood and liveanimal market, suggesting animal-to-person spread.Later, a growing numberof patients reportedly did not have 3)exposure to animal markets, confirmingperson-to-person spread.

    Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are common in manydifferent species of animals, including camels, cattle, cats, and bats.Rarely,animal coronaviruses can infect people and then spread between peoplesuch as with MER-CoV, SARS-Coy and now with this new virus.

    COVID-19 illness have ranged from mild 4)symptoms to severe illnessand death.Symptoms can include fever, cough and shortness of breath.Thesymptoms of COVID-19 can appear in as few as 2 days or as long as 14 daysafter exposure.But rarely reported patients be confirm infected COVID-19more than 14 days after exposure.The reason is unknown.

    COVID-19 caused 37,198 confirmed cases, including 811 deaths inChinese mainland, according to NHC (the National Health Commission) ofthe PRC.


    1) respiratory [r?'sp?r?tri]adj.呼吸的

    2) coronavirus [k?,r??n?'vai?r?s]n.冠状病毒

    3) exposure [ik'sp???3?(r)]n.暴露,曝光

    4) symptom ['s?mpt?m]n.(临床)症状,征兆疾病,首个病例在中国湖北省武汉市确诊。2020年2月11日,世界卫生组织将这种疾病命名为冠状病毒疾病2019(简称为COVID-19)。起初,新冠肺炎暴发的患者多与武汉一处大型海鲜与活物农贸市场有关,所以认为该疾病为动物传人。随后,报告出现了大量与农贸市场无关病例,由此确定该疾病存在人传人特性。




    Flu (influenza) is a disease caused by virus infecting therespiratory tract.It is very common respiratory illness causedby influenza viruses.It can cause mild to severe illness.Serious outcomes of flu infection can result in hospitalizationor death.Flu symptoms usually come on suddenly insteadof slowly developing and are characterized by 5)chills, bodyaches, 6)fatigue and a headache.Sometimes those are sick can also have a cough andsome people also get a fever.

    Flu spreads easily through coughing, 7)sneezing or talking, because it transmittedthrough 8)airborne exposure.It may be preventable by 9)vaccine, so CDC (Centers forDisease Control and Prevention) of US calls on that everyone 6 months and older needsa flu vaccine each year.

    Worldwide, the flu causes up to 5 million cases of severe illness worldwide and killup t0 650,000 people every year, according to the WHO.

    There were already 26 million illnesses in US inthis flu season, including 14,000 deaths, according tothe CDC "2019-2020 preliminary in-season flu burden

    5) chill [t??l]n,寒冷

    6) fatigue [f?'ti:g]n.疲勞,疲乏

    7) sneeze [sni:z]v.打喷嚏

    8) airborne ['e?b?:n] adj.空气传播的

    9) vaccine ['v?ksi:n]n.疫苗estimates", which based on data from Oct.1, 2019 through Feb.8, 2020.





    SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) first appeared in China inNovember 2002, was recognized at the end of February 2003.

    SARS-CoV is an airborne virus, which means it's spread in a similar way to coldsand flu.The virus is spread in small 10)droplets of saliva coughed or sneezed into the airby an infected person.

    SARS is spread to 26 countries, 11)sickening 8,422 people and killing 919, accordingto the WHO.Since 2004, unknow transmission ofSARS has been reported.

    10) droplet ['dr?pl?t]n.小滴

    11) sicken ['s?k?n]v.使生病








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