标题 | Tolerance 海纳百川,有容乃大 |
范文 | 石榴 文明的意义除了不随地乱扔垃圾,还有善意与宽容,前者是表象,后者才是根本。宽容是人类文明进步的重要动力,人类文明因包容才有交流互鉴的动力。海纳百川,有容乃大。 What is tolerance? Tolerance is the 1)cultivation of understanding, consideration, andrespect for others, and it makes people become harmonious and friendly. Tolerance is akind of power, and it makes people have strong 2)cohesion and appeal so as to unite people.Tolerance is also an open-minded, healthy attitude to life, a 3)virtue to shock the soul, whichcan conquer the hearts of people, win the respect and love of others. Victor Hugo, a french writer, once said, "There is a 4) prospect greater than the sea, andit is the sky; there is a prospect greater than the sky, and it is the human soul." Didn't he justtell us that people should have a broad mind? Tolerance will 5) eliminate misunderstandingbetween persons like sunshine in winter. Tolerance is a lighthouse in the night, so that thelost can find their direction. Tolerance is also the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel.Tolerance is 6)mutual. You forgive others, in return, others will understand and forgive you,so society will become more harmonious! lf you are patient in one moment ofanger, you will escape a hundred days of 1) cultivation [,kAlti'veifn]n.教養;栽培 2) cohesion [kav'hi:3n]n.疑聚 3) virtue ['V3:tfu]n.美德 4) prospect ['prDspekt]n.前景;景象 5) eliminate [l'limineit]v.消除 6) mutual ['mju:tfual] adj.相互的sorrow. In the present, building a socialism harmonious society requires tolerance more.Tolerance is not only the magic weapon and the necessary requirement of harmonioussociety, but also the link of understanding between people and the bridge to communicateamong countries. In the era of competition, as long as everyone learns to tolerate, life willbe brighter and society will be full of more love, more warmth and more peace. Future willbe better, happier and more harmonious! In the fight against the novel coronavirus in 2020, even if China itself faces greatchallenges, and even if some countries 7)discriminate against China, China still supportsother countries regardless of the past. This is tolerance, this is China's broad mind,8)magnanimity and courage. It is our traditional teachings of Eastern Confucian culture, theprecious spiritual heritage left by our ancestors. We Chinese repay 9)grievances with virtue.Such China also wins the whole world people's respect and love from their heart. We oftensay, "Be severe with yourself and be lenient to others." Only we are tolerant enough, canwe have a good mood and a harmonious relationship and become confident and brave onthe road of life! The heart of tolerance is the foundation of happiness. Tolerance can turn hatredinto friendship and obstacles into motivation. To live happily, one must learn tolerance.Tolerance is like good medicine, reducing emotional trouble and making people live moreeasily and meaningfully. Having tolerance can make you have something that others cannot have. As the saying goes, "A prime ministers mind should be broad enough for polinga boat." It tells us we should treat people and things around us with a tolerant heart. Treatpeople with a lenient and kind heart, and we will also gain the trust, love and respect ofothers. A smile, a word from the heart or a pair of understanding eyes is enough to let usget truth, goodness and beauty. A tolerant man can be respected and loved. Why not do it? So let us accept others from our heart, understand other people's way of doing things,and respect the principles of others. Let us start with little things bit by bit, learn to tolerateand have a hearl of leniency. More tolerance, more trust, more love! 詞组加油站 regardless of bit by bit 不管,不顾 一点一滴;逐渐地 7) discriminate [di'skrimineit] v.歧视 8) magnanimity [,maegna'nimati]n.宽宏大量,大度 9) grievance ['gri:vans]n.不满,委屈 什么是宽容?宽容就是一种理解、体谅、尊重他人的修养,它让人与人之间变得和谐友好;宽容是一种力量,它使人产生强大的凝聚力和感染力,将人们团结在一起;宽容也是一种豁达的、健康的人生态度,更是一种震憾心灵的美德,它能征服人心,获得他人的敬重和爱戴。 法国作家维克多·雨果曾说:“世界上最宽阔的是海洋,比海洋更宽阔的是天空,比天空更宽阔的是人的胸怀。”他不就告诉我们人要有博大的胸怀吗?宽容,是一束冬日里的阳光,将误解融化,化干戈为玉帛;宽容,是一座黑夜中的灯塔,使迷途者找到方向;宽容也是你踩在脚下的紫罗兰,你一脚踩扁了它,可香气却留在了你的脚上。宽容是相互的,你宽容别人,别人也就会体谅并宽容你,这样社会才会变得更加和谐! 忍一时风平浪静,退一步海阔天空。放眼于现在,构建社会主义和谐社会,更需要宽容。宽容是和谐社会的法宝,是和谐社会的必然要求,是人与人之间理解的纽带,国与国之间沟通的桥梁。在这充满竞争的时代,只要人人都懂得宽容,人生就会海阔天空,社会就会多一份关爱和温暖,多一份安宁,这样人们的生活也将更加美好、和谐! 在2020年抗击新冠肺炎疫情的战斗中,即使中国自己仍然面临着巨大挑战,即使有些国家歧视中国,中国还是不计前嫌地对其他国家进行支援,这就是宽容,这就是中国的胸襟、气度和魄力,是我们东方儒家文化一贯的教诲,是我们老祖宗留下来的宝贵精神遗产,我们就是要“以德报怨”。这样的中国,也赢得了全天下人民发自内心的尊重和爱戴。我们常说:“严于律己,宽以待人。”只有我们的心灵足够包容,我们才能有舒畅的心情、和谐的人际关系,我们才能在人生道路上变得自信而勇敢! 宽容之心,开心之本。宽容可以将仇恨化为友情,将障碍化为动力。人想要活得开心,就必须学会宽容。宽容就像一剂良药,减少情绪的困扰,使人活得更加轻松、更加有意义。拥有宽容,能使你拥有别人所不能拥有的东西。俗话说:“宰相肚里能撑船。”我们以一颗宽容的心对待周围的人和事,以宽厚仁爱之心待人,这样我们自己也会获得别人的信任,爱戴和尊重。一个微笑,一句肺腑之言,一双善解人意的眼神足以让我们得到真、善、美。宽容者,人爱之敬之。何乐而不为? 所以让我们从心里接纳别人,理解别人的处事方法,尊重别人的处事原则,从小事做起,从点滴做起,学会宽容,拥有一颗海纳百川的心,多一份宽容,多一份信任,多一份友爱。 |
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