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标题 网络流行词语两则


     1. 傻傻分不清楚


    “傻”字本是贬义词,意为愚蠢、笨拙,后来被用于表达喜爱之情,尤其称爱人和孩子。另一方面,在流行语“傻傻分不清楚”中,“分不清”的含义弱化,成为调侃语。《人民日报》曾有文章说:“最近这些年,越来越多的楼盘、商场、酒店热衷起洋名,‘曼哈顿‘威尼斯到处都是,‘瑞士小镇‘加州广场‘爱丁堡‘阿讷西,让人傻傻分不清是干啥的。”2018年,这一说法还出现在《新民晚报》的一篇报道中,说苏州市网约车贴上了统一标志,不再让人“傻傻分不清楚”网约车和一般私家车。 Unable to Tell Whats What

    “Unable to tell whats what” is a phrase from the song Barbaric Game, which originally means unable to distinguish the tiger from the mouse. It refers to the fact that the pronunciation of the two Chinese characters hu(the tiger) and shu (the mouse) is sometimes difficult to distinguish. It also means that it is difficult for people in love to tell whether the other party is a fierce and powerful tiger or a weak and lovely mouse. The phrase of the song proves to be a hit in social network and a popular saying widely spread and used, often seen in various media, microblogs, forums, blogs, WeChat and post bars, mostly used to compare two similar persons or things, whose high similarity makes it difficult to distinguish. This is a bantering exaggeration used in the web.

    The Chinese character sha is a negative word meaning silly or foolish. Later it is also used to express affection, especially calling ones spouse or child. As a recent popular saying “cannot tell the difference between them”, its connotation is weakened to become a ridicule. The Peoples Daily carried an article which said that recently more and more businessmen became fond of naming their commercial buildings, markets, and hotels with foreign names like “Manhattan”, “Venice”. There were “Small Swiss Town”, “California Square”,“Edinburgh” and “Annecy”, making people hardly able to tell whats what. An article in Xinmin Evening News reported in 2018 that taxies of car-hailing service in Suzhou City have stuck unified mark on them, so people were no longer unable to tell them from common private cars. 2. 夸夸群



    “夸夸群”的贊美听起来很空洞,但一个人在受到陌生人称赞后会感到压力有所缓解,自尊心也会得到满足,会觉得“我能应付得了”。不过也有不少年轻人表示:没必要花这些钱,他们也不是真心在夸你。只有通过自己的努力获得别人真正的夸赞,才会找到自我价值感,得到社会认同。 Praising Group

    There has appeared a new service on the internet recently: praise someone in almost a crazy way. This service can be ordered to be sent to a third party or the person who orders it, thus to become a member of the praising group. All the customers will feel happy instantly. Not long after it becomes hot on the internet, some people “strike the iron while it is hot” and turned it into a business with clearly marked price. There are quite a number of such businesses. Generally, the price depends on the number of people to be praised and the duration. The contents of “praising”can be specifically stated, but remains the same despite all apparent differences. Members of the praising group are mostly outstanding college students and senior executives of companies. After adding the staff as WeChat friend, you will be dragged into a chatting group formed by many people. After telling your need, praises fawning on you would bombard you.

    When someone feels resentful or suffers from psychological pressure and wants to divert himself, he will soon be able to regain his confidence, get appeased and encouraged by some people he has not met before. However, as the endless reproduction becomes the fashion of the day, many of such praising groups have deviated from their original intention. Some people ask for praises from the group even when they dont have anything that is worthy of praising. Such people are really very vulgar. Some others have simply turned such groups into a tool to make money. The contents of praising service are often overlapping or even repeated many times. The job may have been done by robots rather than staff members. There will be a day when people who randomly ask for praising will lose their bearings in such fake praising.

    The praise by the “praising group” sounds vacuous, but praise from a stranger may ease up ones pressure as his self-respect gets satisfied. He would feel “I can cope with the situation”. But many young people say they neednt spend money in this way, and those people are by no means praising you. Real praise by other people can only be won through ones own hard working. Only in this way can you find the real sense of your own worth endorsed by society.





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