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单词 defect
释义 defect nounadjective | verb + defect | preposition adjective➤fundamental, major, obvious, serious, severe根本的缺陷;重大的缺陷;明显的缺陷;严重的缺陷◆a fundamental defect in the product这种产品的根本缺陷➤mild, minor, slight, small小毛病;轻微的瑕疵;小缺陷◆goods with slight defects are sold at half price.有轻微瑕疵的货品以半价出售。◆the child had a mild heart defect.这个小孩有轻微的心脏缺陷。➤construction, manufacturing, mechanical, structural建筑/制造/机械/结构缺陷▸➤birth, congenital, genetic出生/先天/遗传缺陷◆all lambs are checked for birth defects when they are born.所有羔羊出生时都要检查是否有先天缺陷。➤developmental, physical, visual发育/身体/视觉缺陷➤sight, speech视力/言语缺陷➤eye, heart眼部/心脏缺陷▸➤character性格缺陷verb + defect➤contain, have, suffer from有缺陷;受缺陷所害◆the book contains serious defects.这本书有严重的缺陷。◆he has a congenital heart defect.他有先天性心脏缺陷。➤show显示缺陷◆the photograph shows slight defects due to age.这张照片因为年代久远而略有瑕疵。➤find, identify, observe发现/识别/观察到缺陷◆the inspector found defects in the aircraft's construction.检查员发现这架飞机在构造上有缺陷。➤cause, induce, produce引起/诱发/产生缺陷◆there is evidence that air pollution can cause birth defects.有证据证明空气污染能导致出生缺陷。➤prevent防止缺陷▸➤correct, cure, remedy, repair纠正/矫正/弥补/修复缺陷◆this is a physical defect that cannot be cured.这种身体缺陷是无法治愈的。◆the builders agreed to remedy the structural defects.建筑商答应纠正结构上的缺陷。preposition➤defect in⋯方面的缺陷◆major defects in the education system教育体制的重大缺陷➤defect of⋯的缺陷◆a defect of her character她性格上的缺陷 defect noun /diːfekt; dɪfekt/ [countable] a fault in sth or in the way it has been made which means that it is not perfect 缺点;缺陷;毛病◆engineers found several defects in the design of the vehicle. 工程师发现了汽车设计中的一些缺陷。◆the factory has a defect rate of 1 per 4 engines produced. 这家工厂每生产 4 台引擎会有 1 台有缺陷。⨁ an important / a major / minor / serious / slight defect重要的/主要的/次要的/严重的/轻微的缺陷 ⨁ a design / mechanical / safety / structural defect设计/机械/安全/结构缺陷 latent defect ◇ zero defects defect verb /dɪfekt/ [intransitive] stop using a particular supplier, product, etc. and use a competing one 投奔(竞争对手)◆many of their customers defected to rival firms. 他们的许多顾客转投竞争对手公司。 leave an employer, political party, etc. to join another that is considered to be a competitor or enemy 跳槽;背叛;叛变;投敌◆several presenters have defected from radio to tv. 好几位主持人已经从广播电台跳槽到了电视台。 ▸ defection /dɪfekʃn/ noun [uncountable, countable] ◆the defection of business travellers to low-fare airlines 商务旅行者转向光顾低价航空公司 ▸ defector noun [countable]☞ defect☞ defect defect noundefect ♦︎ fault ♦︎ flaw ♦︎ virus ♦︎ bug ♦︎ glitch ♦︎ imperfectionthese are all words for sth that is wrong with sth or in the way it has been made, which means it is not perfect or does not work properly.这些词均表示缺陷、瑕疵、毛病。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a defect / a fault / a flaw / a virus / a bug / a glitch / an imperfection in sth◆a small / minor defect / fault / flaw / bug / glitch / imperfection◆a major / serious defect / fault / flaw◆a temporary fault / flaw / glitch◆a technical / mechanical defect / fault / flaw / glitch◆a structural / design defect / fault / flaw◆a computer / software fault / virus / bug / glitch◆to have a defect / a fault / a flaw / a virus / a bug / a glitch / an imperfection◆to detect a defect / fault / flaw / virus◆to look for / discover a defect / fault / flaw / bug◆to identify / correct a defect / fault / flaw■ defect /diːfekt, dɪfekt-->/ [countable] something that is wrong with a machine, system or part of the body, which means that it is not perfect or unable to work properly(机器、系统或身体部位的)缺陷,瑕疵,毛病◆the manufacturer is responsible for any defects that may cause damage.生产商对产品可能造成损坏的任何瑕疵都负有责任。◆vulnerable people are going short of money because of defects in the payment system.因为支付系统的缺陷,依赖支付系统的人渐感手头吃紧。◆the drug is widely known to cause birth defects.众所周知,这种药会导致胎儿先天缺陷。 ➡ see also defective → wrong 2 ■ fault [countable] something that is wrong with sth that has been made or created such as a machine or system, which means that it is not perfect or unable to work properly(机器或系统等的)缺陷,毛病,故障◆the book's virtues far outweigh its faults.这本书的优点远远大于其不足。◆there seemed to be some fault with the cooling system.制冷系统好像出了点毛病。◆the healthcare system, for all its faults, is far better than ever before.这个医疗体系虽然有不少缺点,但比过去好多了。◆the fire was caused by an electrical fault.这次火灾是电路故障引起的。◆if a fault develops in the equipment, you can call us 24 hours a day.如果设备出了故障,你 24 小时都可以打电话找我们。 ➡ see also faulty → wrong 2 note 辨析 defect or fault?in many cases you can use either word.在许多情况下这两个词可以通用◆a technical / mechanical / structural / design defect / fault技术/机械/结构/设计缺陷a fault can only exist in sth that has been made or created by people, but it can be permanent or temporary, can be present from the beginning or develop later. a defect can exist in part of the body, although it is always present from birth. * fault 仅存在于人制作或创造的事物中,可以是永久或暂时的,可以从一开始就存在或后来才出现。defect 可指先天的身体缺陷◆birth / congenital / genetic defects先天/遗传性缺陷◆birth/congenital/genetic faults a defect of any kind exists from the beginning and cannot develop later. it might be repaired, but will not just go away, and cannot be called 'temporary'.任何类型的 defect 都是从一开始就存在,不可能后来才出现。它有可能被弥补或修正,但不会自行消失,不能称之为“暂时的”◆if a defect develops in the equipment... ◆we're hoping this is just a temporary defect. ■ flaw [countable] a fault in sth that means that it is not correct or does not work properly错误;缺陷;毛病◆there are some very basic flaws in his argument.他的论点中有一些根本性的错误。◆engineers have detected serious design flaws.工程师已经检测出一些严重的设计缺陷。▸ flawed adjective◆a flawed argument有谬误的论点■ virus /vaɪrəs/ [countable] instructions that are deliberately hidden in a computer program and are designed to cause problems or destroy data in a computer system(计算机程序中的)病毒◆most viruses can only spread if you open an email attachment.大多数病毒只有在打开电子邮件附件时才会感染。◆my computer has caught some kind of virus, and it won't let me log on to the internet.我的计算机中了毒,不能上网了。◆anti-virus software (= software that finds and destroys viruses in a computer system) 杀毒软件■ bug [countable] (rather informal) a fault in a machine, especially in a computer program or system(机器)故障;(尤指计算机程序或系统的)缺陷,漏洞◆the latest software is full of bugs.这种最新软件有大量程序错误。◆my computer's really slow at the moment-it must be some kind of bug.我的计算机现在速度特别慢,一定是出了什么故障。■ glitch [countable] (informal) a small problem or fault that stops sth from working properly, especially for just a short time(尤指暂时性的)小故障,小毛病◆it was only a temporary glitch but it could have put people's lives in danger.这虽然是个暂时性的小毛病,但却可能威胁到人的生命。■ imperfection /ɪmpəfekʃn; name ɪmpərfekʃn/ [countable, uncountable] a small fault in sth, especially in the appearance of sth, that spoils it slightly and makes it less beautiful or perfect(尤指外表上的)小缺点,瑕疵◆the only slight imperfection in the painting is a scratch in the corner.这幅油画唯一的小瑕疵是边角上有道划痕。◆nature is full of imperfection.大自然充满了不完美之处。 ➡ see also blemish → mark ▸ imperfect adjective◆all our sale items are slightly imperfect.我们所有的特价商品都略有瑕疵。defect /diːfekt, dɪfekt/ [countable] something that is wrong with a machine, system or part of the body, which means that it is not perfect or unable to work properly(机器、系统或身体部位的)缺陷,瑕疵,毛病◆the manufacturer is responsible for any defects that may cause damage.生产商对产品可能造成损坏的任何瑕疵都负有责任。◆vulnerable people are going short of money because of defects in the payment system.因为支付系统的缺陷,依赖支付系统的人渐感手头吃紧。◆the drug is widely known to cause birth defects.众所周知,这种药会导致胎儿先天缺陷。 ➡ see also defective → wrong 2 defect¹/ˈdi:fekt ||; ˈdifɛkt/noun [c] sth that is wrong with or missing from sb/sth 毛病;缺点;缺陷: ◇a speech defect 言语缺陷◇defects in the education system 教育制度的缺点 ➔defective /dɪˈfektɪv ||; dɪˈfɛktɪv/ adj defect²/dɪˈfekt ||; dɪˈfɛkt/verb [i] to leave your country, a political party, etc and join one that is considered to be the enemy 叛国;变节;脱党 ➔defection noun [c,u] ➔defector noun [c] defectsee ⇨ fault 1☞ defect¹☞ defect²




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